Thank you so much for conducting this interview, the thought put into production, content, and the delivery of another outstanding product with beneficial and relevant health information!!!

A majority of the populace are suffering at some level from the deleterious effects of dirty electricity. People are in the dark, accused of having psychosomatic symptoms, mental issues, and a host of other maladies.

Cleaning up the electrical energy should be a regulation that power/utility companies must be forced to comply with. Folks need electrical energy to fuel many devices and it can be done in a safe manner. If the cost is paid now, think of the future medical savings...not to mention the ethical price of doing no harm to your fellow man.

After doing some extensive research regarding Nicola Tesla, his use of very deep grounds (utilizing groundwater for conductance), and his transmission of power/data; listening to your podcast regarding the 1960's military use of large power into the earth... I saw the connection of Tesla's technology, the very experiments that he performed around the turn of the twentieth century and onwards (in tie) until his demise. Tesla didn't realize the health impact of his pulse DC wave and the subsequent deleterious health effects.

The Woodrow Wilson information was most enlightening and disturbing.

Please keep up with the hard work, dedication, persistence, sacrifice, and all of the other prices that you are paying to bring this great occult (meaning hidden) information to light. While there are benefits to the use of wireless energy/data transmission, there is also a tangible dark side to this technology.

Imagine if you will, a world that just unveiled a 5g network of wireless tower infrastructure, the mysterious release of an alleged lab engineered patented virus that was patented, one national superpower paying its' enemy to research said virus, the release of this virus into the public, testing for the virus by inaccurate test kits that produce more false positives than positives, a public that is manipulated to avoid one another through fear of transmitting the alleged virus, the creation of questionable vaccines using deadly ingredients that would lead to disease, death, infertility, and an unprecedented decrease in modern population, a media that ignores and demonizes any source that points to the relevant facts and negative consequences of the vaccines, the suspicious abandonment of the governments leases to large frequency/energy emitting towers, the odd coincidence of people globally suffering symptoms of frequency poisoning symptoms that are the same as those of the alleged virus...

It'd never happen folks, just one premise for an old screenplay that was up for consideration by a hosted black and white television series, somewhere in distant memory that lives eternal in licensed reruns.... You've just crossed into the Substack page of the POWER COUPLE

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Hi no free lunch, thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I also didn't realize the fact that Tesla's work would be used this way re: military and ground current.

Where do you go to find info on Tesla?

I find it a little challenging to sift through sometimes.

Thank you for your continued support. We really appreciate the fact that YOU appreciate everything we're doing here. Totally hear you on the "test" kits...boy is it ever a test.

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I forgot to include the Tesla and Trump connection.

John Trump (DJT's uncle whom his middle name is from) was in charge of the Alien division (as in foreigner not ET) and he reviewed all of Tesla's materials seized upon the death of Tesla.

The official story was there's nothing to see here...

Tesla did send multiple countries, different pieces of information regarding direct energy weapons, his thoughts were that if every country had the same terrible weapons there's never be a war again. Peace through mutually assured destruction. That only works for same people.

Tesla was a fan of eugenics, worked with the third Reich, and had other questionable activities. While he's known for his benevolent free energy for the masses, there's the complexities of his life

Tesla believes that all men were focused on good and the reality is that people have their faults. Including Tesla, who took people's money and used it for his lavish lifestyle, instead of the promised research

When any subject is objectively examined, everything is exposed and the facts often demonstrate a different reality from the history that's been propagated.

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Roman, please read the 2 books (or listen) on NT by Marc J. Seifer. He also hosted and researched for the TV series the Tesla files.

If you're really in a deep digging mood, find information about the Philadelphia experiment. You will find that Einstein and also Tesla were both involved. Oddly enough, Tesla dropped out before the actual experiment took place, because he felt that there was a chance particles of matter could indeed be fused and create an unsafe condition for those in or near the experiment.

In a brief summary, really brief; Tesla used his methodology of digging a deep well over 100 ft to channel current into the ground. Marconi and other contemporaries decided to use altitude and build taller and taller broadcast towers to transmit signals. Granted, Marconi was a thief of Teslas intellectual property and patents. Tesla also expounded on the obelisks and pyramids, along with the underground waterways in Egypt, were used for the conductance and transmittance of frequency energy. Knowing what we know about emfs and other fields, the Egyptians may very well have created and unsafe condition. Hard to tell as much of the facts regarding ancient Egypt are greatly obfuscated from general knowledge.

Thank you and God bless

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Thank you so much for this! I've listened to it four times and want to learn as much as possible from Paul. I'm glad you are interviewing him again on 6/20.

I read recently that parasites/intestinal worms create oxalates. In the intro, Bohdanna mentions that Amy had difficulty with oxalates due to DE and nn-EMF. I'm interested to learn more about how the two are related.

I'm at a loss for words. The plot thickens. My additional Stetzer filters arrive soon. Can't wait to see how I respond to them... if they get DE below 33. Now I know what meters I need to have for accurate measurements. Progress. Thank you all so much!

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So DON'T measure magnetic fields?

DON'T ground to the earth, stand on a sheet of metal?

How does one measure Electric fields?

I'm going to guess there isn't a way for less than 2,300 USD?

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I expect that Roman will respond. Here's what I know so far. One measures magnet fields with an EF meter such as a GigaHertz NFA1000, which measures EF in 3D or 3 axis (X,Y,Z). The cheaper meters only measure EF in 1D or 1 axis. $2300 USD is what a NFA1000 costs.

