Part 1: Why cancer is an electrical illness
Part 1: The myth of lung and skin cancer | How to fight fire with frequency
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Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
1. Why I want you to be healthy
2. Why environment is more important than genetics in determing in our health
3. Can our beliefs make us sick?
4. How does a lack of oxygen make us fat, sick, and lead to cancer?
5. Does the Sun cause skin cancer?
6. Does smoking cause lung cancer?
7. Is the Vatican guilty of murder?
8. JOIN the waitlist: EMF 101 Course
My mother, grandmother, and grandfather all died from cancer.
Your parents may have high cholesterol, had heart attacks, and now you’re worried, as I was, that you’ll suffer the same fate. We may have the same diseases as our parents, however it’s not due to “bad genes.”
In fact, only 5 percent of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to heredity.1
Correlation does not imply causation, yet the mainstream narrative of “it’s genetic” has been ingrained into our psyche.
Other than genetics, what else did my family share in common?
Their environment: they lived in the same house, ate the same food, and were exposed to the same TV programming.
Gene expression is what makes our cells behave the way they do.
How does our environment make us sick?
The study of how our environment impacts gene expression is called epigenetics, and was founded by embryologist Dr. Conrad Waddington in 1942.
In a nutshell, we are born with DNA that is contained in the nucleus of our cells, however it’s in the outer thin membrane, or mem-brain as Bruce Lipton, PhD likes to call it, where all the magic happens.
It’s in our membrane that proteins, the building blocks of life, receive messages from our environment. These messages are electrochemical, and come from the food we eat to the light to which we expose ourselves. Proteins then tell our DNA how to express its genes.
For instance, opsins are a type of protein that we contain in our eyes, that then regulate immune, hormone, and metabolic function:
You can think of DNA as a sheet of music, and proteins as the musician of environment who improvises and leaves out a note here and there.
Since DNA was discovered in the 1950s, the mainstream belief was that our DNA was set in stone - all causes of health or disease were genetic.
Epigenetics is proving that although we are all given one set of DNA, it can express itself in various different forms - from the diseases we manifest, to how we can create different muscles based on the type of daily exercise and tasks we perform.
To prove that environment is superior to genetics, when researchers transplanted the nucleus of a cancerous cell, the new cell remained healthy. They then transplanted the nucleus of a healthy cell into a cancerous one, and this cell remained cancerous.2
Good vibes are stronger than bad vibes
Recent research by physicians such as Dr. Gabor Mate and biologists such as Lipton show how even our beliefs impact our health through electromagnetic frequencies (good or bad “vibes”).
Lee Lorenzen, Professor Saykally, and other geneticists at UC Berkley studied the functionality of DNA. They found that the health and optimal performance of DNA is determined by the amount of energized water molecules within the DNA matrix.3
Energized water is charged with a specific frequency. These charged molecules form a particular hexagonal crystalline shape, which enhances their ability to refract and reflect frequencies.
This allows them to form clusters, forming what is known as structured water. These molecular clusters make it easier for DNA signaling to occur more accurately and efficiently; the frequencies are clearer, and less scrambled signals are sent and received at a much faster rate.
The hexagonal crystalline molecules help to reinforce the shape of water and stabilize the form of DNA strands.
To learn how I like to create this type of water, check out:
When the amount of energized water is reduced even slightly, the frequency of the cell is disturbed, and the researchers observed that critical DNA function failed on an energetic level.
As the frequency of the body decreases so does its health.4 For instance:
Disease starts at 58 MHz.
Colds and flu start at 57-60 MHz.
Cancer occurs at 42 MHz
Death begins at 25 MHz
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
WiFi operates at the same frequency as a microwave oven of 2.45GHz.
The same frequency that heats up your food is also heating up and exciting your body’s water molecules, at 2.45 billion times per second!
There have been over 10,000 independent peer-reviewed studies showing how detrimental WiFi can be to all life.5
Vibrating our way to health through water
We can also imprint positive or negative emotions upon water and harmonize its crystal structure, leading to water that is more absorbable and energized.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, is one of the most important water researchers the world has known. For over 20 years Emoto studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.

Oxygen is the food of food
Did you know that diabetics are more likely to die from cancer than non-diabetics?6
In both cases, metabolism is impaired. If you’ve read my post about diabetes, you’ll know that our mitochondria, the engines of our cells, are impaired by electromagnetic fields.
Our metabolism functions on what is called the electron transport chain. The last step in this chain requires an enzyme called cytochrome C oxidase to complete, and this is hampered by WiFi, radio waves and electricity. Cytochrome C oxidase exists in every cell and makes breathing possible.
Our cells’ behavior is mediated through the amount of oxygen they receive. Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg (1931) discovered that cancer cells do not consume oxygen, even when oxygen is present. Warburg was the first to illustrate how cancer was a metabolic disease, linked to damaged cellular respiration.
Thomas Seyfried, PhD contributed to Warburg’s discovery in a 2010 paper in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, where he concluded “emerging evidence indicates that impaired cellular energy metabolism is the defining characteristic of nearly all cancers.”7
Does the Sun Cause Skin Cancer?
Swedish researchers Orjan Hallberg and Olle Johansson have shown that the overall rate of cancer changed precisely with the increase in exposure of the population to radio waves. In Sweden, the rates of cancer accelerated in the 1920s, 1955, and 1969. In their article, “Cancer Trends During the 20th Century”, the authors note: “In 1920 we got AM radio, in 1955 we got FM radio and TV I, and in 1969 we got TV II.”
