Does EMF cause childhood leukemia?
Residential electric fields | Ground current | Paul Harding Webinar
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. How is our power grid electrocuting us?
2. How do cell phone chargers contribute to dirty electricity?
3. Why are incandescents more electrically stable than fluorescents?
4. How are children being affected by EMF in the bathtub?
5. What is ground current, and how does it affect our health?
6. How is our blood affected by EMF?
7. How does EMF affect leukemia?
8. FREE Webinar Oct 3: Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions
“Blood is the rose of mysterious union.”
― Jim Morrison
There’s nothing new under the Sun, yet everything is renewed by our Star. Healing solar winds bellow through fiery chambers of our cosmic heart, sweeping through our marrow with a cool magnetic breeze that offers a halcyon.
Our star does not cast anyone out, and treats saint and pariah with equal fervor. Those who surrender to their Sol’s power silently speak back to a God who whispers to us what we’ve always known:
“May ye be not of the world, but in the world.”
The whole universe flows to us, and through us, as our sacred blood marches to the eternal rhythms of our recently-remembered past.
Our world suffers because we’ve let our hand be taken by our devices, and let our vices rob the hand of our children’s future.
Our homes have been invaded, and our shelters shattered, by electrical currents that obey only one master: physics.
Yet there is still much hope amid the chaos.
If we can understand simple principles of science, and understand our electric origin, then history will be doomed to never repeat itself.
How is our power grid electrocuting us?
Let’s start with the basic concept of electricity, as it applies to the power grid of North America. When power is run to our homes, the electrical utility uses the Earth as the ground. We ground electrical components so that they are made stable and safe. Anytime power is run from the electrical substation, which is the source, the utility company needs to provide a way for current to flow back to the substation via a neutral wire.
This has not happened.
Dave Stetzer, an electrician by training with over 30 years of experience, testified to the Michigan Attorney General on how our power grid is contributing to a storm of electrical pollution. What Stetzer describes is the following:
“The essential problem is that the utility is using the earth as the return pathway for its electricity or neutral current, back to the substation, rather than its own neutral wire. This is occurring because of a number of factors including the following:
1) a decrease in the ability of the neutral wire to conduct current due to degradation of the wires; and
2) an increase in the impedance of the neutral wire due to the changing characteristics of loads from linear to non-linear.”
- Dave Stetzer of Stetzer Electric.1
Here’s a podcast interview we recently had with Dave:
Let’s break this down.
Rather than the electric utility using a separate wire, they are installing many more ground rods, which are then able to conduct electricity over the ground back to the substation. The utilities have installed excessive amounts of ground rods, which then scatter electrical currents through our entire country at the path of least resistance.
What are non-linear loads?
Much of our technology has outpaced our electrical infrastructure, as utilities seek profit over safety. Wires have aged and corroded, and damaged over time from weather events to tree-trimming. Today, most of our devices emit what is called a non-linear load. Computers, fax machines, copiers, and many other electronic devices use what is called a switch-mode power supply, which interrupts the electrical flow hundreds of thousands of times per second, switching from AC to DC in order to remain energy-efficient.
This is in stark contrast to technology before 1970. For instance, incandescent light bulbs emit what are called linear loads, which is a smooth sine wave. This waveform is much more coherent. The distorted waves we have today contribute to the phenomenon of dirty electricity, otherwise known as electromagnetic interference.
How is ground current affecting our health?
While many are concerned over the health effects of 5G cell towers, we’ve forgotten the EMF that is right under our feet - ground current. This current flows into our homes, through our wires, along copper water pipes, and onto common appliances, our kitchen sink, and our bathtub.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater
There have been many studies looking into the effects of EMF on outcomes of childhood leukemia, but none have been able to make a causal link. Most papers have looked at the impact on magnetic fields, rather than studying electrical currents. However, a 2000 paper entitled The possible role of contact current in cancer risk associated with residential magnetic fields2 has shown that very low electrical currents can create harmful changes in the blood, potentially setting the stage for leukemia. These electrical currents are in the range of what the NIEHS (National Institute for Environmental Health & Sciences) considers as hazardous:
“Convincing evidence for cancer-causing effects is only available for magnetic flux densities greater than 100 μT or internal electric field strengths greater than approximately 1 mV/m. ”
-NIEHS Report on Health Effects from Exposure to Power-Line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields3
To put this into perspective, 1 millivolt per meter (mV/m) is extremely low. However, the cells of our bodies operate via these minuscule electrical potentials.4 The magnetic field of 100 μT is extremely high, and does not typically occur in most homes.
In the paper cited above, Robert Kavet, along with his research fellows, showed5 that ground currents could induce electrical fields of over 1 millivolt per meter across organs such as the heart and bone marrow.
During a WHO Workshop on Sensitivity of Children to EMF in 2004, Kavet discussed the ground current, also known as contact current, running along water lines and into bathtubs, and its connection to childhood leukemia. Kavet found that roughly 75-80% children older than 1 year are potentially exposed to contact current every two baths.6 The dose of electrical current to bone marrow was explored as a plausible mechanism for childhood leukemia.
Here’s how we interact with contact current EMF via a chassis (e.g. appliance, conductive surface):
How is our blood affected by EMF?
Studies by James L. Oschman, PhD have shown7 that when our bodies have direct contact with the Earth, otherwise known as grounding, our health may improve. This is due to the fact that we absorb and harvest electrons from the electrical field of the Earth. We then donate these electrons to parts of our body that can use them to repair and quell inflammation. The native electromagnetic field of the Earth allows our blood cells to move about freely, rather than be in a stacked formation where clumps form:
Before the Age of Electricity, if we had an injury, white blood cells called lymphocytes would come to the rescue. Eventually these eager first responders would be kept in check, as the stable electrical field of the Earth would slap them on the back, and tell them to go back to take a rest at the fire station.

