Excellent article. The increase of intracellular Ca2+ by 5G is described in the following paper, too.


Pretty scary that so many people are still not aware of this.

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Thank you so much Okisuke for linking this article! I've bookmarked it and will keep it for the future. Do you take any types of magnesium?

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Yes, I take MgCO3 and Mg-Citrate. The latter one can - as you know - have a laxative effect.

Mg-Malate is the type, I always wanted to try.

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Thanks for sharing that. Yes I know! Mg- Oxide will clean you out even more! (good for bloating). Malate is good for muscle function from what I understand.

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J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 26; 7(5): 666–681.

Published online 2021 Sep 29.

PMCID: PMC8580522

PMID: 34778597

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

Beverly Rubik 1 , 2 , * and Robert R. Brown 3

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

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Background and Aim:

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks. In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.

Relevance for Patients:

In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.

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Great piece!

Happy to see trial statistics gimmicks being called out!

It’s everywhere, the RR in statins, vaccines, etc.

Not because we are limited by methods and the RR and AR are the best they have means that we should accept it. If it doesn’t make sense, then I can’t believe in it.

They’re going to continue using these things to tell the story they want and the layman will be led to believe anything they want us to believe.

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Hi Shawn! So funny just last night I was thinking..."haven't heard from Shawn in a while." Hope you're doing well. Calling out the statisticians is where the rubber meets the road, eh? Too bad many also fall for the genetic excuse, when in fact only 1 - 5 percent of disease is due to genetics, the rest epigenetics/environment.

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Thank you for the history on Guglielmo Marconi . If the inventor of the telegraph was having is heart explode daily by working on this stuff then that should be a red flag for the rest of us.

I remember one of my worse moments while in the Marines was one of our first communication exercises in the field for our communications school. I had done briefs before where I had done well but this time I was all over the place and I could barely think. I was missing things and forgetting tasks left and right. My brain fog was over 9000. Maybe my body was not used to all that equipment in such close proximity. Or maybe I just sucked and needed to get better lol.

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Thanks for the story Jonathan...not sure what year that comms exercise was, but a lot of people started feeling sick after 1996 when 4g came out.

Our brains are made up of calcium and iron (which magnetizes of course) so it's not a coincidence that you couldn't concentrate. Hey, at least you're not numb to it like so many others!

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It was more recent but that's good to know.

Thank you.

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You mentioned that the missus had experienced high blood pressure.

You may find through research that some supplemental potassium and eating foods with a low insulinemic index will alleviate the this.

Additionally, regulating the time allowed for eating like intermittent fasting reduces the amount of insulin spikes throughout the day.

Also kidney tea may have a tonifying effect on the whole body.

Thanks for the article and God Bless!

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Great article - very interesting about 5g and calcium!

Personally I think a conversation about calcium and hearts needs to mention intracellular oxidative stress and the affect of magnesium as a calcium antagonist and blocker. Then how D (if you actually can't utilise sunlight - as many can't) and K2 for calcium balance - with exercise. Calcium not bad.

Then if oxidative stress is important then high dose Vitamin C needs to be in the picture.

If you've got all the above sussed then removing stressors/toxins has to be part of the equation - obviously many can't remove some of these stressors but others that are bad: iron, copper, aluminium. Mg Gluconate seems to be the best Mg chelator of these.

Iodine supplementation is somewhere in the picture as well.


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Thanks for your feedback Andrew. I love taking iodine since it flushes fluoride out of our body. It's hard to avoid fluoride, even with amazing water filters, it's everywhere. The only way to get it out, to my knowledge, is by pushing it out with iodine.

Curious- when / what made you become more health conscious?

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No problem Roman. Not wanting to sound cliché but it was very early on in 2020 when looking into seasonal illness and learning about vitamin D as a possible explanation. I then did a deep dive into vit D and learned a lot and kept diving. Have recently cured my migraines with magnesium after a lifetime of NO HELP from doctors on the issue. Also managed my pain and recovery from hip replacement surgery with high dose C. I find your stuff on EMF interference really interesting and have been getting my daughter who has post vax induced vertigo to use grounding to help her


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How much iodine a day

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Your work, along with Arthur Firstenberg's book, which I haven't read fully yet, cause me to consider very strongly the medical history of my grandfather, father, and aunt.

