Mar 15·edited Mar 15Pinned

Well, Roman you probably knew that it wouldn't be a picnic interviewing Jack Kruse. I also was grateful for your "stupid" question about seeing the sunrise. That segment was one of the most useful. I wish you and Bodhanna had been able to ask more questions.

The idea that obesity is adaptive is very interesting. I have been thinking for years that the more techy the person (especially men) the more likely they are to have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat all over. I figured it was probably the body's response to protect itself from the emf waves. Before the mass adoption of wireless radiation, women were much more likely than men to have this condition. Of course there are the reported estrogenic effects of emf, and many more men - especially young men - have breast development "man boobs" these days.

I have seen tons of jack kruse videos, podcasts, etc - and he IS brilliant (his nourish vermont 2017 talk is amazing) but tried his 'patreon' blog and it is just too technical for a non-physics major like me, so i quit.

I too think his message would go a lot further with a different attitude. There are many people i won't send his material to because the treatment of the interviewer can make one wince.

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Hi Yantra! Thank you so much for listening, and for this feedback! You're the second person to mention that you were glad for our question on the Sunrise. We're glad we asked it too. Jack is really a sweet guy, it's just that he's passionate about so much of his work I believe. Nature can be an unforgiving teacher, and so can Jack. I'll take it for now - he's got the wisdom, and there is so much we can learn. Hope to be able to interview him again. What would be some questions you would have liked for us to ask?

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Mar 16Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I just listened to the whole episode again while prying redwood seeds out of the deck as the sun goes down behind the big trees. Really it is a GREAT podcast with lots of new ideas and information. Thanks for doing it! I'll have to mull over my possible questions (I'll probably have too many). The Q about seeing the sunrise is really important to me because i live on 5 acres in a little valley which is great for protection from celltowers, etc, but impossible for seeing the actual sunrise. For 6 weeks or more earlier this winter, i was jumping into my freezing car every morning just before sunrise and driving to a spot where i could gaze at the actual sun as it rose - fabulous, but it got old after awhile - i like my morning peace, and normally use my car as little as possible. So instead i have been going outside in the early morning light here in this valley, enjoying that light but wondering how important seeing the actual sun was . . . and, thanks to you, now i have it from the horse's mouth.

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Yes! Amazing! So glad you don't have to freeze your butt off anymore. Happy I could get the info out there Yantra, and as always - for your feedback.

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Classic low agency response. If my attitude keeps you from the best adice in your life, I am not your problem. YOU ARE YOUR WORST PROBLEM and you need to fix this defect in thinking. You are someone who I was talking about in this podcast. I hope the audience here will see it and I thank you for reenforcing my lesson in this podcast.

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haha, I actually included your drill sergeant advice in a post I just wrote - https://www.peace-is-happy.org/post/praise-the-fools-ravi-shankar. I linked to this one as I thought low dopamine might be an underlying theme. And I did encourage sunshine!

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"What if obesity is an adaption to non-native EMF and Blue Light?"

*My head explodes*

Great nuggets of info in this one and new perspectives. Thank yall.

Sunlight heals.

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Thanks so much Jonathan for your vote of moral support. Apparently my substack is so abrasive and "salesy" to others, that I even got called controlled opposition today!

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Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

No problem. "Grind recognizes Grind" as the kids say. I understand how some may not be in a buying mood but we all gotta make cash some how.

Congrats!!!! I hope to one day get that accusation.


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Thanks man...I appreciate your support and understanding. It's been one hell of an afternoon. If I wanted trolls, I would have stayed on Facebook. Thanks so much.

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"How long should I do this?"

"F*cking all day!"

- I laughed so hard, and it's so true!

"The sicker you are, the more time you need outside"

- Yep, I need ALL the time outside.

We live in a very small one room space, not much bigger than a tiny home. Windows and doors open almost year round. Power off most of the week. No artificial light AT ALL, sunset means dark at our home, unless we choose to burn some homemade pure beeswax candles. Sunset is a big deal for me, winding down with the sun is crucial. Anytime I ignore that, I pay dearly.

Adaption vs eradication is in interesting thought. People like me, in that group who can't tolerate any EMF, have a preference for eradication. I guess we'll be the ones outside all day growing the food for those who may possibly adapt.

