So if I notice a change in my compass as I move it to different locations over my bed, is it safe to say that there's, "A disturbance in the force?"

Great information/history as always. I almost didn't notice the anomalies in that star wars poster lol.

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Yes, I'm a big magnet :-) For instance, when I'm sitting on a bench in a park, every dog stops to get petted. I love it. But I'm also a magnet for "disturbed" people, which can be challenging!

I live on an energetically problematic property. Counting down the days when I can move.

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I have always been a dog magnet too. As is my son. Love them.

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Sep 16Edited

Thank you for a really interesting post. It really attracted me to the cymatics aspect. The behind the scenes really pulled me in and taught me a lot. The other topics you discussed were really nicely aligned too.

I'm skeptical by nature so all the claims of your post are easy to doubt, but I believe they are reasonable and make sense. Dousing has been something I haven't believed in since watching TV as a kid, but I can see how based on magnetism, a true douser might be able to make detections of water. I saw a douser debunked by James Randi once, so I have to look into that further.

Not happy about my box spring now. :(

From a construction point of view, I've long been in favor of a light steel girder frame and stone blocks vs. stick framing, but have wondered about electro/magnetic concerns. I wonder if grounding the frame would solve it?

Also, with the threat of EMPs and particularly EMP weapons, I've wondered if a home can be shielded in some way like grounded solid cladding or a faraday cage. If effective, not sure what that would do to magnetic fields in the home during the 99.9999999999% of the time there's no EMP. If you have the answers, an article from you on that would be really interesting.

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Sabrina Wallace. The most dangerous nerd in the world 💖

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Could you elaborate on that point? I'm just curious.

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Oh, it was just about Sabrina. Are her videos misleading? I've only seen a bit of her material which was quite interesting.

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