In our home we have no router, all technology is wired and none of us have wireless tech, except my husband who has a cellphone (for work) and it's switched off 95% of time. No cell towers in close proximity, closest one appr. 3 to 4 kilometres away and our house is shielded by trees. Long story short, we went on vacation in Mexico and to our (unpleasant) surprise our vacation home was located on the top floor of a building on a hillside and smack dab in the middle of three celltowers. After 1 week, kid no 1. got sick, day after kid no. 2 and then kid no. 3. They were quite ill but only 1 or 2 days. Then my husband and me got ill, hours after each other. I can't remember feeling this sick: nauseaus, pain all over my body, tired, light headed etc. Unfortunately that day we had to move to another vacation home we booked 3 hours away. We couldn't do it. We dragged our bodies to a nearby hotel and zoned out. Next day we made the journey to the other vacation home still feeling sick but able to do it. We stayed quite sick for over a week and I even developed weird neurological symptoms: I saw my arms moving but was not aware I was moving my arm. I stayed extremely tired for several weeks and then symptoms disappeared alltogether. I'm convinced all sickness was brought on by these celltowers in vacation home no. 1.
Interesting part about sensitivity. The more I train the more I'm aware of how my body works. My teenage self that could barely bench my own body weight was not aware of the effects that a pop-tart had on my functionality. Now when I eat something processed I notice it all...
Regarding 1918. What do you think about the involvement of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research when Mr. Gates conducted experiments with a shot based on bacterial meningitis.
It's also a factor that can't be ruled out, isn't it?
Thanks Okisuke - it definitely can’t be ruled out- but I believe that EMFs from radio in 1918 only exacerbated the weakened state of people, as only 1/5 the amount of pathogenic bacteria are needed to cause an infection when in the presence of microwaves and radio waves. So it’s a perfect storm if you will…good call on the 1918 Hopkins -Gates connection- thanks - we all need to remember this fact so we learn from history.
Do you find a lot of people still talking about snake venom, etc, and disregarding the impact of EMFs? I find the alt media so divided these days…
The snake venom theory was very popular on Mike Adam's platform natural news. The impact of EMFs is mainly emphasized by the team of LaQuinta Columna, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, Shawn Paul Melville (had short exchange on the comments section) from CIN. It's very scary that the current technology could be used like a killswitch where millions of people either fall ill or die within seconds from a cardiac arrythmia. The talk about snake venom and even spike protein has decreased imho. Even Walter M. Chestnut - a person who heavily advocates the Spike protein theory - posted that the damage from the so called spike protein in fact resembles damage from radiation.
👏👏👏👏 Nice piece and I do love the inclusion of the cyptochomes😉🎩🎩
Only considerstion I would say is check your musings on the Maunder Minimum and sun cycles. We are currently in solar cycle 24, expected Maunder Minimum to occur in solar cycle 25. Solar cycle 23 finished in 2019🤔😐😐😐 So Maunder should be hitting in 2030.😐🤨
Your suggestion that 2020 was during a high activity sun cycle, doesn't fit the solar cycle phenomena as we currently understand it.
There is a lovely lady scientist who is the leading expert on Solar cycles and all the Grand Solar minimum/maximums
In history, but I cant remember her name just this second. 😉🤗
Thank you for your feedback Barefoot, and comment on 2020- maybe I need make a distinction between sunspots and energy from cell towers, both as EMF that can impact our biology. I was trying to suggest that 2020 was only a time of intense EMFs from 5g, as was 1918 etc, however before this all flu pandemics ensued as a result of sunspots. Is it a Russian lady you’re thinking of? Her name is escaping me now as well…
Ahh. Yes very much agree. Unfortunately the 5g/Wuhan theory, while certainly supported by emerging understanding of EMR, does not have enough tangible research to point to causation. I do think the correlation is worth a proper investigation, but I don't think Dr Martin Pall and Dr Beverley Rubrick have the time or budget for further specific research and DoD are not about to share their research😉🤣😂
Yes!!! Victoria Sarkova. Her YouTube presentation of her research is very compelling.🤗
Yes I do remember that happening in 2020. Also there was a lawsuit in Wisconsin with dairy cattle being exposed to stray electrical current, affecting dairy production, fertility disrupted. Thanks Tippy for chiming in. What do you do to mitigate EMF yourself? Any strategies you like?