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I don't know that he will tbh, I'm usually ignored when asking questions like this by most people. But I kept looking for answers anyway.

I was referring to the NFA 1000 in my comment. I've since learned Safe and Sound have an EF/MF meter coming soon, so I'm waiting for that one. I've already ordered the S&S Pro2 for RF (still waiting for it to arrive). I'm not concerned about needing to do a little math if I get a single axis meter.

I'm still not clear on magnetic fields, regarding risk/no risk posed. I don't know if it was this podcast, or one of the myriad of other things I've read and watched recently, but one mentioned how much of a magnetic field one is exposed to during an MRI. I think the implication was other, much weaker, magnetic fields are fine if that's fine. Except I've had an MRI, I was absolutely NOT fine. I had no contrast dye, just a normal head and spine MRI. By the end of it I was literally burned on the back of my neck (an area they had to do twice as I flinched from the significant pain it was causing me. The nurse stared in disbelief that I was radiating so much heat. She ran out of ice packs trying to cool me down, assuring me this never happens to anyone. I doubt that, but I also understand it's probably not common. So I will be measuring magnetic fields, and seeing for myself.

I emailed Paul, he didn't clarify regarding magnetic fields, or how to use metal to discharge instead of grounding.

My 'discharge' questions, in case anyone else knows:

What size metal sheet?

What metals can be used (is it just aluminium?)

What does one put the sheet of metal on? The ground, rubber, the floor of a house etc.?

I know someone who used to work with sensitive electrical equipment. They had a grounding strap in their shoe and had the stand on a metal platform before entering their workroom. Sounds like a similar concept, so I'll ask them about the platform and figure it out from there.

I'll edit my comments (hopefully I'll remember anyway) once I figure it out.

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Tony P. suggested that I ground at my desk by putting my bare feet on a piece of aluminum foil; the purpose was to discharge what I had absorbed in my body. In this podcast, Paul basically said the same thing. I've been using a grounding pad plugged into the ground wire in a socket, because it adequately drops the EF when I hold a Trifield meter. The best way I've found to discharge is 3-4 mineral salt baths a week.

I too have a S&S Pro II. I'm sort of waiting for the S&S EMF/EF/Body Voltage meter, but it's been expected for over a year. A NFA1000 is looking more and more desirable. I don't think there is math to convert 1 axis to 3 axises. Good luck with that estimation. Math is still required to determine the EF value.

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I contacted the Safer Living company about the release date for the S&S EF/MF meter, this was their response:

We are estimating a release in late July. Price will be around $649 USD approximately.

I tried some aluminium foil on the floor. Lots of weird tingling / aching sensations. Do you get that?

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"The best way I've found to discharge is 3-4 mineral salt baths a week."

That's helpful. I do baths with sea salt, mag salt, and borax. I guess that means discharge is contributing to how good I feel after.

Thanks :)

If I could afford it, I'd absolutely grab the NFA 1000.

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Hi Kiwi, thank you for all your thoughtful feedback...I just spoke with Paul but he said he didn't get your email. I sent you an email cc'ing Paul as well.

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He replied to my message through his website contact form, but only with advice to get a line meter, not addressing the rest of the message.

I've since spoke to another EMF expert and she's provided really helpful advice for a EF/MF meter. I'll save up for a line meter for dirty electricity as well as continue to use my AM radio (which has been quite helpful for something so cheap and easy to get).

If he has specific advice on discharge that would be great. I tried aluminium foil, which tingled and ached, it would be good to know if that's a good or bad sign.

I would still like clarification on MF's. I know you guys talked about it, but I had a very difficult time processing it.

I also want to add no one 'owes' me anything. I have questions, no one is obligated to answer them, or help me in any way. We're all dealing with a lot these days. When I came across anyone who does have the time and inclination to help, I'm extremely grateful. I pay it forward and help as many as I can too.

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Thanks so much for hosting Paul, he makes info so accessible, and it was wonderful to hear you together; I am so grateful to those speaking to truth.... I never get tired of hearing Paul's story telling. He is so sincere.

I wrote this article a while ago about Paul that has an image of dirty electricity for those interested:


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Thanks for sharing another gem Patricia. I feel the same about Paul.

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Paul sounds very well informed. Alas, I feel more uninformed than ever. I've really got to get up to speed with this stuff. Thank you for moving forward despite the censorship and suppression.

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Thanks so much Lisa for giving it a listen- and for your continued moral support (:

Paul is doing a live q&a for us on June 20 7pm EST if you're available to join.

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Great episode. That part about Woodrow Wilson was very interesting and I had to look it up as it corresponds with the narrative in Invisible Rainbow.

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Thanks so much for giving it a listen Jonathan. Seriously one of the best interviews we've had - Paul is very honest and speaks from the heart.

If you have the time - come on and join us June 20th 7pm EST - Paul will be doing a live Q&A webinar for us.


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So much to learn - like about grounding!!!

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Thank you Elsa - yes isn't it crazy that the Earth is saturated with current, and grounding ourselves can actually make us an antenna for EMF?

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What I find most crazy is that people recommending grounding have not done the RESEARCH. Facts - so very important. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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Thank YOU Elsa for appreciating this - many think we're trying to "clickbait" but we're really just trying to warn people and use the precautionary principle.

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Jun 7Edited

I see they are pushing away potential evidence. Doing that can be a fatal flaw.

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