My grandfather worked in setting up electrical grids in Ontario, Canada, and was loaned to the state of New Jersey for three years circa 1920 for similar duties. My father worked with him starting from his teens and after WWII he worked in our hometown with their utility commission, ending his career as a chief operator.

My grandfather was afflicted with Parkinson's Disease, and my aunt (his daughter) also passed away with that, along with a history of circulatory challenges, including blood clots in her legs. She was in her mid-60s at her passing. My father suffered several heart failures, was checked for the 'cholesterol connection' which he didn't have an issue with. They said his vessels were clean as a whistle. He consumed animal fat, and butter (did not use the margarine as it was introduced). A specialist physician told my mother that a muscle in his lower heart chamber was fading in strength and that would result in his passing. He passed away a few months after that. I think the physician was relaying laymen terms to my mother as she had no real training/understanding of medical terminology.

I wish that I had had an opportunity to speak to the heart specialist as I have some para-medical background and would have looked up whatever he would have told me.

Due to my grandfather's work in setting up electrical grids, and my father working alongside him, in addition to the family always living in proximity to the work area, I suspect those attributes factored into their health concerns. My paternal grandmother passed away in her late 60s with cancer, which now I wonder if that had any connection to my grandfather's work as well.

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My condolences.

It probably did impact the family's health.

Magnesium adequacy helps, and for that enough protein and phospholipids are needed in the diet to make transport proteins or ATP.

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Thank you. I study up on nutrition, and have been for several decades, which helped turn around respiratory issues I experienced throughout my childhood. When I learned about magnesium through two nutritionally inclined authors back in the late 90s I began taking supplemental magnesium and focusing on dietary sources of it. I know it contributed to my health improving overall.

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I wrote a series on heart health based on the newer quantum energy theories and electrical flow and nutrients of importance. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/new-beginnings-for-heart-health-education?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you... checking your article out. Have a great day!

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Hi, Roman! This is perfect timing. A friend is actually considering taking a statin drug and asked what I know about cholesterol. I've read a lot about it but forgot where. :) Anyway, your name popped into my head and Voila! I saw this in my Inbox. Thanks for the comprehensive article. I have "The Invisible Rainbow" but kind of skimmed it, tbh. Important info, that's for sure.

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Thanks so much Barbara. I'm overjoyed that my timing is so impeccable (for once) (: Yes please point them to The Cholesterol Myth site:


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Thank YOU! Just sent it to her and bookmarked it for others!

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A VERY intriguing and important article revealing the real cause of heart disease, and how statins are a scam. I recently heard of advanced plans for space based solar power, where the power is beamed back to the Earth at microwave frequencies. Have you looked into the potential impact of that?

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Gary, thank you so much for that- you know, this rings a bell, but I'm not familiar. I'll be looking into this now, so thank you. If you have any links to where you read this, please send my way if/when you have a moment. Thank you!

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Here is the wikipedia page on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-based_solar_power the podcast I saw indicated it was much more advanced than what the article makes out [2 to 3 years away].

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Thank you so much Gary. I believe it, whenever they say 2-3 years ago usually means they've been testing it for 2 years already.

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Thank you, Roman!

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Thank you so much Sally for your support! Anything that popped out at you/was new info to you in the article?

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Thank you for replying!

I am still in purgatory with back injuries and two surgeries.

I have been accused of having osteoporosis and bidden to eat lots of calcium-rich foods, if not supplement with calcium. It turns out that I do not have osteoporosis, but the precursor, osteopenia.

For me, I was very interested in what Dr. Poll believes: "Professor emeritus of biochemistry and preeminent EMF researcher Martin Pall has proposed yet another pathway of EMF damage: voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Calcium is far more concentrated outside our cells than inside, and these electrical gates (VGCCs) tightly govern how much calcium our organs receive. If this highly regulated system is disrupted, chaos for our body ensues through the formation of reactive oxygen species (the opposite of antioxidants."

I am sending your article to groups~

Thanks again~

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Thanks Sally for sharing this. It sounds like you're taking control of your health at least! Some of my relatives took lots of calcium supplements for "strong bones" and now they have osteoporosis. Have you considered red light therapy? This has also been shown to help bone conditions.

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Thank you!

I had to specially call Vie Light to make sure that the red light would not erode the bone plaster that is tragically up and down me stabilizing my back. The company said I could use it!