Tell you the truth I do not like technology and being born in the 1950’s I saw what it was doing to people! All the social media stuff is based on drug addition, it is very evil! I am an old analog dude, pen and paper! I still like to write on paper.
Too much distraction online! But that’s my thing always has been!
Then you have this stuff, frequency damage which I understood later!
Frequencies their main weapon no doubt! All about the frequencies!
I read a report from the 1970’s years back ,about 2.4 ghz damaging human cells!
Then started reading more and more! All those baby monitors and 2.4ghz phones we had in every room in the garage in the yard. Look what the medical field is up to a lot is based on them using frequencies
Pretty sinister, I know. Your brain and soul is way better off with that good old pen and paper. Do you like to write/ Journal? Thanks for your support Tippy - really appreciate all the insights from people who have perspective like yourself.
In studying homeopathy, I have learned about radionics. Many homeopaths use radionics machines to potentize and broadcast remedies. One of the books I am reading led me to the technology of Slim Spurling and tensor rings. I am hoping this is a technology that can help counter the negative effects of all this tech we are exposed to. They can be made into beautiful functional art and jewelry., There are many artists on etsy as well who are making some beautiful energy tools.
Here's the response that I received from my child:
I have work, so I'm just gonna very quickly poke some holes in their argument.
Flu epidemics have been around far before we had electricity, and were still fairly regular.
The death chart that they show directly correlates with the exponential population increase that came with the industrial revolution, because, believe it or not, when the population increases rapidly, a disease that kills x% of the population each year will also have an exponential increase in death counts. The writer of this article fell victim to not recognizing the third variable, leading to bunk research. (Fun fact, crime rates and ice cream sales are strongly correlated. Clearly crime isn't causing more ice cream sales or vice versa, so why? It's because of a third variable, temperature. As the weather gets warmer, more robberies happen, and more people sell ice cream. That conclusion also takes far fewer logical leaps to come to.)
The "essential known facts" at the time mentioned by one of the people were disproven with time. Bad Humours in the blood used to be considered the primary cause of most illnesses, with that being the default conclusion in days past. In all likelihood, there're still some holes in contagion theory, but its still far better of an explanation for viral illnesses than any type of astrology-pseudo religious bullcrap, especially since we've directly observed viruses.
About us never "directly observing" a virus cause an illness, we actually have. In fact, unit 731 (Yes, that one, Japanese war crime brigade) took it upon themselves to directly infect people with various viruses and other afflictions to observe their effects on the body. They didn't do so by directly blasting people with EMFs, but instead exposing them to the intended virus.
If people's blood brain barriers were constantly leaking, you would see sudden death en-masse. As in, the percent death rate post industrial revolution would be rising at an inordinate rate. That hasn't been the case. The global death rate has been steadily decreasing on average since the IR.
Occam's razor actually states that the conclusion that makes less logical leaps is more likely to be true, not that the simpler explanation always wins out. As it is, there are far more presuppositions that have to be true for the EMF explanation of Virology (I'm giving it too much credence with that name) than even the Bad Humours explanation of days yore.
Do I have to explain this one?
The first proper (regularly aired) radio broadcast was based in the Netherlands, and started airing in November 1919. That's almost a full two years between the first major broadcast and the Spanish flu epidemic, which started February of 1918. While radio has been around way longer than 1919, the first real regular usage of it was 1919 onwards.
It took until the 1900s for most cities in America to have electricity. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field is actually generated by the cooling and reheating of earth's core, with the variability in the field being due to the fact that --well, the core isn't an exactly uniform item. It's a mixture of iron, nickel, etc... with all of those items having a different conductivity and such.
Communications satellites first entered use in 1962. Other, non-comms satellites have been around since 1957.
