Why low-level EMFs are more dangerous
Wireless history | The 1-2 Punch of ELF + RF | How we can use our heart's EMF to heal
What we’ll learn in this article:
1. How did we get to our current state of wireless technology: a brief history
2. How the “life force” became ridiculed as a scientific concept
3. How electrical imbalances lead to inflammation
4. How do we revive our bodies’ vitality and heal fatigue?
5. How do AC and DC currents affect our DNA?
6. How do our cells respond to electricity?
7. How do our emotions affect electrical frequency?
8. Why are low-levels of EMF more dangerous?
9. What is “the hook” of dirty electricity?
10. What are sources of dirty electricity?
11. How EV cars emit dirty electricity
12. Why we can use our heart EMF to heal
13. How dogs emit magnetic fields in tune with us
“Man’s perceptions are not bounded by organs of perception; he perceives far more than sense (tho’ ever so acute) can discover.” - William Blake
Many of us crave stimulation, yet yearn for stability.
We languish for spikes of pleasure, only to exhaust our soul, fomenting a quiet rebellion in our bodies that ensues in a melee of fatigue and self-reproach beyond repent.
Our deep-rooted wish for steadfastness is crushed on the rocks of illusory shores once promised by parents who themselves could not understand where our pioneering hearts of progress were sailing.
We fell into a trance with the Siren-call of electrical demigods like Edison and Tesla, forgetting that The One Source of Almighty Power was always above and below, in our hearts.
How did we forsake our true power?
Forgetting and Fearing The Unknown God
For aeons, humanity and scientists alike ascribed to the notion of élan vital, or life force. However, when the microscope arrived in 1620, Sir Frances Bacon came along and gave our intuition a crushing blow. Bacon believed that our five senses were not to be trusted, and that rigorous experiments manipulating nature would need to be conducted to prove our daily experience wrong. Whatever people could not ascribe to rational causes was chalked up to “the quintessence.”
Of the five elements of earth, water, air, fire, and aether, the fifth element, also known as quintessence, was considered the most holy. Isaac Newton himself believed that aether is what allowed “an electric and elastic spirit” (Newton, 1713) to animate our world.
For centuries before Newton, philosophers had been speculating about the nature of this mysterious substance that animated our world.
“Electricity was most connected with life, breathing motion into nerves, muscles, an pulsations into the heart. Electricity boomed from the heavens, stirred winds, tossed clouds, pelted the earth with rain. Life was movement, and electricity made things move.”
, The Invisible Rainbow (2020)
Electricity was
“an element that is to us more intimate than the very air we breathe.”
- Abbé J.A. Nollet, 1746
The Birth of Wireless
In the late 1780s, science faced an identity crisis, as vitalists who believed in the etheric life force battled out their suppositions with the mechanists, who viewed electricity as not inherent in life, but only due to external factors arising from stimulation of metals.
Italian physicist Luigi Galvani, on the side of the vitalists, made a stunning discovery. He noticed that the muscles of a dead frog’s leg contracted when touching the main nerve with a steel scalpel at the very same instant that a spark leaped from one of the electrical machines being operated across the room.
In those days, the only type of electricity then known was the static type, in the form of sparks. Today, we know that electricity travels through the air, and that the electric field generated by that spark can induce a momentary current in the scalpel, which stimulates the muscle.
However Galvani was outmatched by Volta, a mechanist, who believed that the contact of the scalpel did not mean that there was an electrical current running through the frog’s leg. Volta was also backed by the electrical industry as he would go on to invent what we know today as the voltaic battery.
As mechanists forsook and forgot the aether, our way was paved to embrace wireless communications, as the electrical telegraph was rolled out globally, right around the time the term anxiety nervosa was invented by Freud:
Modern scientists are confirming Galvani’s suspicion that there is an inherent electrical current, an élan vital, running through us all.
Meet a scientist you’ve probably never heard of:
Harold Saxon Burr was convinced that the early beginnings of disease can be detected in the energy field long before the development of symptoms of pathology, such as tumors. He theorized that if the disturbed energy field could be detected early, and restored to normal, the pathological changes would be stopped.
Burr developed a method for detecting the early stages of cervical cancer. He would have women touch electrodes with the index fingers of each hand. The electrodes were connected to a device that filtered out all but the unhealthy signals. A detectable electrical imbalance between the two fingers could indicate the beginnings of cancer.
