When we hear the word progress, what images come to mind?
For many of us progress means the advancement of technology and innovation.
However technological advancements don’t always equal advancements in health.
We may be progressing, but what are we improving?
The Industrial Age of electricity brought us many advancements, which looked like this:

By 1850, twenty-two thousand miles of telegraph wire had been energized in the United States, four thousand miles in India where “monkeys and swarms of large birds were alighting on them”1.
By 1875 over seven hundred thousand miles of copper web had been electrified over the surface of Earth and our oceans - enough to encircle our planet thirty times.2
At the same pivotal time in history Sigmund Freud, a famous psychotherapist would go on to invent the term anxiety nervosa. This illness presented with the same symptoms as neurasthenia, which had already been recognized by most countries to be not an illness of “improper thoughts” or “hysteria” as Freud had initially suggested, but a physical illness of a damaged nervous system, as I’ve laid out in the following article:
Advancing into anything often leads to us taking two steps forward, one step back. I would agree that electricity was a fantastic advancement, however we let ourselves step too quickly into its allure.
We let industries use AC (alternating current) rather than the much safer and stable DC (direct current), and this has led to poor health outcomes as evidenced by epidemilogists such as Samuel Milham, M.D. who’ve studied how dirty electricity is created through AC electromagnetic fields (EMF).3
When considering how electricity may alter our health, it’s important to remember the Big Picture:
We’ve only existed with electricity for about 0.1% of our 100,000 human history.
The Telegraph Wires of Today: Low-orbitting Satellites
From 2020 to 2022, the number of satellites circling the earth has increased from 2,000 to 4,800, and a flood of new projects has brought the number of operating, approved, and proposed satellites to at least 441,449. 4
This number only includes low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites that will reside in the ionosphere. There have been at least 17,270 satellites already approved by the U.S. FCC
According to the European Space Agency there are, in orbit around the Earth today, 7,790 intact satellites, of which 4,800 are functioning.
Since 1957, there have been more than 630 breakups, explosions, collisions, and other satellite-destroying events.
From Cellular Phone Task Force:
This has resulted in the creation of more than 9,700 tons of space debris. There are, in orbit today:
• 30,430 debris objects presently being tracked
• 36,500 objects larger than 10 cm in size
• 1,000,000 objects from 1 cm to 10 cm in size
• 330,000,000 objects from 1 mm to 1 cm in size
SpaceX is a military contractor
Military contractors such as Space X will use parts of the electromagnetic spectrum known as the C-Band (which operates at 3.7-4.2GHz).
Why is this important?
The C-Band was previously used exclusively by the US military, however now that this part of the spectrum has been opened up for commercial use by the Department of Defense, all devices that can communicate with satellites globally will be on the same network. This opens up more potential for a global police state and prison planet scenario:
The Iphone 12 operates off the C-Band:
Check out our article 5 Things You Need to Know About 5G for an explanation of how these satellites will use even more powerful aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum, which harm all life.
The devastating biological effects of EMFs have been documented extensively5, however have not been recognized under industry safety standards, as these standards only account of heating of skin tissue by a mannequin called Sam6 in a lab setting.
Here’s a thorough article by
, which gives a little more detail on Starlink satellites.Planetary Ecocide
, author of The Invisible Rainbow, is a scientist and activist who has studied the history EMFs and their effect on health extensively. Here’s an excerpt from his article Ecocide from Space:“On the evening of Thursday, December 8, 2022, OneWeb launched 40 satellites from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total number of active satellites in orbit around the Earth to more than 7,000.
These cell towers in space are altering the electromagnetic environment of the entire planet and are debilitating and exterminating all life on it.
Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968. The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide.
To understand why requires a proper understanding of our connection to the universe and what it is that really gives us life and health, and makes our bodies move.”
The Microwaving of Birds and Bees
Firstenberg, along with a coalition of other scientists7, has noticed mass death of birds and insects as well. 8 From Cellular Phone Task Force:
The 75% decline in flying insects in nature reserves throughout Germany, and the 98% to 99% decline in the number of crawling insects in a Puerto Rican rainforest—decreases that reflect what is globally being called “insect apocalypse”—are predominantly caused by the enormous increase in the intensity of radiation from the global wireless infrastructure.
The unprecedented mass deaths of nesting birds worldwide in the spring and summer of 20229 was due to the tremendous global intensification of wireless infrastructure now occurring on land, in space, and in the oceans.10
Diana Kordas, a naturalist living on the island of Samos in Greece, has been monitoring and recording her observations about animal and plant life there since the 1990s. In 2017 she published her detailed observations of the stages of decline of both bird life and forests throughout Greece that have accompanied the stages of development of wireless communications, from 2G to 3G to 4G.”11 12
In short, electromagnetic fields from wireless as well as the Sun directly impact our health by causing an imbalance of calcium, as well as make it more difficult for the engines of our cells, the mitochondria, to perform their role as we are slowly starved of oxygen.
For a full understanding of how influenza (the “influence” of the stars) is caused by acting upon our body’s vital forces of electricity:
All Roads Lead to Rome
Why did the Romans build roads? One reason was to advance commerce, however the other was so that its nation could be more easily defended by it soldiers, as roads facilitated troop movements. Commerce and defense often go hand in hand in this way.
Today we have wireless internet highways that are monopolized by the US military, and go unchecked by the civilian populations around the world.
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, however what type of technology is advancing? Who does this technology ultimately serve?
International space stations are being built in an effort to rule space.
Elon Musk, who says he wants to combat climate change, shows with his actions that he only wants to vacate our planet in order to settle Mars by dumping black carbon soot from rocket ships that puncture our Earth’s fragile ionosphere.
Humans have been seduced by the “progress” of a space shuttle, as it takes off the planet while leaving us in its radioactive dust.
When will the technology of our minds, and our hearts’ fire of freedom stoke the forgotten flames of our ancestral past?
The time to remember life, and connect to our hearts in meditation is now.
We are more powerful than you know.
Roman & Bohdanna
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Highton 1851, pp. 151-52.
Firstenberg, A. The Invisible Rainbow. Chelsea Green Publishing. 2020.
Birds and Trees of Northern Greece: Population Declines since the Advent of 4G Wireless: An Observational Study. October 5, 2017
What a find! This is a brilliant gift to those of us who are in search of useful information on the dangers of EMF, and especially 5G. Being a newbie to this substack, what follows has probably been covered by Roman, but for those who are as new as I am to this topic I feel compelled to mention that by altering the strength/frequency of the 5G signal any symptom of any disease can be produced. Attorney Todd Callender has stated repeatedly that Marburg will be the next plandemic and that it will be triggered by 5G, especially to those who were "primed" by the covid jab. I'm looking forward to seeing what Roman has uncovered on this topic and am grateful that I stumbled upon this substack just now. Thank you Roman!
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