People started tearing down 5G towers during the pandemic thinking that they were the cause. Lo and behold, their communities had the same Covid rate as everywhere else. It's almost like Covid is caused by a separate phenomenon.
Please don't fall victim to these wolves in sheep's clothes. They just want to fool you.
Dear Me Mcc, thank you for your thoughtful comment. The point about flu epidemics being around far longer before electricity is well-received, as this is exactly the point I am making. EMFs from sunspots, and changes in the magnetosphere, would cause flu outbreaks all over the world. How else could a crew of men at sea all of a sudden get the flu, when they were all healthy months before at their departure, or entire villages struck down all at once? All of these examples are cited by the scientists and doctors of the time, in the book The Invisible Rainbow, which I highly suggest everyone reads in order to gain an appreciation for electricity's effect on our body.
To your point about radio being first used in 1919, this is incorrect. Marconi first began his experiments in the 1890s, and the first public display was in 1896. Radiowaves bounce off the atmosphere and can radiate at random, producing inflammation and catastrophe where they fall. As far as the 5G towers being torn down, this doesn't mean anything. These towers are everywhere, and were in fact operational in Wuhan as the first commercial use of 5g. Then there are the satellites.
What do you believe the effects of EMF radiation to be on the human body?
Have you read the Bioinitiative report? There are over 10,000 independent peer-reviewed studies showing that EMFs not only harm humans, but may very well spell the end of the Earth as we know it. I am not trying to be dramatic or exaggerate. This is the consensus of many in the independent scientific community:
Thank you for this reply. I'm going to send it on to my son. He's the one who punches the holes. I'd love for him to talk with someone. Any suggestions?
Thanks Me. When you say talk with someone, do you mean talk with someone re: EMF, or other issues? Feel free to send me an email as well if you'd like to confer in private -
In our home we have no router, all technology is wired and none of us have wireless tech, except my husband who has a cellphone (for work) and it's switched off 95% of time. No cell towers in close proximity, closest one appr. 3 to 4 kilometres away and our house is shielded by trees. Long story short, we went on vacation in Mexico and to our (unpleasant) surprise our vacation home was located on the top floor of a building on a hillside and smack dab in the middle of three celltowers. After 1 week, kid no 1. got sick, day after kid no. 2 and then kid no. 3. They were quite ill but only 1 or 2 days. Then my husband and me got ill, hours after each other. I can't remember feeling this sick: nauseaus, pain all over my body, tired, light headed etc. Unfortunately that day we had to move to another vacation home we booked 3 hours away. We couldn't do it. We dragged our bodies to a nearby hotel and zoned out. Next day we made the journey to the other vacation home still feeling sick but able to do it. We stayed quite sick for over a week and I even developed weird neurological symptoms: I saw my arms moving but was not aware I was moving my arm. I stayed extremely tired for several weeks and then symptoms disappeared alltogether. I'm convinced all sickness was brought on by these celltowers in vacation home no. 1.
Interesting part about sensitivity. The more I train the more I'm aware of how my body works. My teenage self that could barely bench my own body weight was not aware of the effects that a pop-tart had on my functionality. Now when I eat something processed I notice it all...
Regarding 1918. What do you think about the involvement of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research when Mr. Gates conducted experiments with a shot based on bacterial meningitis.
It's also a factor that can't be ruled out, isn't it?
Thanks Okisuke - it definitely can’t be ruled out- but I believe that EMFs from radio in 1918 only exacerbated the weakened state of people, as only 1/5 the amount of pathogenic bacteria are needed to cause an infection when in the presence of microwaves and radio waves. So it’s a perfect storm if you will…good call on the 1918 Hopkins -Gates connection- thanks - we all need to remember this fact so we learn from history.
Do you find a lot of people still talking about snake venom, etc, and disregarding the impact of EMFs? I find the alt media so divided these days…
The snake venom theory was very popular on Mike Adam's platform natural news. The impact of EMFs is mainly emphasized by the team of LaQuinta Columna, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, Shawn Paul Melville (had short exchange on the comments section) from CIN. It's very scary that the current technology could be used like a killswitch where millions of people either fall ill or die within seconds from a cardiac arrythmia. The talk about snake venom and even spike protein has decreased imho. Even Walter M. Chestnut - a person who heavily advocates the Spike protein theory - posted that the damage from the so called spike protein in fact resembles damage from radiation.