Sounds like grounding and body voltage doesn’t it?

The implication of Burr’s work, and of east Asian medicine in general, is that there really aren’t any diseases – there are only energetic imbalances that can be detected and corrected to prevent health problems.
Modern science now confirms Burr’s view that inflammation is foremost an energy imbalance created by the accumulation of positively charged free radicals.1
Think of it this way: our feet discharge the positive free radicals that accumulate in our organs and head, into the ground, thereby absorbing beneficial negative ions along the way:
How do revive our life force?
There are many ways, but first we must understand how our bodies operate at a foundational level.
What kind of power do our bodies and homes use?
We have what is called DC (direct current) electricity running through our nervous system, bones, and collagen. Our home wiring runs on AC (alternating current).
What frequency do our bodies and homes use to communicate?
Our cells divide, multiply, and “talk” to one another mostly in the range of 0-75 Hz (cycles per second).2 Our home wiring runs within this same frequency at 50-60 Hz.
How then, does our home wiring confuse the way our cells communicate?
Even though the frequencies are similar, AC confuses our cells as it pulses, rather than being direct. Our cells are left constantly saying “can you hear me now?” until they “hear” AC frequencies that disrupt normal function, and can change the way our DNA expresses itself in this stressful environment.
Our DNA runs on DC, but lives in an AC world:
Science used to believe that most genetic mutations are rare, strictly inherited, and a cause of most chronic diseases like high cholesterol and cancer. However, recent studies into epigenetics show that as much as 99% of all disease stems from our environment.3
We’re also taught that the cell is a bag of solution that facilitates processes like digestion through a process known as diffusion. However, biophysicists like Dr. James Oschmann are discovering, as Galvani once had, that life is too fast for this cellular process.
“Imagine a cheetah running at 70 miles per hour. When the cheetah’s foot hits the ground, she senses the surface and uses that sensory input to adjust her musculo-skeletal system for the next stride. A simple calculation shows that if that process is accomplished by nerve impulses alone, going from the bottoms of her feet up to her brain and then other nerve impulses going back down to adjust the tension in her muscles, she would go seven steps before the adjustment could be made. It’s impossible. There has to be something else that’s much faster.”
-James L. Oschmann, Ph.D.
We are not a “bag” of solution for electricity to pass through, as Volta had maintained.
We process electrochemical signals at a rate of up to 1000 meters per second, many of which change our genetics through what is known as the living matrix.
We don’t live in the Matrix
The matrix lives in us. We have what is known as an extra-cellular matrix that processes both mechanical and electrical signals and relays that information to our nucleus. These electrical signals come from our electrical environment, which then tells us how to respond. Imagine the inner matrix of our cell as a trampoline, with children on it who we don’t want to get hurt. The outer layer, or the extra-cellular matrix, are our inputs to those children, relayed through wise or unwise parenting and exposure to environmental toxins like candy bars, yelling, social media, or bluetooth headphones:
For a breakdown on studies showing how EMFs affect our DNA, you can listen to:
We can also think of it this way: our cells are having an intimate conversation in a coffee bar, while our electrical outlets are having intermittent outbursts at the next table, not allowing our cells to hear each others’ secrets.
Now that we understand what frequency our cells use to communicate, the follow up question is - how do they use the frequency? Or should we say, how does the frequency use us, if we’re not careful?
Coherent Heart-to-Heart Conversations
Are you spending quality time with your nervous system?
Research4 by The Heart Math Institute confirms that our heart and brain communication can be synced through what is known as physiological coherence. The Institute has discovered how the frequency of our heart rhythm patterns are affected by varying emotional states.
Notice below the immediate shift from an erratic, disordered heart rhythm pattern associated with frustration to a smooth, harmonious, coherent pattern:

Being coherent is all about consistency, being logically integrated, and having intelligible conversations. Physics defines coherence as order: the more stable the frequency and shape of the wavelength, the higher the coherence.
Coherence also describes two or more waves that are frequency-locked. Researchers have found that when our heart rhythm is steady, our brains will then play “catch up” and will become phase-locked to our calmer heart beat.
In practical terms, think of someone attached to their cell phone, or two partners hugging. Both are examples of two objects locking onto each others’ frequencies.