"If you have the idea in your head that we are somehow going to subtract technology from the human experience, you are dead wrong".

Maybe . . .

The sun is more powerful than our fragile electric grid, one earth direction sneeze and the human experience may not have a choice.

Probably stupid questions - in case you interview him again:


How crucial in comparison to sunrise?

Sunset is more significant for me personally, but not being inside at all is the ultimate. Sunrise for our family always involves outdoor light coming in due to windows and doors being open all the time.

Adaption - bees.

An interesting thing I noted in Arthur's book was that the bees nearly died out where Marconi did his work, but then they came back.

As I read that I thought how?

How did they, a highly sensitive insect, adapt?

What did they do to adapt?

We are in another wave of bee die off now, I wonder if they'll they adapt again?

Adaption - outside.

If all people live at the best latitude, and spend all day outside, EMF generating technology has little purpose, or people to run it. And isn't that avoidance, rather than adaption?

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That was awesome. And Saturday event this upcoming weekend?

He didn't get into the diet messages from the whale and elephant stories - he mentioned DHA in the whales diet but a leaf or grass diet is also a source of DHA I think and it is rich in magnesium. It is magnesium protection that we need to prevent too much calcium activity through opened TRP channels.

In your health effects of EMF module, the overactivity of microbes is simply that I much “on” leads to more growth and cell division. It is not a “defense” or stressed survival response in a no thinking microbe in my opinion as much as it is simply a reaction to more available energy in the environment. Once other needed food supplies are depleted and/or waste accumulates to a toxic level, then the rapid growth will die off.

Humans can protect themselves with more DHA and jess or no seed oils, and also green leafy vegetables in their daily diet and maybe topical magnesium sources too if health is a problem that needs to be improved.

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What a great interview! I love this guy! Definitely going to watch his channel. It’s all so clear now why the globalist scum must block out the sun 🌞Thanks for introducing this wonderful doctor to us.

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Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

This has not been true for me. I was keeping livestock and was out every morning when my symptoms started. Then I lived at the beach and walked my dogs at sunrise every morning. Symptoms still persist. Sometimes rest is the answer.

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Mar 19Liked by Roman S Shapoval

That scenario tells you something else. Your Environment is likely toxic with nnEMF and you need to hire a building biologist.

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Mar 19Liked by Roman S Shapoval

What scenario? I have hired a building biologist. I am in the process of mitigating. I cannot tolerate wifi, but even with everything turned off, I still have sleep disturbances. Sun exposure has not changes my symptoms, even when I am tan in the summer. Don't you think circadian rhythms change as we age? My 84 year old aunt says she gets most productive late into the night and sleeps b/w 3/4am-10/11am. This seems to correlate with what I have read about centenarians living in blue zones.

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Mar 20Liked by Roman S Shapoval

What are the blue zones?

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They are where people live longest - mediterranean, coastal Japan, pretty sure how that's defined.

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Mar 20Liked by Roman S Shapoval

thanks! interesting

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Hi Tami - thank you for sharing your experience. Rest is best, but light is often ignored. Too many rest under blue light, not resting at all. What type of symptoms are you having, if I may ask?

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Sleep disturbaces, every two hours. What would be attributed to menopause in today's med-speak, but which I can find no history of prior to electrification. Also, people's circadian rhythms change as we age. When reading about centenarians living in what used to be Blue Zones, (who knows if they exist in the era of wifi) older people stayed up later and slept in till 10-11am. They were staying up late socializing, not on devices but with each other. Also, I have met men who have the same symptoms I do. I believe we are electro-hypersensitive.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Roman S Shapoval

As per Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, EMFs do drive our parasites/pathogens crazy. Everyone has worms of some sort. They respond to EMFs by emitting more waste/toxins, which we then have to clean up. I find it helpful to deworm myself with herbals for a couple days two times a month: full moon and new moon.

