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Thank you, Roman!

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Thank you so much Sally for your support! Anything that popped out at you/was new info to you in the article?

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Thank you for replying!

I am still in purgatory with back injuries and two surgeries.

I have been accused of having osteoporosis and bidden to eat lots of calcium-rich foods, if not supplement with calcium. It turns out that I do not have osteoporosis, but the precursor, osteopenia.

For me, I was very interested in what Dr. Poll believes: "Professor emeritus of biochemistry and preeminent EMF researcher Martin Pall has proposed yet another pathway of EMF damage: voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Calcium is far more concentrated outside our cells than inside, and these electrical gates (VGCCs) tightly govern how much calcium our organs receive. If this highly regulated system is disrupted, chaos for our body ensues through the formation of reactive oxygen species (the opposite of antioxidants."

I am sending your article to groups~

Thanks again~

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Thanks Sally for sharing this. It sounds like you're taking control of your health at least! Some of my relatives took lots of calcium supplements for "strong bones" and now they have osteoporosis. Have you considered red light therapy? This has also been shown to help bone conditions.

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Thank you!

I had to specially call Vie Light to make sure that the red light would not erode the bone plaster that is tragically up and down me stabilizing my back. The company said I could use it!

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Wow that's impressive! Would love to hear how you make out. I think it takes a few weeks before you feel results, but it may depend on the individual

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Hi Sally, my sister had osteopenia that progressed to osteoporosis. I found from credible sources that the best way to strengthen and even rebuild bone was to eat calcium rich food, plus supplement with mg glycinate and boron. The latter was a surprise. Also, alkalyzing your system by taking apple cider vinegar daily. Gentle yoga put normal stressors on bones and they respond by strengthening, and chiropractors know about that. God bless and good luck.

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Good point on the boron - mass agriculture has stripped that trace mineral away. I recently became aware that statins, especially when combined with thyroid meds, can drastically increase bone disease. Happy you were able to help your sister Joseph (: Do you take boron as well?

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Thank you!

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Sally, it sounds like your calcium levels are up to speed, so the next thing to address, and probably the most important, is getting your K2 levels up. K2 takes the calcium out of the blood and puts it in the bone where belongs, rather than the kidneys or gallbladder or blood vessels, for instance. My favorite is Super K2 Plus from nutritional frontiers. It has plenty of D3 and vitamin A as well, and thus is also great for your immune system. Good luck.

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Thank you~

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You're welcome

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