What we’ll learn in this article:
1. How can we support our life force?
2. How I use a body voltage meter to create a sleep sanctuary
3. Why should we measure electric fields?
4. Why use the body voltage method?
5. What is voltage?
6. How do our bodies act like an antenna?
7. What are safe levels of electricity?
8. What are common sources of electric fields?
9. Three tactics I employ to reduce electrical EMF
10. JOIN OUR WAITLIST: Wireless Health & Safety Course
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How do you measure life force?
First- by measuring what is getting in the way of our élan vital.
I carry only one thermometer with me, and it measures my voltage.
Who measures body temperature anymore? That’s so 2019.
How to create a sleep sanctuary:
Why should we measure electric fields?
Whether or not you’re concerned about wireless radiation from cell phones, we can all agree that most of us dislike being zapped by electricity. Yet we go on with our daily lives, being zapped constantly, at levels so close to the electrical communication system of our bodies and Earth (known as the Schumann resonance)1 that we have taken the power grid of our health and homes for granted.
It turns out that our bodies communicate at a cellular level through vibration, with various cell-types vibrating at varying frequencies ranging from 0-75 Hz.2

Researchers have linked electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to a variety of health effects – including leukemia, lymphoma, brain and nervous system tumors and other cancers, as well as to suppression of the immune system and other harmful effects, which includes animals3:
At the common 60 hertz (Hz) frequency of our electrical infrastructure (this is also called ELF or extremely-low-frequency), EMFs have two separate and distinct components: electrical and magnetic fields. Each field is measured with a different type of instrument or meter.
While most of the scientific research has been focused on magnetic fields, the electric fields component has also demonstrated important health effects.
Electric fields induce measurable electrical voltages onto the skin, which we are all affected by, whether we feel it or not.
A wealth of evidence suggests that people who are knowingly “sensitive” to electrical sources – reporting symptoms such as headache, fatigue, sleep problems, mental confusion, dizziness, burning or itchy skin, tinnitus and other health problems – may be affected by electric fields.
NOTE on the notion of “sensitivity”:
Our organs perceive and manage electric fields, even if we do not explicitly feel them. Being sensitive only means that you are feeling what others’ nervous systems are not picking up, since their nervous systems are not functioning at full capacity. Pain is often our teacher, and numb comfort our beloved enemy.
Why use the Body Voltage method?
The simplest and most accurate way to test the extremely low electric fields (ELF) that persist all around us, in the wiring of our buildings and homes, is to directly measure the AC voltage induced onto our skin. This method is called body voltage testing or skin voltage testing.
What is voltage?
Voltage is present anytime the power is turned on. You do not need to have any cords or appliances plugged into outlets drawing electrical current. Current and voltage are both present when you have anything plugged in, whether it’s switched on or off.
Voltage is the electric potential between any two points (e.g. between your wall outlet and circuit breaker), and can be caused by the build-up of electric charge or electric force from appliances like overhead lighting, appliances, or power lines.

Electricity is a field that can travel through the air, and is measured in volts per meter (V/m), or millivolts per meter (mV/m) for greater accuracy.
Since our bodies are electrically conductive, they are always attracting and absorbing electromagnetic fields (EMFs), similar to any man-made antenna, like the one our car uses to attract radio frequency (RF) fields.
What is capacitive coupling?
Because our skin is so conductive, the nearby electric fields can easily “collapse” or “couple” onto our skin, generating a measurable AC electrical voltage on the surface of your body.
Remember - everything in nature is a Power Couple - from red and blue light, negative and positive air ions, fire and water, male and female. How we decide to couple (eh-hem) is up to each of us.
The phenomenon we’re discussing here is also known as capacitive coupling:
Coupling in action (no not that kind of action)
Capacitive coupling from high-voltage power lines can light a lamp continuously at low intensity:

