Why Influenza is an electrical illness (updated)
How the next pandemic could be activated: a historical perspective
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Here’s what we’ll learn:
1. What questions need answers in the mainstream media regarding influenza
2. How did influenza get its name?
3. How flu pandemics correlate with solar activity
4. How our bodies electrical systems respond to the environment
5. If contagious, why did the flu spread quicker than people could travel?
6. Correlation does not imply causation
7. Why did so many young people die?
8. The calcium connection
9. Occam’s Razor
10. Our electric blanket
11. JOIN our Waitlist: EMF 101 Course
"The more limited, if adequate, is always preferable."
I’ve been hearing a lot talk recently about “long covid”, snake venom, and people wanting to blame China.
This is why I’m reposting an older, but still relevant article.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere. Looking within ourselves, and accepting responsibility, gets us to the bottom of a new truth, and ultimately sets us free.
When considering answers to complex problems, the simplest explanation is often the right one.
Before we can find answers to the origins and cause of a global pandemic like the Russian flu of 1889, the Spanish flu of 1918, or Covid19, we must:
Ask better questions.
The trend is your friend.
How did the pandemics of 1889, 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2020 all coincide with an exponential increase in radiation?
Why does the flu so often target young adults and spare infants and the elderly?
If the 1918 flu was contagious, why did patients injected with blood saliva from sick patients not fall ill?
If the 1918 flu was a respiratory illness that affected the nasal passages, why did over half of all influenza patients not have initial symptoms of a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat? Why were many symptoms neurological, including schizophrenia, and cerebral hemorrhage? (over 40% of flu patients in the Navy reported nose bleeds, and often died by drowning in their own blood).
If the 1889 flu began in Russia in September, and was contagious, how is it possible that it travelled faster than the trains of the time, reaching Scotland in October, and South Africa in November?
If Covid19 is caused by SARS‑CoV‑2, which is a respiratory illness, why do common symptoms include lack of taste, change in menstrual cycle, rash, as well as depression and anxiety?
Why do outbreaks of the flu and pandemics occur at times of high sunspot counts and increased atmospheric voltage?
Cosmic forces
Since ancient times, influenza was known as an unpredictable illness, ravaging countries and villages all at once without warning, and vanishing just as swiftly as it had once came, sometimes not returning until at least years or decades later. Our ancestors believed that it was not contagious, and its arrival was thought to be governed by the “influence” of the stars. This is how influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, originally got its name.
However in 1889, the behavior of the this mystery illness changed. After 1889, the flu would return each year, and has been with us, and each part of the world, ever since.
, The Invisible Rainbow
In 1992, one of the world’s authorities on the epidemiology of influenza, R. Edgar Hope-Simpson, published a book in which he pointed out that the essential known facts did not support the contagion theory of direct human-to-human contact. Simpson also suggested that the trigger for the flu was connected to seasonal differences in solar radiation, and that it may have an electromagnetic nature, as many of his predecessors during the previous two centuries had proposed.
An electric atmosphere
A Danish physician named Johannes Mygge had also showed how flu pandemics tended to occur during years of maximum solar activity, and that the number of cases in Denmark would rise and fall with the number of sunspots. Sunspots increase atmospheric voltage, or charge, in our environment, and have recently been correlated to psychological changes as well.
Dr. Mygge had kept a careful diary of his health for nine months, and he later compared his records to those of the electrical potential of the atmosphere, which he recorded three times per day for ten years. His incapacitating migraine-like headaches, along with bouts of insomnia, dizziness, irritability, buzzing sensations in his head, irregular heartbeat, and pressure in the chest, almost always fell on the day of, or before, a sudden severe rise or drop in atmospheric voltage.
In 2001, Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping, along with two other physicians out of British Colombia, were the latest to confirm that for at least the last three centuries influenza pandemics have been most likely to occur around the height of each eleven year solar cycle, when magnetic forces from the sun are at their peak.
Since at least 1799, there have been scientists linking influenza to sunspots and drastic changes in atmospheric voltage. Historical research has also shown that during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), a time of extremely low solar activity and sunspots, no influenza outbreaks occurred.