However, due to the explosion of modern-day electronics, which run on an outdated power grid, our blood may not have the luxury to freely move about or go on a much needed vacation of anti-inflammation.
EMF in the middle of…nowhere?
Case in point - my colleague Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions went out to the middle of the desert, and found artificial ground current.8

We are designed to absorb electricity from the Earth, as this is how our bodies heal. This is why when we ground ourselves, we absorb electrons that are used by our bodies’ own DC electric circuit. However, our Earth is now saturated with a computerized lightning that does not revitalize, but shocks us with disease. This is why when we ground, we can potentially make ourselves an antenna for other non-native electromagnetic fields like those from cell towers or residential wiring:

How does EMF exacerbate leukemia?
Electromagnetic fields regulate cell division9, and autophagy10 (“self-eating”) - our bodies’ recycling and cellular waste removal system.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common form of childhood leukemia, and accounts for about 25% of all childhood cancers in the United States. ALL occurs most often in children aged 1 to 4 years, and originates from the stem cells of our bone marrow, when there is an uncontrolled growth of lymphoblasts (an immature type of lymphocyte).

Cause unknown, environment known
As with many other illnesses we’ve studied, from ALS, MS, to Parkinson’s, the cause of leukemia is unknown. The blame is placed on a potential genetic mutation, which has yet to be proven. However, thanks to the epigenetic research of Doug Wallace11 , we know that most chronic disease has an environmental trigger. In fact, only 5 percent of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to heredity.12
What do we know?
Our blood contains iron, which is magnetic.
Our blood responds to extremely low currents of electricity.
What in our world has undergone the most massive shift in the last century?
Our electromagnetic environment.
Lymphocytes are made in our bone marrow by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), whose function is also governed by iron uptake.
Leukemia occurs when we produce too many lymphocytes.
What can we do about it?
We can begin by recreating our houses into the shelters that withstand the storm. If our bodies are a temple, then our blood is the paint of our arterial wall.
We can only apply our paint well if our vessels are constantly stirred, and mixed, with all the forces of Nature.
Stagnation leads us to a road of life that ends before it begins, dwelling in a room of the past that’s splashed with a brittle misunderstanding of our birthright.
Isn’t it time to revivify our future?
Let’s start building a foundation.
If we can’t stand, we can’t fight.
If we can’t fight, we can’t love.
If we can’t love, we can’t live.
It is up to us.
Want to learn more about how you can protect yourself against dirty electricity?
JOIN US Thursday, October 3, 2024 for a special webinar with Paul Harding:
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
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for this video:
Kavet R, Zaffanella LE, Daigle JP, Ebi KL. The possible role of contact current in cancer risk associated with residential magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2000 Oct;21(7):538-53. PMID: 11015118.
NIEHS Report on Health Effects from Exposure to Power-Line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields: Prepared in Response to the 1992 Energy Policy Act (PL 102-486, Section 2118) (751KB) - Prepared in Response to the 1992 Energy Policy Act (PL 102-486, Section 2118)
J. Galvanovskis, J. Sandblom,Amplification of electromagnetic signals by ion channels, Biophysical Journal, Volume 73, Issue 6,1997, Pages 3056-3065, ISSN 0006-3495,
Kavet R, Zaffanella LE, Daigle JP, Ebi KL. The possible role of contact current in cancer risk associated with residential magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2000 Oct;21(7):538-53. PMID: 11015118.
Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. J Inflamm Res. 2015 Mar 24;8:83-96. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S69656. PMID: 25848315; PMCID: PMC4378297.
Sun G, Li J, Zhou W, Hoyle RG, Zhao Y. Electromagnetic interactions in regulations of cell behaviors and morphogenesis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Oct 19;10:1014030. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1014030. PMID: 36340041; PMCID: PMC9627210.
Willett, Walter C. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science 2002 Apr 26;296 (5568):695-8
Thanks Roman - i have been researching a bit about radar use in newer cars, having been blasted by a tesla recently when walking near one without having the (partial) protection of being inside my metal car. Pretty intense. Turns out, as you may know, the radar frequencies currently in use are apparently all in the millimeter range - operating at frequencies such as 24, 74, 77, and 79 GHz. And reportedly, radar technology is being installed in approximately 70% of all new cars. The typical range for various automobile radar applications is 50 meters to 250 meters. That would obviously make being on any highway hazardous to one's health . . . . all in the name of "safety".
According to an auto industry article i read, the newer vehicle radar systems are switching from the 24 GHz band to the 76 to 81 GHz bands ( which of course the new S&S Pro 5G meter cannot read). The new Tesla radar unit "is described in testing documents as a “non-pulsed Automotive Radar which operates in the 76-77 GHz spectrum to estimate distances to objects in close proximity to the car." [see article]: They cite "close proximity", but as mentioned above, the typical range is 50 to 250 meters. Just wondering if you might be plannng a post on emf in cars.
I don't want to sound silly, but are we talking about grounding as in a grounding mat kind? Are we saying that the earth is dirty electricity and going barefoot to ground our bodies is not good? Am I getting this or are we talking about a different grounding?
Thank you.