👏👏👏👏 Nice piece and I do love the inclusion of the cyptochomes😉🎩🎩
Only considerstion I would say is check your musings on the Maunder Minimum and sun cycles. We are currently in solar cycle 24, expected Maunder Minimum to occur in solar cycle 25. Solar cycle 23 finished in 2019🤔😐😐😐 So Maunder should be hitting in 2030.😐🤨
Your suggestion that 2020 was during a high activity sun cycle, doesn't fit the solar cycle phenomena as we currently understand it.
There is a lovely lady scientist who is the leading expert on Solar cycles and all the Grand Solar minimum/maximums
In history, but I cant remember her name just this second. 😉🤗
Thank you for your feedback Barefoot, and comment on 2020- maybe I need make a distinction between sunspots and energy from cell towers, both as EMF that can impact our biology. I was trying to suggest that 2020 was only a time of intense EMFs from 5g, as was 1918 etc, however before this all flu pandemics ensued as a result of sunspots. Is it a Russian lady you’re thinking of? Her name is escaping me now as well…
Ahh. Yes very much agree. Unfortunately the 5g/Wuhan theory, while certainly supported by emerging understanding of EMR, does not have enough tangible research to point to causation. I do think the correlation is worth a proper investigation, but I don't think Dr Martin Pall and Dr Beverley Rubrick have the time or budget for further specific research and DoD are not about to share their research😉🤣😂
Yes!!! Victoria Sarkova. Her YouTube presentation of her research is very compelling.🤗
Just a correction for anyone trying to find her work: It's Dr. Beverly Rubik.
Enjoyed this article. It's always great to learn things from a different angle. Thanks for sharing.
Here's one you might enjoy as well. Shawn
Thanks so much Mick for reading and for your support!
Wasn’t there stories about deformed calves and dying cattle in Texas!
Years ago, pointing towards frequencies
Pretty sure, remember seeing pictures
Seems to be covered up with other deaths heatwaves drownings! Of thousand of cattle!
Yes I do remember that happening in 2020. Also there was a lawsuit in Wisconsin with dairy cattle being exposed to stray electrical current, affecting dairy production, fertility disrupted. Thanks Tippy for chiming in. What do you do to mitigate EMF yourself? Any strategies you like?
Tell you the truth I do not like technology and being born in the 1950’s I saw what it was doing to people! All the social media stuff is based on drug addition, it is very evil! I am an old analog dude, pen and paper! I still like to write on paper.
Too much distraction online! But that’s my thing always has been!
Then you have this stuff, frequency damage which I understood later!
Frequencies their main weapon no doubt! All about the frequencies!
I read a report from the 1970’s years back ,about 2.4 ghz damaging human cells!
Then started reading more and more! All those baby monitors and 2.4ghz phones we had in every room in the garage in the yard. Look what the medical field is up to a lot is based on them using frequencies
Pretty sinister, I know. Your brain and soul is way better off with that good old pen and paper. Do you like to write/ Journal? Thanks for your support Tippy - really appreciate all the insights from people who have perspective like yourself.
In studying homeopathy, I have learned about radionics. Many homeopaths use radionics machines to potentize and broadcast remedies. One of the books I am reading led me to the technology of Slim Spurling and tensor rings. I am hoping this is a technology that can help counter the negative effects of all this tech we are exposed to. They can be made into beautiful functional art and jewelry., There are many artists on etsy as well who are making some beautiful energy tools.
Here's the response that I received from my child:
I have work, so I'm just gonna very quickly poke some holes in their argument.
Flu epidemics have been around far before we had electricity, and were still fairly regular.