Our body electric
Have you ever gotten an EKG (electrocardiogram) for your heart, or an EEG (electroencephalogram) for your brain? We often think of our heart as a pump, or the Sun as a ball of gas. However what force makes the pump run? What gives the the Sun its spark?
In his 1985 book The Body Electric, orthopedic surgeon Robert Becker confirmed that our bodies operate on a DC (direct current) electric circuit, and all of our metabolic processes happen through exchange of electrons (-) and protons (+). Medicine, as it turns out, is really more quantum physics than it is chemistry, as magnetic forces act upon our crystalline, electrical structures of nerve and bone, exciting the molecules within us to affect a shift in the direction of growth, or one of inflammation.
Electrons are negatively charged and free radicals (cause inflammation) are positively charged. Most free radicals encountered in your tissues are electrically neutralized or absorbed by these free electrons. Electrons are what keep the processes in our bodies going. When we have a surplus of electrons (-), we can donate electrons so that they can bond with other protons (+), in order to facilitate the necessary biological reactions within us.
Our brains perceive electric signals from the environment in the form of visible, and non-visible light. Before 1889 and the mass global adoption of electricity and the light bulb, the Earth would provide a steady amount of its own static electricity. Each time lightning struck, our atmosphere would ring out at a rhythm of 8 pulses per second.
Called the Schumann resonance, this rhythm was named for the German physicist who predicted their existence. These tones’ frequencies primarily range from 8-32 beats per second (Hz), and literally keep all life on Earth beating in time. Our brains’ primary frequency of adult life operate at exactly this rhythm of 8 beats per second, and are called alpha waves.
When Edison perfected the design of the light bulb in 1889, industry still needed an economical way to supply its electricity to the masses. As a result, Tesla’s AC (alternating, pulsed current) power system was deployed worldwide. Remember that our bodies are meant to run on DC, primarily anywhere between 8-30hz. Once AC power was deployed, and electric light poured over towns the world over, our biological rhythms had to account for this alien shift. Coincidently the Russian Flu of 1889 ensued.
When the Age of radio began in 1918, a pandemic broke out. The short-wave radio developed by Marconi operated at frequencies of about 30 megahertz (MHz), which is roughly 30,000,000 X faster than our brains’ alpha wave frequencies. These waves of radiation would bounce off and even puncture the Earth’s fragile ionosphere, bathing unsuspecting populations at random.
How should we expect our bodies to react to such a sudden, violent shift in electricity?
For instance, the inventor of the wireless telegraph, Marconi, had 10 heart attacks, including the one that killed him at the age of 63. All of his heart attacks, including neurological diseases of depression and suicide, began as soon as he started experimenting with radio.
The contagion myth
“Contagion alone is inadequate to explain the sudden outbreak of the disease in widely distant countries at the same time, and the curious way in which it has been known to attack the crews of ships at sea, where communciation with infected places or persons was out of the question.”
-Sir Morell Mackenzie, M.D. (1893), Fortnightly Review
Electricity travels faster than people, especially in the 1800s when the quickest mode of transport was by train. When the Russian Flu of 1889 broke out in September, it was assumed to have come out of Siberia, and the view of the time was that this "mystery illness" proceeded in orderly fashion to infect the rest of the world. However by the time the flu reached Moscow in October, illness was already being reported in South Africa and Scotland. Canada and Jamaica were reporting epidemics in November. East Central Africa was also sruck the same time as Russia. The flu had never appeared in this part of Africa ever before.
Like the 1889 flu, many assumed the Spanish flu of 1918 was infectious. However masks, quarantines, and isolation were all without effect. Even in isolated Iceland the flu spread universally, in spite of the quarantining of its victims.
I will concede that this may not be proof, but only evidence. However the proof that the contagion theory of pandemics is false is illustrated by experiments conducted in 1918 and 1919 by a medical team working for the US Public Health Service in Boston, which failed miserably:
“We collected the mucous secretions of the mouth, nose, throat, and bronchi from cases of the disease and transferred this to our volunteers. We obtain some bronchial mucus through coughing, and then we swab the mucous surface of the nostrils and the throat…Each one of the volunteers…received 6 c.c. of the mixed stuff that I have described. They received it into each nostril, received it in the throat, and on the eye…None of them took sick.”
