Can microwave ovens cause anemia?
Effects on mother's milk, B12 depletion, bacteria, and cancer
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. How is the Sun similar to a microwave?
2. How do microwaves deform water?
3. Do microwaves destroy nutrients?
4. Can our bacteria absorb microwaves?
5. How do microwaves affect milk?
6. 3 Benefits of replacing our microwave
“If you need to zap-fry your poptarts for 3 seconds before you head out the door, you may want to loosen up your schedule.”
Why do most people believe that microwave ovens are safe?
For the same reason we think our heart is just a pump, and the Sun just a ball of gas. Our misconceptions around most origins and systems of life stem from a darker pool of confusion: our relationship with water.
All our food, our planet, and our cells, are mostly composed of water.
Our human body, by molecular volume, is 99% water.1
Government agencies and mainstream websites will tell us that there’s nothing to fear when it comes to cooking our food in a microwave, because the process only involves heating food by “exciting” the water molecule. The “magnetron,” the core of the oven, generates microwaves that penetrate into the food and cause water molecules within the food to vibrate at a frequency of approximately 2.45 GHz (2.5 billion times per second).
This gives rise to friction, caused mainly by the high oscillation rate of the water molecules in the electromagnetic field (EMF). This is also called diathermic heating, whereby EMFs create heat.
As humans, we tend to only perceive what we can taste, touch, and smell. While heat is something we can feel, EMFs are invisible to us. It’s important to note that the heat created by microwaves is only a by-product of EMF. The main product is excitation from the radiation via photons of light. This excitation of the water molecule then creates other effects, including heat, along with changes to the chemical bonds of what is eaten.
Our Solar oven of regeneration
The Sun has similar effects on us all, primarily energizing molecules in our bodies like melanin with light, while using the remaining heat to fight cancer and inflammation. If you’ve ever gotten a skin burn on a cloudy day, you’ll understand that it’s UV, not the heat of the Sun, that makes you crispy. This solar type of radiation turns out to be very beneficial in structuring our hormones and optimizing organ function. However UV is always balanced by infrared radiation, which our bodies use to make structured water. This fourth phase of water then buffers stress, and helps us detoxify. The Sun also comprises a broad band of frequencies and light spectra, including RF in the Wi-Fi range. The microwave is a singular, unbalanced frequency, which is also in its own magnetic chamber, thus creating a type of alian EMF.
Like a microwave, the Sun generates an electromagnetic field. However, a microwave uses a radiofrequency that degenerates our water, whereas the Sun regenerates our water. When photons of Sunlight strike the membrane of a plant, or the surface of our skin, the water inside us then uses this light to conduct electrical impulses that our organism can use to heal and repair. This is called the photoelectric effect, for which Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize.

If you’ve read our article on grounding, you’ll understand how we all live in this cosmic battery:
Why are microwaves harmful?
What’s the big concern around cooking with a microwave, if they only shake water molecules? Until recently, we were told that microwaves “only” agitate water, don’t change chemical bonds, and don’t change the structure of H2O. However researchers are now finding this to be false. A 2022 study in the Journal of Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2 revealed that microwave cooking deforms the hydrogen bonding networks of water.
If water is what allows for electrical currents to sustain life on Earth, is it possible that the electro-chemical bonds of life are affected?
Our cells communicate by vibrating in an environment of water at 0-75 Hz.3 If you’ve ever witnessed a lightning storm, you’ll know that electrical impulses aren’t balls of fire, yet they can still harm us.
When it comes to wireless radiation, most health effects are non-thermal.4 However all current government safety standards are based on thermal (heat-based) effects.
What are some non-thermal effects of cooking with a microwave?
Do microwaves destroy nutrients?
As far back as the 1930s, Russian scientists had already conducted research5 on the effects of microwaves on the nervous systems of humans and animals. Their findings led to very strict safety measures which weren’t taken seriously by western scientists, who use threshold values a thousand times higher than those of the Russians.