AC Electricity: Coherently speaking the incoherent
As I’ve noted above, both our bodies and homes use the same frequency of 60 Hz. Not only can our cells not have intelligible conversations when surrounded by these electrical fields, they are also more apt to “listen” to that person, or frequency, that doesn’t want to stop talking about “me, me, me” and “my [boring] day..”
Why low-levels of EMF are more dangerous
I hear from people all the time that they’re not worried about EMF because these fields are weak. However, that’s the point. Our bodies are like a radio receiver, and open to all kinds of EMF, and other people’s energies, if we’re not careful. It is the "informational content” of the signal and not the power level that affects biology.5
Informational content is comprised of all the properties of the signal: the frequencies, the bandwidth, the pulsation patterns, the depth of modulation, the shape of the waves, the rise time and fall time, the pulse duration, etc.
Studies6 have shown that ELF (extremely low frequencies) of 50-60 Hz can open up our brains’ last line of defense against environmental toxins, our blood brain barrier. ELFs also weaken our immune system, allowing for only one-fifth of the amount of pathogenic bacteria normally necessary (in an ELF-free environment) to cause infection.
The sobering fact is there is no safe level when it comes to wireless radiation.
Near-zero levels of radiation have the same acute and life-threatening effects as high-level radiation.
The 1-2 Punch of ELF + RF + the hook
Consider ELF the “jabbing punch” that wears us down, and leads to chronic fatigue. Radiofrequency (RF) from cellular, Wi-Fi, and satellites can create more acute stress7 on top of the chronic type we already experience, which can then cause DNA damage.
What is dirty electricity?
Here comes the hook. As if that incoherent electrical conversation couldn’t get any worse, our home wiring can couple to other stray electrical fields in our neighborhood, or our home, that haven’t been grounded properly. We get a third party that interrupts that conversation called electromagnetic interference (EMI).
EMI is known as dirty electricity, and most often spans from 2,000 Hz to 100,000 Hz, which is the range where EMFs can easily couple to our bodies, causing damage that results in cancers like leukemia, insomnia, mood swings, and heart arrhythmia, to name a few.8
Dirty electricity is created when microsurges of power run through our wiring, similar to branches of lightning violently spreading along the ground. These microsurges will then couple with the current already present, creating a higher frequency. Here’s what dirty electricity looks like:
Notice how dirty electricity (EMI, bottom right) creates incoherent signals:
What are some sources of dirty electricity?
Solar System Inverters (converting DC power to AC power)
Laptop and phone chargers (have a switch mode power supply)
EV chargers (SMPS converting high current AC power to DC power)
Smart Meters (sending data over the powerlines by adding additional frequencies)
Wireless Smart Meters that add pulsed frequencies to the powerlines
CFL and some LED lightbulbs, dimmer switches
Light Dimmer Switches
Wireless technology (all wireless frequencies conduct along copper wiring to some extent)
As you’ll see in the video below, the AC field of 60 Hz, combined with a dirty electrical field, will couple with the AM radio on the 530 AM channel (500,000 Hz). I know that there is a dirty electrical field for the following reasons - before I took this video I shut off the power, and then read the ambient field on my Trifield TF2 meter, plus, the radio was still giving off static noise.
I can confirm that at least the microsurges of dirty electricity are at a low level from the Stetzer meter. However, if there are any wiring errors in the home, then Stetzer filters can create another issue known as dirty magnetic fields.
Electrical wires are always paired (positive and negative), so the magnetic fields created by flowing electricity in each wire cancel each other out because each wire flows in the opposite direction. When a circuit is mis-wired, electricity can leak down the wrong wire or into a water pipe, causing the whole length of that wire or pipe to generate large magnetic fields — as big as the room or even the entire house!
We’ll be covering common wiring errors, and how you can address them with your electrician during our EMF 101 Masterclass, set to launch February 26th!
Moral of the story: make sure your electrical wiring is grounded and run properly!
Do Electric Vehicles (EV) emit dirty electricity?
You can bet your zapped rear-end bottom dollar they do.
In our research on dirty electricity, we came across a presentation done by the Center for Automotive Research9 for EV manufacturers.
