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Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
1. How we receive abundance in times of scarcity
2. How apples were used as a remedy at Chernobyl
3. Why EMFs are a silent leaking nuclear reactor
4. Why eating amygdalin helps regulate our brain’s amygdala
5. How B17 fights cancer
6. How research into laetrile was suppressed
7. 6 amazing ways we use apples
8. The occult religious symbolism of apples
8. JOIN the waitlist: EMF 101 Course
Our favorite superfood isn’t some exotic berry from the rainforest - it’s the humble apple.
Appreciating the small things leads to bushels of health
Here’s a video of Bohdanna and I picking apples along our local trail…for free!
Apple Pectin used for victims of Chernobyl
Did you know that apple pectin has the ability to sweep out radioactive dust particles from our intestines?
“Apple pectin was used in the aftermath of Chernobyl to reduce the load of radioactive cesium in children.”
-Jon Barron, nutraceutical researcher
In April 1986, a catastrophic explosion of a reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant left a devastating legacy in the north of Ukraine. Thousands of people, including many children were exposed to extremely high levels of radiation as a result.
A study led by V.B. Nesterenko at the Belrad Institute of Radiation Safety was performed to see if orally administered apple pectin was effective in binding radioactive cesium in the gut to food contaminated by radiation, or if eating "clean," non-contaminated food was enough. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving children from contaminated villages near the disaster area.
Why apples? In the digestive tract, apple pectin swells, forming a gel which acts like a broom to sweep the entire intestinal tract of waste material and body fat.
Radiation levels were measured at the beginning of the study and one month later. At the end of the trial, radioactive cesium levels in children who were given apple pectin were reduced by 62%.1
Binding is only one critical part of the detox process, which pectin supports. If you need help understanding how to support your body in detox, I suggest checking out the page of
. takes not only a holistic view when it comes to individual health, but also critically looks at which supplements may be doing more harm than good.If pectin can treat heavy metals like cesium, it can also limit our load of other heavy metals like strontium90 and aluminum, which pervades our atmosphere. EMFs act on these magnetic metals, which creates more free radicals and inflammation in our bodies.
Radiation from the nuclear bomb in your hand
I can hear the critics now…
“Roman…isn’t it deceptive to conflate EMFs from cell phones, which is non-ionizing (doesn’t move ions in our bodies directly, not damaging our DNA), with the type of ionizing EMF from gamma rays emitted by radioactive particles?!”
Yes, if you believe the mainstream narrative of non-ionizing radiation from cell phones being harmless. The sad fact is that this type of radiation was proven to cause DNA strand breaks2 as far back as 1998 by credible independent scientists like Henry Lai:
Big Tech used the playbook of Big Tobacco to discredit his work, along with other independent scientists.
Can apple seeds kill cancer?
But Roman…don’t they contain cyanide?!!!
Yes! That’s why I love them.
The cyanide these seeds contain are toxic.
Toxic to cancer cells.
This type of hydrogen cyanide is part of a naturally occurring chemical compound called amygdalin, found in many plants, most notably in the seeds (kernels) of apricots, bitter almonds, apples, peaches, cherries, and plums.
The cave you fear to enter…
holds the almond treasure you seek the most.
The amygdala is commonly known as the ancient part of our brain that is in charge of the fight-flight fear response. However recent research has shown that the amygdala plays a central role in helping other parts of our brain communicate.3 Abnormality in the amygdala may lead to conditions such as depression, anxiety, autism, and Alzheimer’s.
Our amygdala is shaped like an almond, which is the same shape as an apple seed.
Give more and mTor apple seeds
Frequently activated in cancer, the mTOR gene controls cell growth and metabolism. Research on levels of mTOR in the amygdala show that an imbalance of mTOR can lead to many states of disease.
Amygdalin has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of breast cancer cells, lung cancer cells and bladder cancer cells by decreased expression of the mTOR pathway, which may consequently lead to inhibition of metastases of cancer cells.4
Isn’t it a fascinating coincidence that the seed of our brain is located in the pit of our skull, just like an apple? We’ll get into some more apple symbolism and myths behind this forbidden fruit at the end, but first, let’s discuss the juicy details of B17.