Johansson and Hallberg continued to focus on FM radio exposure in connection to malignant melanomas (skin cancers), upon following up on the findings of Helen Dolk at the London School of Hygiene.
Dolk and her colleagues had shown that the incidence of skin cancer declined with distance from powerful TV and FM radio transmitters, noting that the FM frequency range of 85 to 108 MHz is close to the resonant frequency of the human body.8
The graph below in Figure 1 shows melanoma incidence against the average number of FM transmitters to which a town is exposed. As transmitter density increases, so does the rate of melanoma:
Figure 2 below shows how deaths from skin cancer increased in tandem with the launch of FM radio broadcasting (1955 to 1965)
The graph below shows how skin cancer in Nordic women roughly doubled on the head region after 1955 while it increased by almost 20 times on the rest of the body (RoB):
In their article, “Malignant Melanoma of the Skin- Not a Sunshine Story,” Johansson and Hallberg refute the claim that the incredible surge of melanoma since 1955 is caused primarily by the sun. Rates of melanoma on the head and feet barely rose at all between 1955-2008, while rates for areas of the body that are typically clothed, especially by Nordics, increased twenty times.9
Why would the sun be causing more cancer on areas that are typically covered???
To learn how sunscreen was first a cosmetic, not a health-related application, and why UV light can actually save you from cancer, check out:
Does smoking cause lung cancer?
The not-so-smoking gun
Cigarettes have many carcinogens, especially in the rolling paper and filter itself that does not help disease. However this does not explain the following fact:
The percentage of adult men and women who smoke has consistently decreased since 1970, however deaths from lung cancer has almost quadrupled in women, and is almost the same in men as it was fifty years ago.10
The graph below shows how smoking rates were decreasing as mortality was increasing:
Today lung cancer in people who have never smoked ranks as the seventh most common cause of cancer death worldwide, even before pancreatic, cervical, and prostate cancers.11
Could it be that there are other invisible cancer sticks that are more prevelant, and that we all inhale?
Namely, electropolluted air from radio waves?
The Vatican’s Negligent Homicide
In 2011, Italy’s Supreme Court upheld the 2005 criminal conviction of Cardinal Roberto Tucci, former president of Vatican Radio’s management committee. Tucci was charged with "dangerous launching of objects," referring to the station's electromagnetic waves.12
From The Invisible Rainbow by
:The Vatican’s broadcasts to the world emanate from fifty-eight powerful radio towers occupying over one thousand acres of land, surrounded by suburban homes. For decades, residents had been screaming that the transmissions were destroying their health and causing an epidemic of childhood leukemia.
An official investigation was ordered by Judge Secchi at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s office in Rome, which was considering charges against the Vatican for negligent homicide. The results of the 2010 investigation showed that between 1997 and 2003, children aged one to fourteen who lived between six and twelve kilometers (3.7 to 7.5 miles) from Vatican Radio’s antenna farm developed leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma at eight times the rate of children who lived further away. Adults who lived between six and twelve kilometers from the antennas died of leukemia at almost seven times the rate of adults who lives further away.
The punishment for Tucci was a ten-day suspended jail sentence. No one was ever compensated for their injuries.
The Vatican antennas have not been shut down.
How do we move forward in a world where those in power get away with murder?
We raise our vibration.
Can symbols like those below harmonize our bodies’ frequency?
In upcoming articles we’ll be touching on the science of Biogeometry, and how some of its basic tenets can help us regenerate in this modern world.
You are more powerful than you know.
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
Start educating yourself today with ancestral strategies!
Check out our 5-Part series on how to treat damage from EMF.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Additional Resources:
Willett, Walter C. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science 2002 Apr 26;296 (5568):695-8
Israel BA, Schaeffer WI. Cytoplasmic suppression of malignancy. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 1987: 23(9): 627632.
K. Liu, J. D. Cruzan and R. J. Saykally. Water Clusters. Science Vol. 271, No. 5251 (Feb. 16, 1996), pp. 929-933
American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society: Joint 2009 Conferences
Seyfried TN, Shelton LM. Cancer as a metabolic disease. Nutr Metab Lond) 2010; 7:7.
Firstenberg, Arthur. The Invisible Rainbow. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2020.
Firstenberg, Arthur. The Invisible Rainbow. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2020.
Data on smoking rates from National Center for Health Statistics. Data on lung cancer from Vital Statistics of the United States (1970, 1980, 1990) and National Vital statistics Reports (2000, 2010, 2015).
National Cancer Institute 2009.
The research on the crystalline shapes of water is very interesting. There's a joke in the Corp's about solving our problems through hydration and changing our socks. I guess there may be some truth to that lol.
I never heard about that Vatican radio station. Thank you for that information.
I believe the more information the average person is presented with news stories like that, the heart attacks of Guglielmo Marconi, and Telegraph Sickness the more they will be able to piece together that this technology effects out biology.
It will take a while but we can still plant seeds and create ripples.
My non-science brain always appreciates the work your science brain does for me, Roman. :)
That pic of the Vatican towers is 😳.
I had a melanoma when I was about 30 and multiple basal cells over the years. I bought the dermatology story hook line and sinker back then. Now, I live in the country, never wear sunscreen or sunglasses, always tan rather than burn (I have light freckled skin) and have had moles disappear. I'm undoing a lifetime of health misinformation. I don't believe cancer is strictly an electrical illness, but definitely one factor. And, I believe the body is in the process of healing when the docs rush in with their barbaric treatments.
"How do we move forward in a world where those in power get away with murder? We raise our vibration." Yesssss!