On this episode, we discussed:
How Paul defeated a smart meter
Why is grounding harmful?
Why the body voltage test for sleep sanctuaries isn’t accurate
What Paul learned from Samuel Milham MD, MPH
and Martin Graham EE, PhD
What happened when Dave Stetzer met with building biologists?
Link to Resources
Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions will also be joining us for a live Q&A on Thursday 7pm EST on June 20th.
Dr. Amy Harding’s website: https://www.doctoramyharding.com/
The video of this podcast will be uploaded into our EMF 101 Archives.
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
You can also support us via our brand-new Bookshop of The Power Couple, which is dedicated to making us relearn how to read, and learn, from our ancestors.
Additional Show Resources:
Stetzer Electric - Dirty Electricity Filters
Bibioliography of Effects of Microwave Sickness:
Thank you
for sharing this initially months back!June 20th: Join us for EMF summer school!
Our first semester is off to an enlightened, star-studded bang!
To join our waitlist for the second semester, you can register here:
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