your studies don't seem very worthwhile for me. All of the subjects were people clearly lacking in vitamin C which we no longer know how to make and which animals who make it and who arent tortured by modern farming or hunted to extinction make themselves. Show me your same or similar studies in which these vital element was not left to …
your studies don't seem very worthwhile for me. All of the subjects were people clearly lacking in vitamin C which we no longer know how to make and which animals who make it and who arent tortured by modern farming or hunted to extinction make themselves. Show me your same or similar studies in which these vital element was not left to chance. Without it, you're just telling me about how vitamin C deficient people react to Vitamin D3 supplementation. Not an interesting subject. You should read what Dr. Klenner wrote. He cured 60 out of 60 children with paralysis from what was wrongly called polio using small injections of vitamin C. When he took vitamin D3, he thought he was taking 50,000 int'l units per day, but 7 months later when he started to feel badly he had his order checked and saw that he'd been taking 500,000 int'l units per day. Now you're asking us to buy into your half baked theory based on how chronically vitamin C deficient people with average amounts of medical poisons (no control on that in your studies either) failed to profit from vitamin D3 supplementation.
Well, I guess you're addressing yourself to a bunch of people who take 10 pills a day and think that a glass of orange juice full of pesticides is all the vitamin C they need.
Surely it'll work for them.
I agree, they'll do themselves good to get some sun.
macDuff, thank you for your feedback. I don't believe I referenced vitamin C at all in this article. Could you please send me the link to the study to which you're referring? My main point, along with Stephanie Seneff, is that taking vitamin D supplements can lead to calcification of our organs since it sends a false signal to our bodies telling us we have enough. We need the Sun to sulfate / make vitamin D absorbable for blood by turning it water soluble vs its original fat soluble state. Does that help clarify?
why does the D3 calcify organs? How would one know if one's organs are calcified?
Your quest reminds me of the plastic surgeon who retired at 50 and went to Africa hoping to do some good against "AIDS". His lodgings for his patients was ready more quickly than his experiments to see how to help them.
What he saw was that these people who'd been excluded from their communities, thus having lost all social support all got better quickly having escaped the stigman, having taken up lodging in places protected from constant mosquitoes and having been able to eat and sleep properly for the first time in years.
For me, he determined what caused aids and how to cure it. Three squares and a clean bed.
magic Johnson brings it on in even clearer. He never had aids. they caught him shaving points and offered him a choice between prison and an asterisk all over his career or being their spokesman.
He took no meds and got fatter and fatter.
We all need to stop believing what we read in the newspapers and see on the tv.
I"m not referring to a study. Just going with my instinct that something as important as vitamin c carence which nearly everybody has must surely throw off any study on anything which ignores this.
I just read this, yale is certainly capable of being a horrible organization, and one could certainly dismiss anything they say just because they are controlled by psychopaths (they schooled dubya, mao and Stalin). They don't seem to think that what you are suggesting is a problem. And Klenner taking 500,000 units every day for 200 days before having a small problem with calcium which straightened itself out in just a few days would seem to indicate that this is not such a problem. I certainly admit to a lack of real knowledge on the subject, I just have my opinion that people who are deficient in vitamin C are already having to do so many things in a less than ideal way that I just don't even see the point of doing these studies on chronically vitamin C deprived individuals. I agree that the results will likely hold for C deprived people, but I don't let that be my case because I get it that it causes a lot of problems. I see that the pharm industry wants us all to believe that enough C to prevent scurvy is all we need. I think they want us to believe that because they know that C consumption is inversely proportional to their revenues.
So until I see a study like the one you cite done on people who have been maintaining the highest c levels that their bowel will permit I will not take it as applicable for me.
If you can still take more c at any moment of the day without having to run to the toilet it means that your body found a good use for it.
It's still under 1 cent a gram in spite of the New World ODOR destroying our currency. And it could put the ODOR out of the pharm business if people took this seriously.
your studies don't seem very worthwhile for me. All of the subjects were people clearly lacking in vitamin C which we no longer know how to make and which animals who make it and who arent tortured by modern farming or hunted to extinction make themselves. Show me your same or similar studies in which these vital element was not left to chance. Without it, you're just telling me about how vitamin C deficient people react to Vitamin D3 supplementation. Not an interesting subject. You should read what Dr. Klenner wrote. He cured 60 out of 60 children with paralysis from what was wrongly called polio using small injections of vitamin C. When he took vitamin D3, he thought he was taking 50,000 int'l units per day, but 7 months later when he started to feel badly he had his order checked and saw that he'd been taking 500,000 int'l units per day. Now you're asking us to buy into your half baked theory based on how chronically vitamin C deficient people with average amounts of medical poisons (no control on that in your studies either) failed to profit from vitamin D3 supplementation.
Well, I guess you're addressing yourself to a bunch of people who take 10 pills a day and think that a glass of orange juice full of pesticides is all the vitamin C they need.
Surely it'll work for them.
I agree, they'll do themselves good to get some sun.
macDuff, thank you for your feedback. I don't believe I referenced vitamin C at all in this article. Could you please send me the link to the study to which you're referring? My main point, along with Stephanie Seneff, is that taking vitamin D supplements can lead to calcification of our organs since it sends a false signal to our bodies telling us we have enough. We need the Sun to sulfate / make vitamin D absorbable for blood by turning it water soluble vs its original fat soluble state. Does that help clarify?
Thank you for all your amazing informatiin.
Absolutely Georgia! Thank you for your appreciation. Curious- what stood out to you the most about this article? Anything you didn't know?
why does the D3 calcify organs? How would one know if one's organs are calcified?
Your quest reminds me of the plastic surgeon who retired at 50 and went to Africa hoping to do some good against "AIDS". His lodgings for his patients was ready more quickly than his experiments to see how to help them.
What he saw was that these people who'd been excluded from their communities, thus having lost all social support all got better quickly having escaped the stigman, having taken up lodging in places protected from constant mosquitoes and having been able to eat and sleep properly for the first time in years.
For me, he determined what caused aids and how to cure it. Three squares and a clean bed.
magic Johnson brings it on in even clearer. He never had aids. they caught him shaving points and offered him a choice between prison and an asterisk all over his career or being their spokesman.
He took no meds and got fatter and fatter.
We all need to stop believing what we read in the newspapers and see on the tv.
I"m not referring to a study. Just going with my instinct that something as important as vitamin c carence which nearly everybody has must surely throw off any study on anything which ignores this.
I just read this, yale is certainly capable of being a horrible organization, and one could certainly dismiss anything they say just because they are controlled by psychopaths (they schooled dubya, mao and Stalin). They don't seem to think that what you are suggesting is a problem. And Klenner taking 500,000 units every day for 200 days before having a small problem with calcium which straightened itself out in just a few days would seem to indicate that this is not such a problem. I certainly admit to a lack of real knowledge on the subject, I just have my opinion that people who are deficient in vitamin C are already having to do so many things in a less than ideal way that I just don't even see the point of doing these studies on chronically vitamin C deprived individuals. I agree that the results will likely hold for C deprived people, but I don't let that be my case because I get it that it causes a lot of problems. I see that the pharm industry wants us all to believe that enough C to prevent scurvy is all we need. I think they want us to believe that because they know that C consumption is inversely proportional to their revenues.
So until I see a study like the one you cite done on people who have been maintaining the highest c levels that their bowel will permit I will not take it as applicable for me.
If you can still take more c at any moment of the day without having to run to the toilet it means that your body found a good use for it.
It's still under 1 cent a gram in spite of the New World ODOR destroying our currency. And it could put the ODOR out of the pharm business if people took this seriously.