The research on the crystalline shapes of water is very interesting. There's a joke in the Corp's about solving our problems through hydration and changing our socks. I guess there may be some truth to that lol.
I never heard about that Vatican radio station. Thank you for that information.
I believe the more information the average person is presented with news stories like that, the heart attacks of Guglielmo Marconi, and Telegraph Sickness the more they will be able to piece together that this technology effects out biology.
It will take a while but we can still plant seeds and create ripples.
My non-science brain always appreciates the work your science brain does for me, Roman. :)
That pic of the Vatican towers is 😳.
I had a melanoma when I was about 30 and multiple basal cells over the years. I bought the dermatology story hook line and sinker back then. Now, I live in the country, never wear sunscreen or sunglasses, always tan rather than burn (I have light freckled skin) and have had moles disappear. I'm undoing a lifetime of health misinformation. I don't believe cancer is strictly an electrical illness, but definitely one factor. And, I believe the body is in the process of healing when the docs rush in with their barbaric treatments.
"How do we move forward in a world where those in power get away with murder? We raise our vibration." Yesssss!
Emf yes I believe also . I know a lot of folks with cancer on top tips of ears being removed. The sun seems to tinge that area quickly these days . I can’t tell my daughter the dangers of WiFi. Seems convenience overrides . 👍👌
Thanks Roman please read my questions I your last post. Also what's best brands and how good are they? Multipure brand gravity filter or what u suggest?Thanks
I'll take a look at your other questions as well. For water filtration there are many out there, I just use a Berkey filter for's not the best but it does remove a lot. Then I keep the water in the Sun/ outside so it can be energized. Finding a local spring is also a fantastic way to go - and my wife and I do this when we're on the road.
Are you looking for shielded clothing mostly at home, or shielding when traveling? The only tested solutions that I've seen to work are from Ibrahim Karim. His pendant reduces EMF, and the home kit is a fantastic solution:
Thank you so much Robert for your questions. As far as emp proof clothing, I don't have any recommendations, as often this type of clothing has to be tested by a third-party, and can make things worse. For more info on shielding, feel free to check out my article here:
With the structure of water changing in response to thoughts and words is it even necessary to do this before drinking water. Surely we can change the structure of it after we drink it. When it’s already in our cells
Most sunscreen has titanium dioxide as it’s active ingredient. It’s been shown that titanium dioxide is a main cause in the huge increase in autoimmune disorders and certain skin cancers worldwide. Titanium is a metal. Perhaps in sunscreen it amplifies the radio waves as well as blocking UV
I’m hypersensitive to titanium and have fragments in me. They certainly did make me sensitive to emf. Like they amplified it’s reception
If I slept with my phone on next to my bed and got a text while I was asleep, I would always wake up just before the text notification.
So somehow I was sensing an incoming text while asleep which would wake me up everytime about 5-10 seconds before the text actually arrived giving me enough time to put it on silent before the notification so as not to wake my wife. I had a piece of surgical rod in front of my spine in the solar plexus region and tiny fragments peppered through my lumbar area. I’ve had the piece in my solar plexus removed and am not as sensitive now as I used to be.
But what of those people who don’t develop a type 4 hypersensitivity to their orthopaedic implant so don’t get the implant removed. They have more metal in them than I had and it will be acting as an emf receiver
And what about iud devices, stents, and surgical clips which have metal in them. And dental work. Not just the metals in amalgam fillings and screws but metal salts in modern dentistry like titanium dioxide and aluminosilicate.
I have a gene mutation which means I don’t process metals as efficiently as others. 9 years after my amalgam fillings were removed improperly I still had toxic levels of mercury in my blood. Compare that to someone without this gene mutation who has a mouthful of amalgam fillings yet no mercury detected in their blood.
Thanks Roman any update on my past questions please. Do u think nic. Vapes contain n.T.? And ,...other questions. Also can u drive energy from red light or Uvb or other ?
He's now pontifically smoking during his broadcasts since his doc adviced him to keep inhaling the stuff as the only remedy to mitigate the devastating effects of spike-proteins attacking organs.
The research on the crystalline shapes of water is very interesting. There's a joke in the Corp's about solving our problems through hydration and changing our socks. I guess there may be some truth to that lol.
I never heard about that Vatican radio station. Thank you for that information.
I believe the more information the average person is presented with news stories like that, the heart attacks of Guglielmo Marconi, and Telegraph Sickness the more they will be able to piece together that this technology effects out biology.