In individuals who ingested microwaved foods, Soviet researchers documented6:
A higher percentage of cancer cells in the blood
Degeneration of the immune system / inability to fight malignant tumors
Digestive system disorders / gradual destruction of excretory systems
A statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers
Finally, Soviet researchers showed that EMF created by microwaves could cause health problems7 within a five-hundred-meter radius, including deformed composition of the blood and lymph areas, degeneration and destabilization of cell membranes, interference with the brain’s electrical nerve impulses, central and autonomic nervous system problems, and a cumulative loss of vital energy.8
At the end of the 1970s a Forensic Research Document was released in the United States, containing alarming findings on the destruction of the nutritive value of foods, development of cancer-causing agents, and direct biological effects of exposure to microwave emissions on humans.9
In 1998, Dr. Fumio Watanabe of Japan's Kochi Women's University found10 that heating samples for six minutes degenerated 30 to 40% of milk's vitamin B12. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to the human disease pernicious anemia, which occurs when you don’t have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to other tissues. Someone who has pale or yellow skin, is short of breath, has an irregular heartbeat, and/or cold hands or feet may be anemic.
When water molecules are violently agitated, they reverse polarity (direction) more often, leading nutrients in vegetables like carrots and broccoli to become deformed11, even up to the point of destroying cell walls, whereas conventional cooking keeps cell structures intact. The end result is destructive polarization of the water molecule, which leads to the creation of more free radicals. Free radicals have a tendency to cause chemical reactions, which can interact with, and disrupt enzymes necessary to biological processes such as digestion. This chemical reaction doesn’t stop here.
In the early 1990s, Swiss scientists Dr. Hans U. Hertel and Dr. Bernard Blac, Professor at the Federal Institute for Technology of Lausanne, showed that “an inductive transfer of radiation-energy”. . . via irradiated food into living organisms also occurs. Hertel found abnormal changes in the blood, which coincides with what other researchers are now finding - a decrease in hemoglobin12 in those who eat microwaved food.

If you search “microwave dangers” online, most sites will tell you that Hertel’s study “can’t be found” or that it isn’t peer-reviewed. While the latter may be true, the study does in fact exist. Hertel and Professor Blac conducted a small study - self-financed because Switzerland’s National Fund argued that “there was no need for research in this particular field of science,”13 which showed that microwave-prepared foods caused immediate “abnormal changes in the blood of test-persons indicating disorder.” 14
How can we tell if our blood is absorbing microwaves?
Bacteria absorb and emit microwaves
Studies on luminescence (light-emitting) of bacteria by Hertel also revealed a highly significant association between the amount of microwave energy in the test foods and the increased energy in the blood serum of test persons who ate that food. The luminous power of luminescent bacteria exposed to serum from these test persons was significantly greater than that exposed to serum of those persons who had eaten conventionally heated food or raw food. This led the authors to the conclusion that radiation induced into food from microwaves may be passed along to humans through ingestion of microwaved food.

Microwaving our Mother’s Milk
The following excerpt is taken from Debunking the Myth That Microwave Ovens Are Harmless, a wonderful article15 by Merinda Teller:
In the 1980s and 1990s, researchers showed that microwave warming of frozen human breast milk was “inappropriate” due to the technology’s effects on the content of the milk’s beneficial IgA antibodies,16 which protect breastfed babies from infection.17 A 1992 study by Stanford researchers confirmed that high-temperature microwaving of frozen breast milk not only “caused a marked decrease in activity of all the tested anti-infective factors” but also allowed undesirable E. coli bacteria to spread eighteen times faster compared to non-microwaved milk.18 Even lower-temperature microwaving accelerated E. coli growth by a factor of five. The Stanford authors concluded that their findings raised questions about microwave safety at any temperature.
If you read our recent article on how microwaves affect the microbiome, you’ll remember how researchers found how E.Coli proliferated near cell towers.
In a 1989 letter to the editor of The Lancet, Austrian scientists summarized research showing that microwave treatment of milk formula produced hazardous changes in amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) that could lead to “structural, functional, and immunological changes.” They also reported the presence of an altered form of the amino acid proline which, unlike normal proline, is toxic to the brain, liver and kidneys.19 In a press blurb that picked up on the Lancet letter, the eye-catching headline screamed, “Super-heated babies’ milk can lead to brain damage”; the article reported that “the time saving ovens turn proteins in milk into poisons that attack vital organs. . . with possibly fatal results.”20
In 2005, a Jordanian-based researcher compared various types of heat treatment (microwaving, boiling and pasteurization) for two types of milk (raw cow’s milk and reconstituted powdered milk). Looking at the milk’s cholesterol contents, the researcher determined that microwave heating was “highly detrimental to quality compared to the other heating methods due to its unique heating mechanism.” 21
Microwave heating—far more than the other methods—caused a significant increase in the level of carcinogenic cholesterol oxidation products, putting “a big question mark on the use of microwave oven in food processing and preparation.”
