How to remove smart meters: tools + tactics
Smart water, gas, liability, New Mexico's Last Stand.
What we’ll learn in this article:
1. How to respond to a letter asking to replace your gas, water, or electric meter
2. What do ticks and smart meters have in common?
3. Why do ticks thrive in dystopia?
4. How utility companies use bogus science to claim health safety
5. A magnetic field reading I took of a smart meter, compared to safe levels.
6. How smart meters and dirty electricity can cause fires
7. How to remove a smart meter in days
8. How to connect with other individuals, groups around the world fighting smart meters
9. Analog vs Opt-out meters: which is the better option? + Opt-out Spreadsheet
10. What do smart gas, smart water, and smart electric vs anaolg meters look like?
11. Current trends in smart metering: AMI vs AMR, mesh networks & stats
12. New Mexico: The Last Stand against smart meters?
BONUS: Interview with Eileen O’Connor of The Radiation Research Trust
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We received a letter the other day from the gas company stating they wanted to do us the favor of replacing our gas meter. When I called and asked them if what they were going to replace the meter with was a smart meter, the representative told me “no, it’s not a smart meter.”
Having my doubts, I pressed on and asked, “does this meter emit radiofrequency?”
I honestly believe even the representatives of these companies think that only electricity meters are smart meters. We unfortunately got disconnected, so I decided to have the technician come out anyway so that I could interview them for our next podcast as I lecture them on our front lawn about the dangers of smart meters. I promise to be nice.
Example of a meter replacement letter:
If you ever get a letter telling you your meter needs to be replaced, like this one, be wary:
If you get this type of letter, prepared to have this type of letter at hand:
Smart meters remind me of ticks. Cell phones you can swat away like a fly, but these meters…I tell ya’ – they’re a breed of their own.
Why do ticks exist?
Ticks live so that life that is lower down the foodchain, like chickens, can eat them. Chickens that are pasture-raised and eat insects have loads of DHA in their meat and eggs, which is an essential amino acid that helps our brains regenerate. Ever gotten an egg yolk that’s a dark orange? That yolk is probably from a chicken who ate insects, since it’s loaded with DHA and carotenoids.
The story goes: ticks nibble on us, chickens gobble them up, and we eat the chicken. Sounds a little gross, but that’s life.
Why do ticks exist in dystopia?
Smart meters drain our energy and feed on our power lines. The Amazon Prime “Cloud” of radiation that is the Internet of Things gobbles up their data, while we feast on blue light at night, ordering plastic-wrapped meatsnacks made from insects on Amazon.
The story ends when we’re all “smart’, unwisely living in smarter cities until we eventually have nothing left to eat but the gravel of humanity’s cull de sack.
We learn what Mother Nature teaches us about ticks.
As long as tick populations don’t get out of control, and we have a balanced light environment full of infrared and UV, and less electrosmog caused by cell phones, our bodies are more likely to clear the type of neurotoxins that cause Lyme disease, as we did very easily before 1950 and the introduction of radar:
Today we’re going to talk about that more pernicious leech called the smart meter, which has dug itself into our homes like an Alabama tick.
How do we extract these invaders from our property, and put them out to pasture?
Some of us may be thinking:
Aren’t we overreacting here?
“My utility company tells me they’re safe!”
Power companies use government safety guidelines, like Safety Code 6 in Canada, that don’t take into account non-thermal, biological effects of EMFs, and only consider thermal, heat-based effects, which are only the tip of the iceberg.1
Well over 10,000 independent peer-reviewed studies have shown that EMFs can cause DNA damage, cancer, heart disease, neurological disease, and metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes.
Why do the utility websites say that smart meters have low RF emissions?
Our utility company may tell us that the power output from the radiofrequency (RF) pulses is minimal when data is sent out by the smart meter, and the meters only emit 45 seconds per day.
The assumptions of low RF exposure numbers that most utilities publish are derived by time-averaging.
“Smart” meters have an unusual, unpredictable pattern of RF emissions, usually referred to as “pulses”—sudden high levels of RF followed by no emissions. Each pulse is about 2 milliseconds (2/1000th of a second) long.2
By time averaging, they can bring down the total peak level that they claim the meters emit.