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Wow that's impressive! Would love to hear how you make out. I think it takes a few weeks before you feel results, but it may depend on the individual

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Hi Sally, my sister had osteopenia that progressed to osteoporosis. I found from credible sources that the best way to strengthen and even rebuild bone was to eat calcium rich food, plus supplement with mg glycinate and boron. The latter was a surprise. Also, alkalyzing your system by taking apple cider vinegar daily. Gentle yoga put normal stressors on bones and they respond by strengthening, and chiropractors know about that. God bless and good luck.

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Good point on the boron - mass agriculture has stripped that trace mineral away. I recently became aware that statins, especially when combined with thyroid meds, can drastically increase bone disease. Happy you were able to help your sister Joseph (: Do you take boron as well?

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Thank you!

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Sally, it sounds like your calcium levels are up to speed, so the next thing to address, and probably the most important, is getting your K2 levels up. K2 takes the calcium out of the blood and puts it in the bone where belongs, rather than the kidneys or gallbladder or blood vessels, for instance. My favorite is Super K2 Plus from nutritional frontiers. It has plenty of D3 and vitamin A as well, and thus is also great for your immune system. Good luck.

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Thank you~

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You're welcome

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The headline "Why Vitamin D Supplements Don't Work" is disingenuous.

You concisely explain why vitamin D supplements are not appropriately metabolized in individuals with existing morbidities without delving into the reasons for those existing morbidities.

Just saying taking a D supplement doesn't work iin existing illness is akin to saying a small sticking plaster on a severed artery won't ever stop the bleeding.

Bloody obvious, and irrelevant to the function of a supplement.

Is it better to have adequate sunlight and be healthy in the first place?

Of course it is.

Look after your liver and your kidneys, without good function of both you won't metabolize cholecalciferol, wherever it comes from.

And talk to Bill Gates about the sunlight, because we are getting less and less of it!

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Thank you Ralph for your comment. I can understand where you're coming from - but I, along with other readers, have also had issues taking D, regardless of any other health complications. I think the headline rings true - since they don't work, however going into the reasons of those morbidities is a good suggestion. Thank you.

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I appreciate the courteous reply Roman.

I think it completely fair to state that vitamin D doesn't work for some people.

Nothing works for everyone, or for everything.

Like anything else, if taken to excess it can create problems, but these are always reversed on cessation (unless there is undue persistence).

More likely, there are deficiencies in co-factors, such as LDL cholesterol (more commonplace now modern medicine insists cholesterol is bad for you and statins are routinely taken).

And don't forget Gates is doing his best to block sunlight. This will NOT be helping maintain natural levels.

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your studies don't seem very worthwhile for me. All of the subjects were people clearly lacking in vitamin C which we no longer know how to make and which animals who make it and who arent tortured by modern farming or hunted to extinction make themselves. Show me your same or similar studies in which these vital element was not left to chance. Without it, you're just telling me about how vitamin C deficient people react to Vitamin D3 supplementation. Not an interesting subject. You should read what Dr. Klenner wrote. He cured 60 out of 60 children with paralysis from what was wrongly called polio using small injections of vitamin C. When he took vitamin D3, he thought he was taking 50,000 int'l units per day, but 7 months later when he started to feel badly he had his order checked and saw that he'd been taking 500,000 int'l units per day. Now you're asking us to buy into your half baked theory based on how chronically vitamin C deficient people with average amounts of medical poisons (no control on that in your studies either) failed to profit from vitamin D3 supplementation.

Well, I guess you're addressing yourself to a bunch of people who take 10 pills a day and think that a glass of orange juice full of pesticides is all the vitamin C they need.

Surely it'll work for them.

I agree, they'll do themselves good to get some sun.

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macDuff, thank you for your feedback. I don't believe I referenced vitamin C at all in this article. Could you please send me the link to the study to which you're referring? My main point, along with Stephanie Seneff, is that taking vitamin D supplements can lead to calcification of our organs since it sends a false signal to our bodies telling us we have enough. We need the Sun to sulfate / make vitamin D absorbable for blood by turning it water soluble vs its original fat soluble state. Does that help clarify?

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Thank you for all your amazing informatiin.

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Absolutely Georgia! Thank you for your appreciation. Curious- what stood out to you the most about this article? Anything you didn't know?

