Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. Why EHS is all in our head
2. A tribute to Maria, a human who suffered from EHS
3. How you can help fund EHS housing
4. Two reasons why those with EHS are silent and dismissed
5. What is Electrophobia?
6. What causes EHS?
“Man has no greater love than that he lay down his life for his friend.”
~ Thomas Merton
Do those of us who feel unwell when we’re in an environment full of electrosmog say so because we’re crazy?
Is electrosensitivity all in our head?
Yes, it is.
If you’ve ever had an electroencephalograph done of your brain, you’ll know that EMF is all in your head.

Our brains are exquisitely sensitive to all forms of electricity, as they emit electromagnetic brainwaves throughout the day that help us focus, and regenerate while we sleep.
These brainwaves operate on very low levels of EMF, and can couple1 to other forms of electricity like the power outlets in our homes, not to mention radiofrequency EMF from Wi-Fi, cellular, and bluetooth.
In my years researching and speaking with electrosensitive individuals, I’ve found one thing to be true. We are all sensitive to electricity, whether we know it or not. Some of us feel the effects of these fields more than others.
Independent researcher in bioelectromagnetics Michael Bevington conducted a peer-reviewed study , which estimates the prevelance of moderate cases of EHS (electrohypersensitivity) in those living in developed nations to be 18 percent, and severe cases to be 0.65 percent.
This means that in the US alone, there are at least 63 million people who have EHS. Those with severe cases in the US (unable to function in society) total about 2.3 million.
One of those people recently took her life through the MAID program2, because her pain was so extreme. Living in Ontario, Maria could not find the proper housing accommodations that would provide her with relief and protection from wireless radiation, and as a result decided to end her suffering.
Maria’s last wish
Maria’s last wish was for us to create safe zones for those suffering from EHS.
Here are Maria’s parting words:
On March 12th, I chose to end my Earth Walk and reunite with the Mother of All Things. I wanted to free myself from the straight jacket of electrifying pain and neurological debilitation of Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). These hidden modern-day epidemics humbled me and connected me to the great suffering of others. Yet, they also shattered and dehumanized me.
The constant tension of strange symptoms and crushing pain left me cut off from a life of embodied prayer and active altruism; I felt alienated from my true nature and impotent to be of service. I decided the greater good was to give my life with the aspiration to raise awareness and help others. As Thomas Merton said, “Man has no greater love than that he lay down his life for his friend.”
If anyone asks, you can say I ended my own life. But it would be more accurate to say I died from Electromagnetic Field (EMF) poisoning. I am not ashamed of my actions. They were based on compassion for my own suffering and the desire to prevent more people from becoming sick.
I’m not the first person with Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) to die by their own hand, but perhaps I’m the first to publicize it. And that’s my whole intention. Let me be the poster child for this 21st century plague. Let me be the impetus for positive change. What sends a stronger message than death? The message is: seek the truth and learn how to protect yourselves. The message is: create housing opportunities for people with EHS.
Manmade electromagnetic fields (EMFs) at current astronomical levels are unprecedented in human history. And they are not safe. Human cells cannot function properly under this 24/7 radiation shower. That is why people are getting sick. I chose to die so you would know how important it is to reduce your exposure to this invisible toxin. I chose to die so the world would see that safe camps for EMF refugees are desperately needed.
EHS has all the ingredients of torture: cause someone intolerable pain, separate them from the community, and prevent them from sleeping. Is that a risk you are willing to take? Is that a life you want for your children? It’s much, much easier to prevent than to cure. And those, like me, who get a severe case, find there is nowhere to live, detox, and recover. Let us care for this growing population of our society. Now is the time to start developing wilderness Safe Havens. Every person deserves a safe place to call home.
I do not want a funeral, memorial service, or life celebration. Instead, please help the living by honoring my three final wishes. Thank you and may you be well.
Take simple steps to lower your EMF exposure and stay healthy. Organize housing for people sick with EHS. Resources for this are: the fantastic book The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and the “Safe Haven tab”.
Cleanse your body of radiation, viruses, heavy metals, and pesticides, which cause EHS and other chronic illnesses, including lupus, Lyme, MS, RA, and cancer. It’s fun and yummy! Read the beautiful book Life Changing Foods by Anthony William.
Take extra good care of each other. Spend time each week in loving service to a sick, injured, or housebound person. Let them know they are not forgotten. This is the true purpose of being human. Resources for this are: the books Everybody Always by Goff, Peace Pilgrim, and the “TLC Book tab”.
May my death usher in a new era, an era in which EHS and EBV are taken seriously, diagnosed correctly, treated immediately, and prevented widely. May this be an era of permaculture eco-villages, bountiful food forests, abundant altruism and safe technologies. I gladly sacrifice my life for that purpose. May it be so!
