A VERY intriguing and important article revealing the real cause of heart disease, and how statins are a scam. I recently heard of advanced plans for space based solar power, where the power is beamed back to the Earth at microwave frequencies. Have you looked into the potential impact of that?
A VERY intriguing and important article revealing the real cause of heart disease, and how statins are a scam. I recently heard of advanced plans for space based solar power, where the power is beamed back to the Earth at microwave frequencies. Have you looked into the potential impact of that?
Gary, thank you so much for that- you know, this rings a bell, but I'm not familiar. I'll be looking into this now, so thank you. If you have any links to where you read this, please send my way if/when you have a moment. Thank you!
A VERY intriguing and important article revealing the real cause of heart disease, and how statins are a scam. I recently heard of advanced plans for space based solar power, where the power is beamed back to the Earth at microwave frequencies. Have you looked into the potential impact of that?
Gary, thank you so much for that- you know, this rings a bell, but I'm not familiar. I'll be looking into this now, so thank you. If you have any links to where you read this, please send my way if/when you have a moment. Thank you!
Here is the wikipedia page on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-based_solar_power the podcast I saw indicated it was much more advanced than what the article makes out [2 to 3 years away].
Thank you so much Gary. I believe it, whenever they say 2-3 years ago usually means they've been testing it for 2 years already.