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why does the D3 calcify organs? How would one know if one's organs are calcified?

Your quest reminds me of the plastic surgeon who retired at 50 and went to Africa hoping to do some good against "AIDS". His lodgings for his patients was ready more quickly than his experiments to see how to help them.

What he saw was that these people who'd been excluded from their communities, thus having lost all social support all got better quickly having escaped the stigman, having taken up lodging in places protected from constant mosquitoes and having been able to eat and sleep properly for the first time in years.

For me, he determined what caused aids and how to cure it. Three squares and a clean bed.

magic Johnson brings it on in even clearer. He never had aids. they caught him shaving points and offered him a choice between prison and an asterisk all over his career or being their spokesman.

He took no meds and got fatter and fatter.

We all need to stop believing what we read in the newspapers and see on the tv.

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I"m not referring to a study. Just going with my instinct that something as important as vitamin c carence which nearly everybody has must surely throw off any study on anything which ignores this. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/vitamin-d-myths-debunked

I just read this, yale is certainly capable of being a horrible organization, and one could certainly dismiss anything they say just because they are controlled by psychopaths (they schooled dubya, mao and Stalin). They don't seem to think that what you are suggesting is a problem. And Klenner taking 500,000 units every day for 200 days before having a small problem with calcium which straightened itself out in just a few days would seem to indicate that this is not such a problem. I certainly admit to a lack of real knowledge on the subject, I just have my opinion that people who are deficient in vitamin C are already having to do so many things in a less than ideal way that I just don't even see the point of doing these studies on chronically vitamin C deprived individuals. I agree that the results will likely hold for C deprived people, but I don't let that be my case because I get it that it causes a lot of problems. I see that the pharm industry wants us all to believe that enough C to prevent scurvy is all we need. I think they want us to believe that because they know that C consumption is inversely proportional to their revenues.

So until I see a study like the one you cite done on people who have been maintaining the highest c levels that their bowel will permit I will not take it as applicable for me.

If you can still take more c at any moment of the day without having to run to the toilet it means that your body found a good use for it.

It's still under 1 cent a gram in spite of the New World ODOR destroying our currency. And it could put the ODOR out of the pharm business if people took this seriously.

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The question I have is what are the frequencies and levels that can cause damage?

Alternating current (AC) causes magnetic fields that shift poles (in the US) 60 times per second., or 60 Hz. Direct current (DC) doesn't do this.

Similarly, I'm wondering what natural EMF has to do with it. Consider that the earth has some level of EMF that's forever present, because of natural events. How might that effect us? Take a look at the frequency of the natural EMF. Isn't it creepy that the frequency we use for AC power transmission is right at the top of that spectrum. In order to create destructive interference you have to have a signal that is a function of the other signal, which obviously is the case here.

Is it possible that people in other countries that use different frequencies for AC power transmission have less heart disease -- because they are producing less destructive interference? Are exposed to more of the natural EMF?

*** The global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies around 7.83 Hz (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz.[4]

Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed, although variable-sized waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequency band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. ***


I think the answers to these questions are *known* but they are not made public.

What do you think?

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Ogre, thank you so much for your thoughtful comment - I've pondered your points as well re: 60 Hz. It was designed that way I believe, to create a destructive resonance b/w our bodies and our homes. It turns out that even low-level EMFs do more harm since they fly under the radar more than acute stress from 5G. Wi Fi is another example - 2.45 GHz is the frequency at which water molecules are excited/ and used for that purpose in a microwave.

I think people in other countries have less heart disease due to many factors, lifestyle, culture, walking , no gmos etc...and not adopting a low-fat diet. Our brains are fat and need to be in ketosis at least when we sleep.

I hope I helped answer your question?

I wrote another piece that mentions the Schumann resonance as well FYI:


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Thanks so much for this informative article. EMF is definitely a problem as even the brain is damaged by the VGCC. I first learned about that when I got a concussion, but EMF does the same thing. Also that you mentioned metabolism is great. Lactic acid build up (due to poor metabolism, due to oxidative stress, caused by a number of things including EMF) in heart muscles is a key player in heart attacks. This was a timely article for me as my doctor is pushing me to statins. When I keep up circadian rhythm, sunshine and grounding, along with exercise, I am much stronger as a whole and really feel a difference.

