Over seventy different medications have been proven to give you cataracts as a side effect. I am sure blue light is responsible for some of this, but how many people take multiple pharmaceuticals?

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anti-biotics too.

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Geez. Didn't even think of that one, but makes sense. Do you have a link/ know by what pathway the antibiotics ruin vision? We make tons of serotonin in the gut, which then creates melatonin (tons in the eye).

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well first I have personal experience. and then when I went to look up why my eye sight worsened I learned that the anti biotic I was on... IV delivery for 5 weeks. that one of the side effects was vision loss.

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Man, sorry to hear that. Has it improved? Do you get out to see the Sunrise?

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I live for my time in Nature... it's mostly what I share in my posts. I walk 5 miles a day, garden, climb mountains, swim in the rivers.. lalala.

No the changes in my eyes has not improved.

My house faces east and west, and I watch both the sunrise and sunset most days. I watch how the sun transits the sky, rising at the Northern end of my property through the summer and moving towards the southern end in the winter, and back again.

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Thanks for sharing that Kara. Sounds like you're doing a lot to support the healing. I assume you wear blue-blocking glasses before Sunrise / after Sunset?

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Never take an antibiotic from the floroquinolone family. It can cause neuropathy. Believe it or not so can B6 which I was on for years. Go to neuropathy.org and it lists what drugs and supplements cause neuropathy.

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Good point. What’s one medication that’s most known for cataracts? Curious

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Makes sense - they drain live-saving cholesterol, which supports our brain (fat) and our eyes are part of the brain...

Thank you Commoncents! You're living up to your name (:

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My father was on statins for years and when he died was blind from years of fighting macular degeneration. If I had known what I do now about statins he would not have been on one. It also causes hardening of the arteries. He had heart surgery and two surgeries on one leg and almost lost the other after a surgery. He lived with believing he would lose his legs and his life was completely changed by this drug. The blindness was horrible. I'm on a drug that can cause dementia and bc I trusted doctors I didn't ask any questions. Then I looked and haven't trusted a doctor since. My husband's doctors also want him on a statin. He said no. Even their own studies show the issues with statins, but they don't seem to know these studies even exist and if they did they don't pay attention.

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Optometrists and most ophthalmologists also don't know about astaxanthin and/or won't mention it. Mine said he'd never heard of it. It's amazing for your eyes, skin, heart, brain and along with bilberry, lutein, zeaxanthin, I'm able to go without vision correction at least in my right eye. I buy either Mercola brand or Sports Research brand on Iherb.com. These two brands aren't filled with seed oils. Make sure you buy a 12 mg package so you are only taking one/day. You can also skip your suntan lotion as long as you aren't sitting in the sun but just walking around in it. If you are working out or walking in the sunshine to get your D3, do it without makeup and just a simple tank top and shorts, no socks or earthing shoes.

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Great call on the makeup and astaxanthin, I don't know when I'll be at the optometrist again, but maybe I'll contact one that's more holistic - to have them on our podcast. If you ever come across any that know what they're talking about...let us know (:

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Michael and his Dr. partner/owner are much more holistic than most: michael@naturaleyecare.ccsend.com I looked for a phone # but it's not on the newsletter. I know I had called them about 10 years ago.

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Thank you Skupe! Do you know where they are located?

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Forgot to say for people 10 and over, but not children.

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Better to completely skip the sunscreen - nearly all are pretty toxic, which is why sunscreen-wearing swiimmers are damaging coral reefs & sealife. I live in coastal CA and get lots of sun; almost never wear sunscreen unless hiking at high altitude in summer when i may put a natural makeup (without sunscreen) on my face only and/or a natural sunscreen based on mineral block like zinc or titanium (like Hauschka brand). (i know, titanium dioxide is not ideal, but my usage is extremely limited). Check out https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dermatologys-horrendous-war-against

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I agree, but still most people with children under 10 will still cover them with sunscreen and most would never consider taking a pill like astaxanthin. That is especially if their doctors don't know about it.