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Mar 17Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I have tried that numerous times. I make fresh lemon juice with garlic salad dressing every week, I drink wormwood tea, have used tinctures, did the turpentine, pure gum spirits with sugar, have used homeopathic Cina and other parasite remedies..... I don't have intestinal parasites. I have tested positive for lyme. Am currently trying Borrelia Berdorferi and Bartonella Hensalae homeopathic nosodes with Aurum Arsenicum. The best strategy for me has been avoidance. Hard to do in today's world.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Do you know of Cellcore.com? Their parasite specific complexes are the only ones that get the rope worms out of my gut... every time I have a low back pain. I've tried other protocols over the years including homeopathics. I also take high dose copper sulfate, which detoxes pathogens and is involved in many, many biochemical reactions in the body. And I use Tony P.'s Triangle over my intestines. If you really feel like it's synthetic biology, what are you doing to remove that tech? What are you using to erase their AI programming?

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Why do you bring up synthetic biology? I never commented about that. I haven't heard that anyone's symptoms were resolved using that device.

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One of the many symptoms of EMF poisoning is sleep disturbance. I don't know what's going on with you, how could I? but when DOCTORS talk about viruses as if they are a GIVEN, I sort of turn off. There's an excellent page, Christine Massey, who sends out THOUSANDS of FOIA's (Freedom of Information Act) requests all over the world-- There has NEVER been anyone who has isolated a VIRUS... If this info is news to you, there's catching up to do...

Hope this is helpful, and try EMF protection mitigation...

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Yes, I know about the virus debate and I agree, but EMF's do make microbes proliferate, they resonate at different frequencies than our own cells, as Royal Rife, Wilhelm Reich and Georges Lakhovsky new and demonstrated. I have tried EMF protection mitigation and it hasn't helped. Why do you bring up the virus debate here? It seems irrelevant.

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Irrelevant? Hmmm.

Can you point me to some evidence that EMF's "make microbes proliferate"? I've not heard of those three people... got links?

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Author

look up Klinghardt and his studies on Lyme. Do I come onto your articles and hurl insults at guests or content you've written? No, I don't.

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Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

You brought the topic of virus/no virus up. Why?

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That was a treat, Jack Kruse was my hero way back and still is. His manner makes me laugh, I absolutely love people who are direct and I am also a task focused person so I get criticism too. What JK gives to us, for so many years, is so simple, utterly brilliant, cutting edge and beyond valuable. Thanks so much it takes cojones and real honesty to do this.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I very much agree that getting outside in the Light is healing. Looking back, I think my savior was buying a horse In 1995. Every day I visited him, saddled him up and rode him outside either in an arena or in pastures. I took dressage lessons and rode with my horse friends. It was heaven to me. We moved to a small farm in 2003. I stopped riding around 2015 when I took up playing the mandolin. I still am outside every day to feed him, trim his feet and to brush him. And my husband and I walk the dog three miles a day. But only recently have I decided to get up at sunrise to get the morning FIR/IR/red light. Before being pushed to do so, I was outside by 9-9:30am for a walk. I now have a lot more energy to apply to physical farm work, and my circadian rhythm is getting synced with the Sunrise. I just might start riding or at least playing with my horses again. Life feels good again.

I love the way Jack gets his points across. Thank you so much for introducing me to his work. It's great to know the benefits of absorbing the morning light as well as full spectrum light. It's also good to know the reason why some people decline so rapidly by staying inside. I think I'll have to go punch someone in the face and then drag them outside by the hair. I need to listen to this podcast over and over again to get psyched up to be the Moma Lion.

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Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

That was a very interesting podcast. It moved me enough to get out and get 20 minutes of early morning sunlight, even though it was only 6°C. It felt wonderful!

Thank you for your very interesting and impressive work.

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Thank you so much Ch! Grateful for your feedback and support! Had you heard of Dr. Kruse before?

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Mar 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

No, I hadn’t. At first I found him somewhat abrasive but I enjoyed the information he shared. And I warmed up to him enough by the end to read about him from your link. Thank you

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Thanks so much Ch for sharing that. Glad that you had the patience to last until the end of the show! He's a wealth of knowledge, truly.

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Mar 19Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Dr. Kruse doesn't mince words, does he?

At the risk of not keeping it simple and therefore being stupid, is it better for me to cast my eyes eastward when sunrise is reportedly occurring, although I cannot see the sun yet due to obstacles? Or should I wait until just after the sun has cleared the obstacles and gaze at it through closed eyes at that time? Thank you.