It will take a while but we can still plant seeds and create ripples.
My non-science brain always appreciates the work your science brain does for me, Roman. :)
That pic of the Vatican towers is 😳.
I had a melanoma when I was about 30 and multiple basal cells over the years. I bought the dermatology story hook line and sinker back then. Now, I live in the country, never wear sunscreen or sunglasses, always tan rather than burn (I have light freckled skin) and have had moles disappear. I'm undoing a lifetime of health misinformation. I don't believe cancer is strictly an electrical illness, but definitely one factor. And, I believe the body is in the process of healing when the docs rush in with their barbaric treatments.
"How do we move forward in a world where those in power get away with murder? We raise our vibration." Yesssss!
Emf yes I believe also . I know a lot of folks with cancer on top tips of ears being removed. The sun seems to tinge that area quickly these days . I can’t tell my daughter the dangers of WiFi. Seems convenience overrides . 👍👌
Hi Chris, I've actually seen this and have been watching Dane for years. One more (big) factor, I'm sure.
Ooh don't get me started on the Vatican! I will drone on and on for hours!
Many thanks for that. I was diagnosed with a melanoma at start 2020. In Sept that year I realised this was the cause.
Strictly it is an electrical illness as the negative ions of the nitrites are disruptive.
Thanks R for glasses and emf. protection.can they be any orangeyellow shade or must it be specific brand please
Thanks Robert for your question. Ra optics makes good ones, or Prospek.
Thanks Roman please read my questions I your last post. Also what's best brands and how good are they? Multipure brand gravity filter or what u suggest?Thanks
I'll take a look at your other questions as well. For water filtration there are many out there, I just use a Berkey filter for's not the best but it does remove a lot. Then I keep the water in the Sun/ outside so it can be energized. Finding a local spring is also a fantastic way to go - and my wife and I do this when we're on the road.
Here's a post I wrote on water:
You have lots to read now! (:
Are you looking for shielded clothing mostly at home, or shielding when traveling? The only tested solutions that I've seen to work are from Ibrahim Karim. His pendant reduces EMF, and the home kit is a fantastic solution:
Thank you so much Robert for your questions. As far as emp proof clothing, I don't have any recommendations, as often this type of clothing has to be tested by a third-party, and can make things worse. For more info on shielding, feel free to check out my article here:
The Cancer Industrial Complex relies on the broadcast industry for profitability and justification of their sordid existence.
Looking forward to your article on Biogeometry! You're good at separating the wheat from the chaff.
Uvc : the sterilization of planet earth .
With the structure of water changing in response to thoughts and words is it even necessary to do this before drinking water. Surely we can change the structure of it after we drink it. When it’s already in our cells
Most sunscreen has titanium dioxide as it’s active ingredient. It’s been shown that titanium dioxide is a main cause in the huge increase in autoimmune disorders and certain skin cancers worldwide. Titanium is a metal. Perhaps in sunscreen it amplifies the radio waves as well as blocking UV
I’m hypersensitive to titanium and have fragments in me. They certainly did make me sensitive to emf. Like they amplified it’s reception
If I slept with my phone on next to my bed and got a text while I was asleep, I would always wake up just before the text notification.
So somehow I was sensing an incoming text while asleep which would wake me up everytime about 5-10 seconds before the text actually arrived giving me enough time to put it on silent before the notification so as not to wake my wife. I had a piece of surgical rod in front of my spine in the solar plexus region and tiny fragments peppered through my lumbar area. I’ve had the piece in my solar plexus removed and am not as sensitive now as I used to be.
But what of those people who don’t develop a type 4 hypersensitivity to their orthopaedic implant so don’t get the implant removed. They have more metal in them than I had and it will be acting as an emf receiver
And what about iud devices, stents, and surgical clips which have metal in them. And dental work. Not just the metals in amalgam fillings and screws but metal salts in modern dentistry like titanium dioxide and aluminosilicate.
I have a gene mutation which means I don’t process metals as efficiently as others. 9 years after my amalgam fillings were removed improperly I still had toxic levels of mercury in my blood. Compare that to someone without this gene mutation who has a mouthful of amalgam fillings yet no mercury detected in their blood.
Thanks Roman any update on my past questions please. Do u think nic. Vapes contain n.T.? And ,...other questions. Also can u drive energy from red light or Uvb or other ?
He's now pontifically smoking during his broadcasts since his doc adviced him to keep inhaling the stuff as the only remedy to mitigate the devastating effects of spike-proteins attacking organs.