The death chart that they show directly correlates with the exponential population increase that came with the industrial revolution, because, believe it or not, when the population increases rapidly, a disease that kills x% of the population each year will also have an exponential increase in death counts. The writer of this article fell victim to not recognizing the third variable, leading to bunk research. (Fun fact, crime rates and ice cream sales are strongly correlated. Clearly crime isn't causing more ice cream sales or vice versa, so why? It's because of a third variable, temperature. As the weather gets warmer, more robberies happen, and more people sell ice cream. That conclusion also takes far fewer logical leaps to come to.)
The "essential known facts" at the time mentioned by one of the people were disproven with time. Bad Humours in the blood used to be considered the primary cause of most illnesses, with that being the default conclusion in days past. In all likelihood, there're still some holes in contagion theory, but its still far better of an explanation for viral illnesses than any type of astrology-pseudo religious bullcrap, especially since we've directly observed viruses.
About us never "directly observing" a virus cause an illness, we actually have. In fact, unit 731 (Yes, that one, Japanese war crime brigade) took it upon themselves to directly infect people with various viruses and other afflictions to observe their effects on the body. They didn't do so by directly blasting people with EMFs, but instead exposing them to the intended virus.
If people's blood brain barriers were constantly leaking, you would see sudden death en-masse. As in, the percent death rate post industrial revolution would be rising at an inordinate rate. That hasn't been the case. The global death rate has been steadily decreasing on average since the IR.
Occam's razor actually states that the conclusion that makes less logical leaps is more likely to be true, not that the simpler explanation always wins out. As it is, there are far more presuppositions that have to be true for the EMF explanation of Virology (I'm giving it too much credence with that name) than even the Bad Humours explanation of days yore.
Do I have to explain this one?
The first proper (regularly aired) radio broadcast was based in the Netherlands, and started airing in November 1919. That's almost a full two years between the first major broadcast and the Spanish flu epidemic, which started February of 1918. While radio has been around way longer than 1919, the first real regular usage of it was 1919 onwards.
It took until the 1900s for most cities in America to have electricity. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field is actually generated by the cooling and reheating of earth's core, with the variability in the field being due to the fact that --well, the core isn't an exactly uniform item. It's a mixture of iron, nickel, etc... with all of those items having a different conductivity and such.
Communications satellites first entered use in 1962. Other, non-comms satellites have been around since 1957.
People started tearing down 5G towers during the pandemic thinking that they were the cause. Lo and behold, their communities had the same Covid rate as everywhere else. It's almost like Covid is caused by a separate phenomenon.
Please don't fall victim to these wolves in sheep's clothes. They just want to fool you.
Dear Me Mcc, thank you for your thoughtful comment. The point about flu epidemics being around far longer before electricity is well-received, as this is exactly the point I am making. EMFs from sunspots, and changes in the magnetosphere, would cause flu outbreaks all over the world. How else could a crew of men at sea all of a sudden get the flu, when they were all healthy months before at their departure, or entire villages struck down all at once? All of these examples are cited by the scientists and doctors of the time, in the book The Invisible Rainbow, which I highly suggest everyone reads in order to gain an appreciation for electricity's effect on our body.
To your point about radio being first used in 1919, this is incorrect. Marconi first began his experiments in the 1890s, and the first public display was in 1896. Radiowaves bounce off the atmosphere and can radiate at random, producing inflammation and catastrophe where they fall. As far as the 5G towers being torn down, this doesn't mean anything. These towers are everywhere, and were in fact operational in Wuhan as the first commercial use of 5g. Then there are the satellites.
What do you believe the effects of EMF radiation to be on the human body?
Have you read the Bioinitiative report? There are over 10,000 independent peer-reviewed studies showing that EMFs not only harm humans, but may very well spell the end of the Earth as we know it. I am not trying to be dramatic or exaggerate. This is the consensus of many in the independent scientific community:
Thank you for this reply. I'm going to send it on to my son. He's the one who punches the holes. I'd love for him to talk with someone. Any suggestions?
Thanks Me. When you say talk with someone, do you mean talk with someone re: EMF, or other issues? Feel free to send me an email as well if you'd like to confer in private -