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Thank you for your question Lisa. To keep it simple - get outside at Sunrise, and look up at the sky - light refracts, and the benefits are still there without seeing the actual horizon (although that's an added benefit). Keep your eyes open - the light needs to get in. AM Sunlight is more gentle, even later, and will help regenerate ocular melatonin. Does that help answer?

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Mar 15·edited Mar 19Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I thought your early question on whether we need to see the actual sunrise or not was super helpful and one that I have been wondering about for a year. Jack cannot put himself in another's shoe and realize that he is usually too technical to follow. I really wish he had let you ask more questions. I have listened to maybe 8 podcasts with him and it is very difficult to understand his arrogance. If he didn't insult people so much, Huberman included, his message would go further. it was nice when he complimented at the end.

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Hello Sabrina, thank you so much for your feedback. I think Dr. Kruse is only trying to be gruff with others b/c he's trying to show us what he's learned. Like he said, if he didn't care, he wouldn't spend the time correcting, etc. However I hear you on the simplicity part- I'm happy I asked this question too!

I love trying to distill Jack's complex concepts for all.

Is it difficult to see the Sunrise where you're at?

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Mar 15·edited Mar 19Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thanks for replying Roman, yes there is a mountain between me and the sunrise, so I would imagine the sun is at 30% or more before i can see it. Why your question was so important to me is that now I will go out anyway - immediately at the designated time for sunrise, even though I can't see it.

I have tried following Jack on Patreon, listened to all his Rick Rubin podcasts including the two when he was so insulting to Huberman (and he wonders why Huberman hasn't invited him on his podcast!!) and listened to him on every podcast I can find. I am an extraordinarily healthy person and have listened to my own inner wisdom and nature all my life, but there are still some questions I have that are mostly specific to me, wearing contacts etc.

I think he is a bully and gaslights people, he is not just being gruff. He attacks. If he took more time to learn some communication skills and dealt with his anger, it would be easier for people to absorb his message. Insulting people by saying they are low dopamine - which I am not - because he refuses to make his message more clear (and I see he is trying a little now) is being a bully. I am a high IQ person but not particularly scientifically focused and when I can't understand someone, I think the person could learn some skills. When a podcaster can actually ask a question of Jack to simplify his message, it helps. Rick Rubin will quickly say to Jack: explain that more in an authoritative manner and Jack will stop. Rick demonstrates authority without bullying, and Jack could learn from that.

I appreciative you having him on - thank you.

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I have listened to Jack Kruse now for many many years and I have no problem with his arrogance, guy is a genius in my book, he shares his knowledge freely, super task focused and I get that, you need to deal with your process, that’s not his job. Personally I am grateful and don’t care how he delivers it.

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Same here- the wealth of free information on his blog is astounding. I don't blame him for how he acts - especially after all the trolling I've gotten the past few years, it's hard not to build a tough skin and be impatient when others are wasting your time....can't imagine how much trolling he's gotten. Thanks for sharing. What / who made you aware of Kruse? Do you remember?

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Not just wasting your time but also your energy. It's time for people to level up, the downward spiral of mediocrity and pussy footing around is hopefully over. I have worked in alternative health for over 30 years and been researching and learning all the time, so I am not sure how I came across JK. I think initially it was looking into UV light and found him on YT.

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He's also a believer (apparently) that viruses are real, and pathogens, and you can "catch" one... Nope. There's a LOT of evidence now that is old myth is a MYTH. A mistake, actually.

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You're frontal lobes need work.

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as does your emotional IQ - even with RFK Jr you can't resist interrupting and touting yourself.

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Have to admit though - Jack has an incredible story to tell.

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Of course he has a good story. I appreciate his brilliance. Yet it is painful to listen sometimes when he attacks and demeans people. It detracts from his message. In a world like this, kindness matters. Perhaps I was too critical of him, but just like he says, I want him to learn.

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I also noticed you liked Jack's comments about the frontal lobes, pretty ironic from him as among other things they regulate social understanding and emotional regulation.

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Has Dr Kruse said anything about the PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) devices that claim to protect against harmful EMF?

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Still using the word "viral" from programming. Sun Rays and light from, Yes, Sun frequency. And drink pee, haha, and It works simple The fear jab of a minimal selectively deployed nanotech, EMF enhanced psyop theatre

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Absolutely loved the commentary about females “that get it” and mama lions!

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