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i know, it is tragic. I have heard/read women talking about being sort of shunned and considered negligent parents if they were not slathering their children with toxic chemicals at the beach like all the other parents who believe the pharma-corporate media cartel. What an upside-down world.

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Thank you Carol for sharing - FM8 does some great work - just posted this in the shownotes of this article.

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You're so right! My grandma used to urge me to get back from the TV.

I will turn on all-day Night Mode on my phone.

I hope that computer comes out in laptop form so I can use it for work.

Thanks for another great post!

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Thanks Lisa! Same here - I would love to see it in a laptop form.

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Always enjoy listening to you both, thanks for all the info! Price is right is still on 😊

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Thank you Carol! So glad to have you with us. The Price is Right was one of our faves. We would both watch it with our grandmothers often as children.

Are they giving away explosive Teslas now?

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Haha, not sure about the Tesla’s. We turn it on for noise when we are eating breakfast to drown out the chewing sounds 😆

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Great podcast, as well as recent interview on CHDTV re: about Circadian Rhythms. I thought I was set: I keep my iphone's brightness low and use Nightshift 24/7 (same on my Mac desktop but with f.lux). So I was disappointed to hear about PWM flicker rates. I tried to sideload Iris but was having trouble with Impactor opening then saw Iris' help page saying they no longer support mobile apps anyways b/c Apple/Android make it so darn hard. So then I started researching what the PWM flicker rates are on iphones and get info that the LED displays (what my iphone 11 has) don't have PWM flicker and use DC for dimming. But as you know, it's hard to discern what's accurate and truthful!

So I thought I'd ask the PowerCouple & your followers: Do you know know if A) low brightness & Nightshift on an iphone w/ LED is helping protect CR like I thought it was, or B) it actually gives your nervous system a "disco party", in which case I'll try to persevere with sideloading Iris (& con't to do that weekly). Thanks.

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Should we avoid gazing at the moon at night--is that a source of blue light that suppresses melatonin production?

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Great question Lisa! Like many answers - it depends. I find I don’t sleep as well during the full moon, and hormonally melatonin levels tend to be at their lowest on average for most of us.

Melatonin is highest (again on average) b/w new and full moons. The full moon emits blue light, and even that small amount has an impact on our nervous system, mood etc.

I like to look at it through the ancestral lens: our predecessors would have used the full moon to hunt, and also tended to have more “full moon celebrations” where they stayed up enjoying the work of the previous month (I would assume/ hope they got more sleep the nights before, so everything balanced out). I have gone out for full moon hikes with friends, and I’ve never felt more alive, like the moment/ energy was just “right.”

That said - for the most part - I use black out blinds, an don’t beat myself up when my sleep suffers during this time, as the moon also has an electric current that causes our brains to fire differently during this time. However light is a huge factor.

So to answer your question: YES, it does, and I proactively get more sleep during the mid-cycle.

Does that help clarify?

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Fascinating and helpful, Roman. I need to incorporate lunar and seasonal thinking into my approach to circadian balance. Thank you for answering my question. 😊

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I too have always wondered how the parental caution "sit at least 5 ft away from the TV" got obliterated once computers arrived - esp since back then both TVs and the old computers had cathode ray tubes shooting electrons right at your face (and eyes) - which is why the devices were so "deep" in dimension front to back. When i briefly tried using those early computers in the 1980s, it was horrible; i could not stand being near the front of them. Have you seen the latest from Louis Slesin at Microwave News? https://microwavenews.com/news-center/old-wine-new-bottles#ICBE-EMF

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Hi Yantra! I didn't know about the 5ft rule (: but yes good call on the arrival of computers - what could go wrong? They're necessary for work, so they are viewed with more mercy, just like the socially acceptable badge of honor of "i'll sleep when i'm dead" . No I didn't see this from Slesin, checking it out now. Thank you also for your recent note (: Bohdanna and I were blown away. We should get on a call one day to chat.

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New Paltz, New York just outside of NYC

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Thank you! Found them! His last name is Edison (:

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