Can microwave ovens leak?
Whether or not they do, the question we need to ask is “How can we tell?”
Most homemakers don’t have even a very basic EMF meter like the TriField TF2.
Other EMF-remediation professionals like
have measured radiofrequency reverberating through the entire home, once a microwave is turned on. Even the New York Times admitted that many microwave ovens leak,22 however there’s nothing to worry about due to the “miniscule” amount of radiation.Consider this: if we stand four feet away from a high-power microwave oven, magnetic fields are as high as 20 milligauss (mG), and can be up to 200 mG, a foot away. The EPA and the NIEHS cite in their documents on EMF that:
“Microwave ovens produce 60-Hz fields of several hundred milligauss (mG). We are not shielded from the 60-Hz fields.”
The threshold for the childhood leukemia risk is widely believed to be at 3-4 mG. 23 Acute exposures may not be a major concern, but chronic exposures - if you’re a cafeteria worker, office worker, or unsuspecting homemaker, could well put you at risk for cancer.
What can we do about it?
I didn’t need any peer-reviewed papers to tell me that microwaves weren’t beneficial to my health. I used my intuition, and love of food, to push me away from these military-grade kitchen appliance. Here are some benefits to not using your microwave:
Data privacy & EMF reduction: You can convert your microwave to a faraday cage for your devices, cut down on the radiation* they emit (they still radiate, even when they’re on airplane mode), and limit what’s picked up on the microphone. *Test the microwave first by calling your phone
Extend life of electronics: a faraday cage may also help buffer any damage to electronic circuitry (in cell phones, USB sticks, hard drives) from a solar flare or geomagnetic storm.
Use the new space as a positive place: we love using our previous microwave shelf as an area where we can proudly display our grassfed ghee, which is loaded with divine DHA, along with other supplements we want to remember to take daily.
Instead of micromanaging your hectic life, why not get macrowaved in the Sun?
Let’s make our bodies’ water dance once more.
We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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Additional Resources:
History of the microwave oven:
Microwaving a poptart? human_body_may_be_99_water_reports_water_researcher_gerald_pollack_phd/prweb11623245.htm
Best S. Microwave ovens: a recipe for cancer. What Doctors Don’t Tell You. 2000;10(12):1-4
Mercola J. Why you should avoid microwave cooking. Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, June 2001, pp. 128-9.
SCHRUMPF, ELAINE & CHARLEY, HELEN. (2006). Texture of broccoli and carrots cooked by microwave energy. Journal of Food Science. 40. 1025 - 1029. 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1975.tb02259.x.
Are microwave ovens a source of danger? The Journal of Natural Science. 1998;1(2):2-6.
Blanc BH, Hertel HU. Comparative study about food prepared conventionally and in the microwave-oven. Raum & Zeit. 1992;3(2):43-48.
Sigman M, Burke KI, Swarner OW, Shavlik GW. Effects of microwaving human milk: changes in IgA content and bacterial count. J Am Diet Assoc. 1989;89(5):690-2
Hanson LA, Söderström T. Human milk: defense against infection. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1981;61:147-59.
Quan R, Yang C, Rubinstein S et al. The effects of microwave radiation on anti-infective factors in human milk. Pediatrics. 1992;89(4 Pt. 1):667-9
Lubec G, Wolf C, Bartosch B. Aminoacid isomerisation and microwave exposure. Lancet. 1989;2(8676):1392-3
Super-heated babies’ milk can lead to brain damage. Examiner, Feb. 13, 1990, p. 21
Herzallah SM. Influence of microwaving and conventional heating of milk on cholesterol contents and cholesterol oxides formation. Pak J Nutr. 2005;4(2):85-8
Yell it from the rooftops!
I was exposed to the Russian research in the early 2000's regarding the deleterious effects of the microwave.
I removed them from my homes.
Outstanding article, information, and well written.
Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I measured the RF from a microwave oven. Even when it was just plugged in and NOT turned on, it emitted high RF fields. (When unplugged, no RF).