(Firstenberg. The Invisible Rainbow, pp. 107-108)
When this experiment didn’t work, the researchers injected the healthy volunteers with the mucous, then the blood, of sick patients. “None of these took sick in any way.” Dr. Milton Rosenau concluded: “if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”
Correlation does not imply causation
The confusion began in earnest when influenza A virus in ferrets was isolated in 1933. Since that time, human influenza has been defined as the organism behind its contagion, rather than its symptoms. If you get struck down with flu, and have the same symptoms as everyone else, but a virus can’t be isolated from your throat and you don’t develop antibodies, you are said not to have influenza.
Although these viruses have been correlated with disease epidemics, they have never been shown to cause them. Couldn’t it be that the viral strain was only a potential effect of the body’s immune response, and not a cause of the illness itself?
Today’s pandemic presents even more confusion, as we have an “effect” of some people testing positive for a virus that was not isolated. You can verify this for yourself on page 42 of the attached CDC document, linked here.
I thank
for opening my eyes to this fact.What then, was the trigger?
What always preceded outbreaks of influenza?
Why did so many young people die in 1889 and 1918?
If the flu was caused through infection of a contagious organism, then one would suspect the very young and old to die before those with robust immune systems. However both of these pandemics killed young people in the prime of their lives. Two-thirds of deaths from the Spanish Flu were between eighteen and forty.
Some researchers believe that the Spanish Flu of 1918 specifically killed young adults since they were exposed to the H3N8 viral strain of 1889, and their immune systems responded to the 1889 strain vs the new strain in 1918. However there are a couple problems with this viewpoint. Scientists still aren’t sure if H3N8 caused the Russian Flu of 1889. As in 1918, young people also died at greater numbers in 1889 compared to those typically at higher risk from infectious disease, namely elders and infants.
The Spanish flu appeared to have originated in the United States in early 1918, spreading around the world on Navy ships. Then in September the epidemic struck the entire world, seamingly all at once. What puzzled doctors of the time the most was the massive amount of bleeding. About forty percent of flu patients in the Navy suffered from nosebleeds, others bled from their ears, skin, stomach, kidneys, uterus, brain, and lungs. Victims would often drown in their own blood. Even as far back as 1799, scientists such as Gerhard showed how radiowaves could have this effect on the blood.
When it entered World War I in 1917, the US military deployed radio for the first time on a massive, global scale. By early 1918, the Navy was operating the world’s largest radio network, graduating over four hundred students per week from its radio operating courses.
One of the most powerful radio stations on Earth at that time was located in New Brunswick, New Jersey. A beekeeper close to that town, who was operating over 300 colonies, reported that "thousands of dead (bees) were lying and thousands were crawling about the vicinity of the hive...practically all adult workers about the age when they would normally do the first field work. No abnormal condition within the hive was noticed at this time."
Like the bees who were in the prime of their life, 1918 took those of us who were the most vital. This relates to the rule of electrical and chemical sensitivity, which is often misunderstood as a weakness. When certain food, smells, or frequencies affect us more that others, this is often a sign that our body’s receptors are working efficiently. A young person is similar to a finely-tuned musical instrument. If a loose string (a less fit person) is plucked, the chances of this string snapping are minimal. If a tightly-wound string (a vital person) is plucked too hard, this string will feel it more, and may snap, experiencing an acute immune reaction as a result.
The calcium connection
Many patients were saved during the pandemic of 1918 by being given large doses of calcium lactate, not to fight infection, but to stop the excessive bleeding.
In the 1970s, the US government contracted Dr. Glaser to organize the world scientific literature on reported biological and health effects of radio frequency and microwave radiation. Radiowaves were shown to push necessary calcium out of tissues (calcium efflux), even leading to leakage of our blood-brain barrier. This barrier is our brain’s last line of defense against environmental toxins. By the end of the 1970s, Glaser’s bibliography included 5,083 documents. You can find them all attached here.
Calcium is not just found in the bones, but is abundant in the heart, brain, and reproductive organs. Calcium also affects the release of neurotransmitters as well as regulating the contraction of the heart.