What is B17?
Many of us have heard of B12. If you’ve read some of my articles, like the one on DC Magnetic Fields, you’ll know that B12 not only helps us grow our nervous system when we’re in Sunlight, but can also be destroyed by artificial blue light as well.
But what is B17?
Although technically not a vitamin, B17 was the name given to amygdalin by bio-chemist Dr. Ernst T. Krebs (founder of the Krebs cycle - remember high school biology?) in 1952.
Ready to jump down the apple rabbit hole?
Laetrile, the extract form of Vitamin B17, can help prevent cancer.
One way is through the enzyme rhodanese.
Amygdalin consists of toxic substances such as hydrogen cyanide.
Cyanide in amygdalin only attacks cancer cells.
Still with me? Ok…
Healthy cells contain the enzyme rhodanese.
Rhodanese protects the cells by neutralizing the cyanide in amygdalin.
Cancer cells do not have rhodanese.
So, where do we find B17?
You can find B17 in the bitter-tasting foods that many of us don’t like to eat, like apricot kernels.
In order to improve taste of certain foods, the food industry has eliminated the bitter substances in food.
Suppression of Cancer Research
From the article B17 / Laetrile: The Alternative Cancer Treatment Suppressed For Over 50 Years:5
“When the powerful cancer-fighting properties of Amygdalin / B17 were discovered, the next logical step was to extract and administer this substance in concentrated doses much higher than you can get from eating the seeds, and that’s what Dr. Ernst T. Krebs began to do.
Laetrile is the clinical name given to concentrated B17 for use in IV injections for medical treatment, which was patented by Krebs.
In the 1950’s and 1960’s word began to spread about the success of cancer treatments using laetrile, and although it was not approved for treatment by the FDA, doctors like John A. Richardson M.D. began using it “illegally” to treat patients at his clinic in San Francisco, and it was working remarkably better than orthodox treatments. “
His success with laetrile is documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving, R.N. Originally written in 1977, the book was updated in 2005 with follow ups on the patients they treated; many of whom are still alive!
The use of Laetrile has been repeatedly denounced by various researchers and industry organizations as one of the biggest frauds and quackery in the history of modern medicine.
Researchers like these fine fellows in the attached picture below (read the caption):
That’s right, the same doctors that first demonized Laetrile in 1953, also sang the praises of cigarettes!
In 1972 Sloan Kettering commissioned Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, their top researcher with over 60 years experience in cancer research to conduct tests over a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977 to determine the effectiveness of Laetrile in cancer treatment.
The Conclusions of Sugiura’s work were that laetrile:
inhibited the growth of tumors
stopped the spread (metastasising) of cancer in mice
relieved pain
assisted in cancer-prevention
improved general health
However, at the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 Sloan Kettering released a press statement that said,
“…laetrile was found to possess neither preventative, nor tumor-regressive, nor anti-metastatic, nor curative anticancer activity.”
After having his five years of research completely railroaded, Dr. Sugiura was asked by a reporter,
“Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer?”
He replied famously, “I stick.”
Ralph Moss, head of Public Relations at Sloan Kettering protested against the cover up, blew the whistle in a press conference on November 18, 1977, and was fired the next day.
In his words, he was fired for, “failing to carry out my most basic job responsibility, which means to lie when your boss tells you to”.
Two more “definitive” studies were published in 1978 and 1982 showing that laetrile “does not work”. These are the Big Two that the industry still cites today.
In a nutshell, these studies used already terminally-ill patients, and also reduced the potency of the beneficial Laetrile in question.
Dr. Stephen Krashen Ph.D. from the University of California produced two papers in 2009 showing that both those studies were designed to fail.
6 amazing ways we use apples:
If I had to have a last meal, it would be apple pie. This is why we can apple pie filling, along with these other uses for apples:
1. Apple cider vinegar:
So easy, just add apple scraps, water, and honey/sugar and leave apples submerged for 3 weeks. Then strain the remaining liquid, discard the apples, and wait another 3 weeks. BAM! You have a load of nutritious vinegar to last you through the Great Reset and beyond.