Look for me in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Pray that I’ve melted into Mother Luminosity and am helping all beings, in all worlds, in all ways. May the bodhichitta flourish!”3
Here is an interview with Maria, recorded by
in 2019:Two reasons why those with EHS are ignored
1. Silent Canaries in the Coal Mine
Most who suffer from EHS go quietly into the night, as they don’t have the physical strength or ability to protest at a town hall, or go to a rally, as most public spaces are polluted with electrosmog. This compounds the problem for the rest of society, as we seldom hear about this disease, and go on living as if everything is normal.
2. An Official Disease with Poor Statistics
It’s hard to know how many suffer from EHS because this illness has only recently been recognized within the ICD (International Classification of Diseases). As a result, no regular statistical information has been forthcoming.
Two new codes relate to illness caused by exposure to radiofrequency radiation (W90.0) and exposure to other non-ionizing radiation (W90.8). However, these codes are also “non-billable”, which translates to EHS treatments being non-reimbursable, while some clinics may block services from being claimed.4
3. Tinfoil isn’t taken seriously
Electrosensitivity is not electrophobia. In 2004, the WHO renamed Electrosensitivity as “Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance attributed to Electromagnetic Fields” (IEI-EMF), but suggested it was not a physical but a psychological condition based on a nocebo effect.
Remember how anxiety nervosa was invented by Freud at the dawn of the wireless age of the telegraph, blaming women for bad thoughts that were “all in their head?”
Mainstream programming goes on to besmirch the notion that EHS is a real condition, and laugh at those who suffer. An episode of the popular series Better Call Saul aired which depicts a character with EHS, who tells his house guests to wrap batteries in aluminum foil (most batteries only give off a static magnetic field and are not a threat to those with EHS) and is then questioned by a psychiatrist who tells him that his condition is purely psychological.
Two things to remember:
1. Electrosensitivity is physical:
Since the 1740s, electrosensitivity was established as a physical condition.5
It was proved by subjects with 100% accuracy in studies from 1991, accepted under ICD-10 as EI Allergy in 2000, specifically listed as a functional impairment in Sweden in 2000, followed by the US and Canada, being recognized by courts worldwide - including in the UK, from 2012.
2. Electrophobia is psychological:
Electrophobia has been established since 1903, first as radiophobia and then renamed as Electrophobia in 1989. It requires prior cognitive conditioning.
Only about 1% of people with Electrosensitivity also have Electrophobia.6
Scientific evidence shows that the two conditions are different:
The blind, unaware and children without prior cognitive conditioning can have Electrosensitivity but cannot have Electrophobia.
Electrosensitivity has been shown to relate to a wide range of objective biomarkers, such as brain injuries evident in 3d fMRI scans, melatonin and histamine levels, and genetic haplotypes.
In contrast, none of these biomarkers has been shown to apply to Electrophobia.
What Causes EHS?
While there are multiple causes of EHS, common precursors include:
physical trauma to the central nervous system, such as concussion or whiplash.
chemical trauma in the form of exposure to toxins including, but not limited to drugs, pesticides, metals especially mercury and other neurotoxins.
biological trauma in the form of Lyme disease; fungal toxins; high parasite loads; etc.
electrical trauma in the form of multiple shocks, short-term exposure to high levels of electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog), chronic exposure to moderate or low levels of electrosmog, and lightning strikes.
an impaired immune system as a result of cancer treatments, biological implants, lupus or a poorly developed immune system in the very young and elderly.
If you or anyone you know are suffering from acute EHS, please reach out to The Electrosensitive Society. There are many people aware of your condition, and although resources and health professionals treating this condition are few, there are options available to you.
We are here. You are not alone. We are one.
We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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Join the next semester of EMF 101.
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What can we do to minimize 5G?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
We’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives during EMF 101.
Our course has launched already, but you can join the waitlist for the next round!
Additional Resources
May Maria's death not be in vain 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 since 2023 I've had a persistent "ringing" in my ears. It's hard to describe but it's always there in the background. I've learned to live with it but I have to admit it's very distracting at times. With the advent of 5G and beyond, I feel that more people with this problem will be coming forward. If what I've read in other ss posts (esp ones with Todd Callendar), there's a kind of kill switch built into the jab which is going to be activated by these 5G waves. Thank God I am jab free bec if what I've read is true, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I've purchased faraday cloths to cover my router and WiFi to start. Next step is to return to Ethernet if I can find a provider that is. RIP Maria-this is the first I've heard of your plight but I promise I will spread your story to everyone I can.
Wow - well, even though i do not believe suicide in reality is a solution to anything, i understand and feel compassion. In it's worst, unabated forms, with too much microwave exposure you don't even have your Self. Tragic. Those most damaged from it need more than camps and temporary shelters, though they are grateful for even that. I know. I half-way lived in my car for over a year and contemplated camping alone in the CA Sierras snow for the winter.