Norweigan scientist Einar Flydal has recently shown how magnetic fields can impact calcium.:
“Magnetic fields also affect cryptochromes – a protein sensitive to light and electric fields also at other frequencies. It is a relatively recently discovered and complex protein, given its name because it was initially not understood what its function could be. It was simply cryptic.
Now cryptochromes are known to have a number of central functions in our sensory organs. They direct plants towards light, and help migratory birds to “see” how far south or north they are from the equator based on the angle of the Earth’s magnetic field.
The cryptochromes affect CLOCK / BMAL1 and CBP, which are the names of proteins that are part of the biological clock that keeps track of our bodily functions.”
Occam’s Razor
I don’t have a degree in medicine, or claim to know how viral strains work. However there is a law in science that I like to apply to life’s challenges called Occam’s razor, which says that if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one.
This is why a less-is-more approach often wins out, whether it’s a fitness routine, tracking the root causes of pandemics, nutrition, or taking supplements we don’t need like Vitamin D:
"When you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras.”
All cultures knew, since the time of antiquity, that human behavior is tied to the stars. This is why so many religions had their basis in worshipping the Heavens.
The common denominator of all life is the Sun.
When we don’t remember where we came from, we turn our back on science, which means “to know.”
Truth, like the Sun, stares us down, and begs that we at least consider its new rays into our eyes of reason.
Here are some horse-like facts to consider:
In 1889, the Age of electricity was born, as Edison and Tesla provided electricity and light on a global scale. That same year, the magnetic activity of Earth began to be suppressed. The Russian flu pandemic of 1889 arrived as power lines began to radiate our atmosphere.
In 1918, the Age of radio began, and altered our magnetosphere with new frequencies. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 ensued.
In 1957, the Age of radar was launched, heaving millions of watts of microwave energy toward our skies. The Asian flu pandemic began in 1957.
In 1968, the Age of satellites began. The Hong Kong flu pandemic began.
In 2019, commercial 5G networks were activated in Wuhan. Covid19 began in Wuhan.
History may be our teacher only if we are humble enough to learn from nature, rather than believe we can be its master.
Nature gave birth to us.
Who then is the master?
Our electric blanket
Where do we go from here?
Satellites are being launched by SpaceX and others into our Earth’s protective blanket, the ionosphere, at an alarming, breakneck pace.
“Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the US caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968.
The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide.”
On March 24-25, 2021, a record 96 satellites were launched into space on a single day — 60 by SpaceX and 36 by OneWeb — and on the same day SpaceX dramatically increased the speed of its satellite internet connections.
On that day, people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, had muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in their feet and legs. They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control.
Some had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time.
March 25 registered the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021, and the fifth highest since the pandemic began.
-Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
So remember - when you hear all kinds of theories about “long-Covid”, snake venom, and Chinese flying monkey bats wanting to take you away, that the trend is our friend.
What type of trends are you starting today?
Are you taking time to disconnect, and nourish your body electric?
You are more powerful than you know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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Sources/ Footnotes:
In our home we have no router, all technology is wired and none of us have wireless tech, except my husband who has a cellphone (for work) and it's switched off 95% of time. No cell towers in close proximity, closest one appr. 3 to 4 kilometres away and our house is shielded by trees. Long story short, we went on vacation in Mexico and to our (unpleasant) surprise our vacation home was located on the top floor of a building on a hillside and smack dab in the middle of three celltowers. After 1 week, kid no 1. got sick, day after kid no. 2 and then kid no. 3. They were quite ill but only 1 or 2 days. Then my husband and me got ill, hours after each other. I can't remember feeling this sick: nauseaus, pain all over my body, tired, light headed etc. Unfortunately that day we had to move to another vacation home we booked 3 hours away. We couldn't do it. We dragged our bodies to a nearby hotel and zoned out. Next day we made the journey to the other vacation home still feeling sick but able to do it. We stayed quite sick for over a week and I even developed weird neurological symptoms: I saw my arms moving but was not aware I was moving my arm. I stayed extremely tired for several weeks and then symptoms disappeared alltogether. I'm convinced all sickness was brought on by these celltowers in vacation home no. 1.
Interesting part about sensitivity. The more I train the more I'm aware of how my body works. My teenage self that could barely bench my own body weight was not aware of the effects that a pop-tart had on my functionality. Now when I eat something processed I notice it all...