2. Apple sauce as a 1:1 substitute for oil in baking (adds moisture)
3. Dried apple slices
Dried apple slices are super-chewy, and Bohdanna’s favorite ingredient for her apple cinnamon almond cookies.
The best cookies I’ve ever had, hands down.
4. “Dutchbaby” sourdough starter apple pancake.
So easy to make and digest. Extra butter please. Email me for the recipe or leave a comment:
5. Apple sauce for dessert (keep the seeds in while cooking, then blend)
6. Apple Pie!
Apples - the forbidden hidden fruit:
You’ll notice that many churches also have the top-half of this almond / vesica structure throughout their design.

To treat our body like our temple, maybe we need to eat more almonds and apple seeds?
From The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myth and Secrets:
“When gypsies and witches cut the apple transversely, the magic pentacle, or sign of goddess Kore (Core) was revealed. Just as Kore the Virgin was hidden in the heart of Mother Earth (Demeter) and represented the World Soul, so her pentacle was hidden in the apple. In Christian iconography, the apple sign represents the Virgin concealed within the Mother.
The five-pointed star in a circle was also the Egyptian hieroglyph for the underworld womb, where resurrection was brought about by the mother-heart of ‘transformations.’ “
Apples represent perfect magnetic fields
Research has shown that our hearts emanate an EMF torus field, similar to that of an apple. Torus fields are found everywhere in nature, and facilitate regeneration in humans, plants, and animals. Trees have them, and so do, well, apples!

Humans and animals resonate with these types of fields, as described in this article:
Can apples make you immortal?
Probably not. However they can potentially lead to a longer, healthier life. The Norse Goddess Idunn (pronounced Ih-dune) is a fertility goddess in Norse mythology who holds the apples of eternal youth the gods rely on to remain young and healthy.
The Norse gods were not immortal – they just lived very long lives – and the apples of Idunn made this possible.6
An apple a day keeps the EMF doctor away.
Now throw out that phone and dig into that pie. You can have extra since I know, after reading all our articles, that you’re not on your phone and in the Sun instead.
You are more powerful than you know.
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
Start educating yourself today with ancestral strategies!
Check out our 5-Part series on how to treat damage from EMF.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
Support Decentralized Medicine: Donate in Bitcoin.
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The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Additional Resources:
Nesterenko VB, Nesterenko AV, Babenko VI, Yerkovich TV, Babenko IV. Reducing the 137Cs-load in the organism of "Chernobyl" children with apple-pectin. Swiss Med Wkly. 2004 Jan 10;134(1-2):24-7. doi: 10.4414/smw.2004.10223. PMID: 14745664.
Nikolenko VN, Oganesyan MV, Rizaeva NA, Kudryashova VA, Nikitina AT, Pavliv MP, Shchedrina MA, Giller DB, Buligin KV, Sinelnikov MY. Amygdala: Neuroanatomical and Morphophysiological Features in Terms of Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Brain Sci. 2020 Jul 31;10(8):502. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10080502. PMID: 32751957; PMCID: PMC7465610.
Ignácio ZM, Réus GZ, Arent CO, Abelaira HM, Pitcher MR, Quevedo J. New perspectives on the involvement of mTOR in depression as well as in the action of antidepressant drugs. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 Nov;82(5):1280-1290. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12845. Epub 2016 Jan 8. PMID: 26613210; PMCID: PMC5061805.
Apple Pectin binds Graphene Oxide into carbon nanotube lattices, especially in bone marrow. Not what you want to accomplish in an Electrical 5G environment. Footnote enclosed...
Thank you!
So funny that you bade us to go out into the sun.
Melatonin stimulates postharvest ripening of apples by up-regulating gene expression of ethylene synthesis enzymes
"In apple there is some evidence that melatonin may play an important role in growth and ripening, acting as an antioxidant and ROS scavenger molecule (Lei et al., 2013), as has also been described for cucumber, grape, tomato and cherry (Manchester et al., 2000, Burkhardt et al., 2001, Okazaki and Ezura, 2009, Vitalini et al., 2011)."