This is exactly what a body voltage meter is actually measuring – the electrical AC voltage that is induced onto our skin by the ELF electric fields around us!
What are safe levels of voltage?
In Nature – for example outside under trees, at the beach, or anywhere far away from electrical sources – the body voltage measurement is usually zero (0.0 AC volts). For millions of years before the invention of electricity, our body voltage was always zero volts AC.
Today, the typical home has body voltage levels varying from 0.1 to 5.0 Volts or more, depending on the exact location and the position of the person being tested.
“The average level in homes across the USA is probably between 0.5 and 2.0 volts.”4
-Michael R. Neuert, MA, BSME
Anecdotally, a level of 1.0 volt or higher is definitely enough to trigger “symptoms” in many sensitive people, and most will report symptoms at even lower levels.
Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, who has helped remediate EMFs for his clients for over thirty years, has found that for people who are sensitive to electric fields:
“I usually need to reduce the levels to 0.1 Volt or less to significantly reduce their complaints. I generally try to reduce people’s long-term exposures down to 0.5 volt or less.”
Personally, in bedrooms, I usually try to reduce our bed locations to 0.1 volt or less, since sleep is such a critical time for our body to repair and detoxify.
The only way to know for sure how much of an electrical field we’re picking up in our bedroom is by measuring and testing, by shutting certain circuits on or off, while being connected to a body voltage meter.
Here’s a link to one made by Safe Living Technologies: Body Voltage Test Kit.
You can also make your own for about $100 less, which I can show you how to do when you take our EMF 101 Course! (link to register below).
We hired a building biologist years ago to do testing for us, but now do it ourselves. I can attest to that fact tha the more you us a meter, the more comfortable you get with the process, and you also become immediately motivated to affect positive changes in your environment.
When you start to survey your home, you’ll notice things that couldn’t believe you didn’t see before, like the wiring running righ under your bedroom floor! Remember - you can have a bed frame with no metal, with a plush merino wool mattress, but if you’re sleeping over your basement, which has wiring running through the floor, then your body will be irradiated by electricity.
And no…we don’t have a merino wool mattress (yet), but do wear merino wool clothing, which happen to be fantastic for regulating EMF conductivity on our body. Cotton, as it turns out, is an electrical insulator and can therefore attract more EMF to us than wool.
We’ll be reviewing common EMF pathways lurking in our homes during the Wireless Health & Safety Course that we’ll be launching soon.
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Here’s an example of a handout for some of the homework you’ll get in the course:
For individuals who have a severe illness, cancer, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivity, poor immune function, etc., we want to reduce exposures down to a 10 mV/ meter level.
What are common sources of electric fields?
While power lines can be a very strong source of ELF electric fields outside, especially near the metal towers and wooden poles, they are usually not a significant source of exposure inside most homes.
For most people, the biggest exposure to electric fields will be from the unseen electrical wiring found in nearby walls, floors and ceilings. The second largest source is usually from nearby power cords for lamps, clocks, computers, appliances, etc.
Certain electrical wiring conditions can also cause high exposures. For example, if you plug a computer into a wall outlet that’s not grounded correctly, that computer will usually emit much stronger electric fields than if it was grounded. Electrical devices that can emit high levels of electric fields include computers, televisions, fluorescent lights, and electric blankets.
How can we determine the source?
Electric fields are emitted from a variety of sources, many of which may be unknown, unseen or unexpected.
For this reason I employ these 3 tactics:
Measure with a body volt meter, which we can help you make during our course, or you can buy one from a reputable manufacturer like Safe Living Technologies.
Use the precautionary principle of disconnecting any devices that don’t need to be plugged in.
I also try not to wear any metal, only if it’s my wedding ring or the tin plate in my head.
Merry Ukrainian Christmas, from our beet-ing heart of borscht to yours!
We are more powerful than you know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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Additional Resources:
Body Volt Meter made by Safe Living Technologies: Body Voltage Test Kit.
The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Oschmann, James, Energy Medicine, London: Churchill Livingstone, 2000.
For anyone who wants to buy a meter or any product from Safe Living Tech, you can use the promo code POWER for 5% OFF.
So, I cannot find the info you posted on Pau d’ Arco bark. I’m pretty sure you made a tea from it. Would you go over the benefits & how to use the bark properly? Thank you😊