The Power Couple by Roman Shapoval
The Power Couple
How EMF changes our DNA

How EMF changes our DNA

The role of electricity in chronic fatigue / How EMF impacts epigenetics

Here’s what we discussed:

  • How our bodies electrical field resonates with our home wiring

  • How thoughts and emotions carry informational genetic triggers

  • How EMFs bypass our immune system more effectively than chemicals

  • How to keep our DNA crystalline & pure

We are more powerful than we know


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Additional resources:

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

On body voltage:
Studies on EMF-cell communication:

ELF (home wiring) and RF (cell phones, Wi-Fi) affect on DNA stress:

Blank and Goodman 2009

EMFs as superior messengers of cellular information vs chemicals or hormones:

Liboff 2004

McClare 1974

Electro-conformational coupling: Tsong 1989

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The Power Couple by Roman Shapoval
The Power Couple
Regenerating modern humans by repurposing our ancestral past, and the primal relationship we have with ourselves.
We discuss everything from how to use sunlight effectively, improve sleep, and harness healthy relationships. All relationships start with you.
You are more powerful than you know.