If you time-average the strong millisecond pulses of a strobe light, they “equal” a low-wattage light bulb continuously on; but no one would legitimately make such a claim. Strobe lights have distinct neurological effects in many people such as headaches, dizziness, and for some - epileptic seizures.
Put another way, smart meters are like a machine gun, which fires in bursts. Yet the power company will tell you that the meters fire at the rate of a semi-automatic pistol, by time-averaging that one burst over a longer period of time.
Magnetic fields are also not even discussed or considered by the power company. Magnetic fields are what our cells use to multiply as they repair through a process known as mitosis. Numerous studies have linked non-native magnetic fields (not natural to Earth) to cancer.
What is cancer? Uncontrolled cell growth.
A note on magnetic fields
Safe levels of magnetic fields, as recommnded by physicians and electromagnetic specialists of The Building Biology Institute, fall under 0.5 milligauss.
The magnetic field of this smart meter I measured peaked at well over 70 mG:
We didn’t start the fiah…You did.
Thousands of smart meters have been removed in Canada alone due to fires caused by these devices.3 4 These fires may be caused by the surges of power and dirty electricity that smart meters create when combined with AC power, along with intense bursts of radiofrequency. It’s been my experience that many homes aren’t wired correctly, which can lead to elevated magnetic fields and what is known as “net current”, which adds to the explosive soup of dirty electricity.
According to some electrical engineers, like Hugh Hinskens, a Canadian Electronics Engineering Technologist with a B.Sc. in physics and a background in microwave circuit engineering, the switch mode power supply (SMPS) contained in millions of ‘smart’ meters (but not their analog predecessors) has essentially ‘polluted’ the electricity coming into our homes with high frequency transients. Which means at the end of the day, there is no “opt out” when the “smart grid” is being deployed in your area. Even with no RF microwave wireless antennas, a “smart” grid of SMPS-equipped meters can still threaten your health.
Interested in learning more about potential wiring errors in your home?
Want to learn how you can potentially correct them by knowing how to communicate with your electrician?
We invite you to join us during our EMF 101 Masterclass!
One of the six modules will include a lesson, along with downloadable resources on wiring errors and net current.
[ Registration closes on February 25th ]
If you do have a fire caused by a smart meter, the utility company does not assume responsibility. Technically the smart meter is the property of the utility company, and they are not liable for any damage potentially incurred as a result of “faulty wiring” as they are not responsible for the electrical lines coming into the home.
This was the unfortunate circumstance for this homeowner in Ontario:
The good news:
How to remove a smart meter in days
When the utility company claims the meter is their property, this can be used against them. Some individuals are calling the utility company and saying that “if you want to keep your property on my property” I’ll have to charge you $20 per day as a storage fee, as this lady succeeded in doing:
If you don’t want to be as aggressive as the lady above, althought I like her style, you can try the “opt-out” approach, listed here:
Spreadsheet on opt-out fees and options by state (US) and province (Canada).
Spoiler alert: Residents in Ontario do not have the ability to opt-out, however Ontario’s disability/ right for accomodation laws are strong, so you can present your power company with a doctor’s note.
Of course you can also first send them a certified letter (attached above), along with a liability notice like this one:
Other groups and invididuals around the world fighting smart meters:
Stop Smart Meters: Local Group Directory
Why should we be the ones accepting all the health and fire risk, if the utility company doesn’t want to?
A plethora of resouces can be found here, on Radiation Research Trust, run by Eileen O’Connor, whom I inteverweed last week:
How to fight smart meters
Opting-Out vs Analog Meters
If you decide to “opt-out” you will get a meter that doesn’t emit radiofrequency (wireless radiation), however you may still get a smart/ digital meter that feeds into your electrical lines and tracks your usage patterns, invading your privacy, and not requiring a technician to come out and do the reading.
Currently there are two main ways utility companies collect your data, aside from sending a tech to do readings:
AMR: (automatic meter reading) : this is a “driveby” style of wireless meter reading.
AMI: (advanced meter infrastructure) : this does not require a van to drive by, only a cell tower. This type of meter can become more easily “enmeshed” in the Mesh internet of things.