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Thank you so much Lisa! I'm glad my timing is going well these days. You know, you're the second person to say that there doctor was just recently pushing them on statins!

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We need constant reminders. The doctors can be very convincing. They use scare tactics.

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Came upon this through Ray Horvath (The source):


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Thanks so much for sharing this T! Sorry for the delay - was away camping - my wife and I wanted to unplug. Do you take EMF measurements yourself as well?

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We have one of these gadgets that measure radiation from cell phones and such, yes. And we are personally connected to those that run the norwegian people’s initiative on EMF radiation.

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That's fantastic T! I didn't know that...I'm glad we found each other then. Curious- how long have you been aware of the harm from EMF?

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Since I started taking a look at everything. In april 2021, when it finally dawned on me that I have been taken for a ride since the day I was born.

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Agent131711 pointed out the vitamin D kills rats by pulling calcium out of ones bones, and the huge influx of calcium in the bloodstream disrupts the calcium/potassium ratio, which as you pointed out causes major health issues.

Fat acts as an insulator, whereas sweat that is only the electrolytes is highly conductive. Batteries only need electrolytes in water, which allows said water to conduct electricity. Electron flow is thusly impacted negatively by fat, and positively by water.

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is it possible that you have caught the 'paleo' or 'carnivore' bug?

Dr Esselstyn proved, in two studies, of more than 220 men, that heart attacks are from the food one eats. In his second study, 168 sick older men stayed on the food protocol, and around 32 went back to their SAD diet they ate previously. These 32 acted as a 'control' group, unintentionally. Many of this group had heart attacks and some died. In the 168, none died, and only 1 small event occurred when that man veered from the food. Of the rest, NONE had heart attacks, even up to 10 years after the study period ended. The food was plant based, made from scratch (nothing processed), and ZERO OIL, with 6 servings of salad a day. No meds were used.

Finland tested the fat verses carbohydrate debate in the 70s. See the North Karelia Project.

Norway, in world war 2, was forced to reduce meat consumption and mortality ... went down.

I find it strange that you take a quote, "“Unburned fats, together with the cholesterol that transported those fats in the blood, were being deposited on the walls of arteries. Humans and animals were not able to push their hearts quite as far as before without showing signs of stress and disease. This takes its clearest toll on the body when it is pushed to its limits, in athletes and in soldiers during war.”

... then ... ignore the obvious fact that fat/oil were the cause of the blockages.

Oil and water do not mix. Water is the core component of the blood. Water transports the energy of the ether and the sun. The water has memory, and its EZ (exclusion zone, as you know) is powered by the energy from 'fire' - which is the electron flow or energy transported through the body.

Oil does not exist in nature, not in any separate form. Sugar does, in the form of glucose, and carbohydrates. Plants have sugar in the leaves, as shown by brix readings on these areas. Fat animals DO NOT EXIST IN NATURE, except for animals in snow bound areas fattening up for the cold blasts, and for marine mammals to use for insulation in the cold waters. ALL OTHER animals are lean when wild. Fat animals do not exist.

Our bodies produce its own cholesterol. We do not need another animals internal production. As long as we have the building blocks, we produce as much cholesterol as we need - like ALL OTHER ANIMALS.

Oil causes blood sludge, where the O2 saturation goes down. Mental cognition goes down. Eyesight goes down. Oil and water do not mix. Youtube, Peter Rogers, "high fat meal effect on blood and brain".

Eat local, which can mean local meat. Wild animals will have very low fat levels. There is no reason to need externally created cholesterol.

It is impossible to eat high fat/high meat without electricity for refrigeration. Meat rots in hours, and needs high salt as a preservative or to freeze the meat. Humans will quickly hunt out wild animals near their villages. Only by domesticating, and artificially making these animals fat, can a high fat lifestyle be considered. Starches have a long storage life, and the use of higher heats permit us to convert these from resistant starches to usable starches - humans are the only ones able to eat these resistant starches thus have exclusive access to this abundant calorie source.

I write this, not as any desire to say I am right, and someone else is wrong. I have tried all these diets. Low fat works very well for me. My arteries are clearing up - even in the smallest ones in the groin, my eyesight is getting better. Some people say that a high meat, low processed diet works for them. Fine by me. If my points are invalid, I am interested to hear rebuttals.

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