Another factor contributing to dirty electricity in EVs and hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) versus cars with traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles, is the growing complexity of onboard electronics. Vehicles like the Tesla can also emit extremely high magnetic fields, which have been linked to cancer.
“EMI can also cause electronics to operate poorly, malfunction, or stop working altogether.” - Center for Automotive Research
Not a wheel I’d want to get behind, would you?
Sources of dirty electricity in EVs:

Where do we go from here?
Well I don’t know about you, but I feel quite dirty after reading this.
Why not harness the EMF we can control, our corazón?
Did you know our heart fields have a magnetic field that goes out in a horizontal plane? Collagen molecules, which are an electronic processor of information for our body, and our most abundant protein, align themselves vertically when we stand up straight. Each protein of collagen arranges itself in a helix, and is surrounded by a layer of water.
Why would Nature have put this field in this position?

“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” - Albert Szent-Györgyi
Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi believed that our bodies are arranged this way to drive a process known as syntropy (the opposite of entropy/chaos), which is a way Nature drives evolution uses to perfect Nature itself. 10
God’s aetheric spiral dance:
Spirals are everywhere in nature, from galaxies - hurricanes to human structure and movement to subatomic particles. Electrons are spinning. Protons are spinning. Magnetic fields are vortices. Light travels in a spiral (this is sometimes referred to as the “cosmic corkscrew”).
The light that comes from a distant star does not come to your eye in a straight line – it spirals through space, which itself has a spiral grain or fabric (Ginzburg 1996, 2002).
Light spirals into the eye through the cornea.11
EMFs are both particle and wave, and travel to us in the form of a vortex.
Based on the HeartMath charts of frequency noted above, our emotions emit EMF. Why not leverage the human power we do have, and amplify the magnetic field of our heart? This is an EMF “harmonizer” that works, is free, and I stand behind.
If all else fails, dance like Jean Claude in Kickboxer. Feel that vortex?
Quantum Darwinism: Spiritual Evolution
If God is unconditional Love, then God is the verb that connotes action. There is no life without movement. How does the aetheric force within us move life, and love itself?
A theory I whole-heartedly embrace is that our heart’s magnetic field has been placed this way in order for us to make heartful connections with other people. By contrast, the heart fields of four-legged animals project downward toward the earth.12
Could this be why we feel so well with our best canine friends under our feet, especially at the beach or at the park?
This one’s for you Matty.
Your tiny heart created a paradise for everyone who knew you.
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We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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Additional Resources:
The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Research on low-level radiation:
The Soviet studies of the 1960s and 1970s found that workers exposed to the lowest power had the most symptoms:
Sadchikova, M.N. State of the nervous system under the influence of UHF. In The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, A.A. Letavet and Z.V. Gordon, eds., Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 1960, pp. 25-29.
Sadchikova, M.N. Clinical manifestations of reactions to microwave irradiation in various occupational groups. In Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Warsaw, 15-18 Oct., 1973, P. Czerski et al., eds., pp. 261-267 (1974).
Dr. Abraham Lilienfeld's study of Moscow embassy employees during the period 1953-1976 found that employees exposed to the lowest power had the most symptoms:
Lilienfeld, Abraham, MD. Evaluation of Health Status of Foreign Service and Other Employees from Selected Eastern European Posts, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, PB 288-163, July 31, 1978.
A review of 113 published studies found that radiation with the lowest power caused the greatest ecological damage:
S. Cucurachi et al. A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Environment International 51: 116-140 (2013).
A review of 108 experimental studies found that the lowest exposure levels had the greatest biological effects:
Andrew Wood, Rohan Mate and Ken Karipidis. Meta-analysis of in vitro and in vivo studies of the biological effects of low-level millimetre waves. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 31: 606–613 (2021).
Oschmann, James, Energy Medicine, London: Churchill Livingstone, 2000
Lipton, B. The Biology of Belief. Hay House. 2016
Dispenza, J. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Hay House. 2013
Szent-Györgyi, 1977.
What an informative and well-written article. Thank you for directing my attention to it, Roman. I see that Gary Sharpe, who I read, has already been here and it seems like Frances Leader and Pasheen Stonebrooke might be reading you. I heard The Heartmath Institute at a local TEDtalk, so I think they may be located near me in Santa Cruz. Everything you're saying makes sense.
Awesome article, now to get this information to more and more people. thank you Roman!