Current rollout and status of AMI vs AMR smart gas installs in north America:
Why is analog better than an opt-out meter?
For many reasons, such as privacy and data collection, accuracy….but the main reason is:
Analog meters do not contribute to dirty electricity like smart meters.
Dirty electricity is the primary, most persistent EMF in our home, and by reducing this type of EMF, we are able to drastically lower the effects of most other magnetic field
Manual meter reading: employee hazards
or an excuse for the IoT?
When reading a document procured by a utility company out of British Columbia for investors of the smart grid, I found an amusing tidbit. One of the reasons the company claims wireless radiaton devices are the safer alternative is due to the fact that employees who need to read meters could miss work from falling or tripping on the job.
I salute anyone who works for a living, but who are they hiring? Drunken sailors?
What do smart gas, smart water, and anaolog meters look like?

Example of a smart electricity meter:

There are even some decoys, that look like analog meters but are really digital
Hopeful statistics: current trends in smart gas
Hope is not a strategy, but statistics do inform strategy. Here are some recent numbers re: manual vs AMI vs AMR installs for smart gas in Canada:
You’ll notice that most installs (64%) are still manual, with only 7% AMI (internet of things). Let’s hold the line folks, at least on the gas front.
We don’t need more silent but deadly gas in our homes, now do we?
New Mexico
has been leading the charge against smart meters in New Mexico. From the article Keeping New Mexico Smart Meter Free:
Cellular Phone Task Force celebrated the fact that, after two years of proceedings back in 2017 the majority of large cities in New Mexico had refused applications from the PNM (Public Service Company of New Mexico) for the installation of smart meters.
New Mexico is one of only two states in US – Connecticut is the other one – where an investor-owned electric utilities have not deployed smart meters.
But now Public Service Company of New Mexico are back with a new application to install meters as part of a 5G system. However, under new legislation in New Mexico the criteria for approval includes a requirement that the application be ‘reasonable’ and that the smart meters must ‘provide customer protection’.
The Cellular Task Force make the point that ‘meters that damage customers’ health and the environment are neither reasonable nor protective’.
‘Smart meters consume energy. Smart meters emit radiation and cause all the wiring in your home to emit radiation. Smart meters cause fires and explosions. Smart meters are hackable. Smart meters invade your privacy. Smart meters are inaccurate and raise your electric bills.’
Cellular Phone Task Force is asking the 300,000 people who support their organisation worldwide – and anyone else who supports their stance – to help them defeat this new attempt to impose smart meters on the people of New Mexico.
If you are up for doing so please email the Mexico Public Regulation Commission telling them either of your experience with an installed smart meter:
Tell them how it has affected your health.
Tell them how it has affected the animal, bird, and insect life on your property and in your community.
Tell them how it has affected your utility bills.
And if your smart meter caused a fire, of course include that.
Or, if you have not had one installed, how and why you refused to do so.
Write to: New Mexico PRC <>. Write “Case No. 22-00058-UT” in the Subject line.
Here’s a download of the current case proceedings and schedule:
The smart meter proceedings resumed last month.
The public can still submit written comments. And the public will be able to speak at the hearing on April 23.
Will you help spread the word faster than tumbleweed in a tornado?
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Roman & Bohdanna
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Interview with Eileen O’Connor
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Additional Resources:
The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Asked a Meter - Person who is replacing some a few blocks away if they are smart meters...
"Nope, not at all..." he said.
I asked, "can the info be read from the street"?
"Yep.." was the reply.
I responded, " then its a smart meter, right"?
He stopped responding...
I truly must give the employees some latitude...
As usual, at company meetings, they are probably asking for safety info, thus provided a standard paragraph to learn to repeat, to interested consumers and continue on with their job...
Many choose to trust their employer...
Loved that Predator reference.
"You're hit (with emfs)... your cells are dividing man!!!!"
"My cells ain't got time to divide(due to emf mitigation)"
Smart meters, when you think about what the bring to the table, are actually pretty dumb. Dangerous as well since they can start fires.
Charging the utility company for a storage fee is hilarious. Reminds of that, "Modern problems require modern solutions" meme.