Why are America's dogs dying?
The role of copper | How EMFs affect our immune system
What we’ll learn in this article:
1. How our genetic environment controls our immune system
2. How mitochondrial DNA determines disease outcomes
3. How do our immune systems produce the energy they need?
4. How do EMFs affect bacteria?
5. Why dogs in Oregon may be more sick
6. How does copper support EMF health?
7. How mainstream science aims to make artificial DNA with copper
8. A prayer for Copper, America’s Dog.
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The other day, a colleague of mine sent me a link to an article, “The Race to Find What’s Making America’s Dogs Sick”.
Over the past few months, a mystery respiratory illness has ravaged the American canine. This disease is similar to kennel cough, though symptoms tend to be more severe, last longer, and aren’t responsive to the common antibiotics used to treat this known illness.
In some cases, this new disease has been fatal. Veterinarians across the country don’t know what is causing it, but theorize it could be from an unfamiliar bacteria.
Thought to be a cause of respiratory infections in a wide range of mammals, Bordetella bronchiseptica isn’t typically found in humans, however has been discovered in immunocompromised patients (Woolfrey and Moody, 1991).
The key to remember in the above example of the immunocompromised is that the current state of our society’s health dictates how harmful these pathogens can be, versus the pathogens themselves determining the state of our health.
Our epigenetic immune system
Did you know that only five percent of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to heredity?1
Epigenetics is the study of how our genes are modified by our environment.
Did you also know that non-native EMFs from Wi-Fi and cellular produce oxidative stress in the body2, which in turn creates an immune response?
As part of this immune response, a type of white blood cell may be formed, called a monocyte, which then helps us fight infection.
Sounds pretty good so far, right?
Not so fast with that scrolling little finger of yours.
Wait, if you’re a subscriber of ours, you’re scrolling with a mouse on a hard-wired desktop, right?
When these monocytes are activated, we alter our genes.3 Certain genes, like MHC1, allow the immune and nervous system to develop.
When MHC is overwhelmed from EMFs, proteins like IL-1, which reduce inflammation, are thrown out of balance. As a result, chronic illnesses like osteoporosis as well as autoimmune diseases persist, as we create what’s known as inflammasomes.4 Toward the end of this article, we’ll also learn how conditions like osteoporosis can be created through a weakened immune system as our bodies lose the ability to use copper effectively.
A Pioneer of Epigenetic Research
Douglas C. Wallace founded the field of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetics and demonstrated that epigenetic mtDNA variation has profound implications for human health and disease.5

What impacts out mtDNA the most?
Our environment!
Wallace demonstrated that mtDNAs, when moved to new environments, can predispose us to a wide range of complex diseases. Wallace’s research reviews the relationship between mitochondrial energy production, and gene expression.
How do mitochondria produce energy?
We know that EMFs disrupt normal energy production of our mitochondria by impairing the basis of cellular metabolism - the electron transport chain (ECT). 6 This process occurs in the mitochondria, as cytochrome c oxidase, the final enzyme required to complete this chain, no longer functions correctly due to a lack of sufficient oxygen.
Heme is a protein we use to not only oxygenate our blood as it’s also necessary for the ECT to work. Cytochrome c contains a heme iron metal center that is essential to its function.

Heme allows for electrons to be donated, which ultimately gives us energy in the form of ATP, our cells’ universal energy source.
Are we giving you flashbacks of that biology class yet? Good! My eyes always glazed over as a teenage student anyway, so here’s to karma.
Magnetic fields will also create what’s called a “Fenton reaction” whereupon EMFs act on iron and create stress on our cells in the form of free radicals, which tend to cause inflammation.7
Our brains are also loaded with magnetite, a type of iron.
Could it be any wonder that we have brain fog, abrupt mood changes, and neurological disorders from these alien fields?
How do EMFs affect our bacteria?
If you read our previous article on EMF and Lyme Disease, you’ll know how even extremely low frequencies (ELF) from our home wiring can create bacterial resistance, as well as facilitate the growth of pathogenic strains of bacteria such as E. coli.8
As far back as 1978, researchers such as Yuri Udinstev found that the concentration of bacteria needed to kill mice was only one-fifth of that needed in an environment without any ELF present.9
We do know that EMFs such as those from radiofrequency (RF) of Wi-Fi and cell phones can impair our immune system and stimulate cancer growth10 11 12 , and affects all mammals.13 14
Our electrical habitat experienced a radical shift during World War II, with the introduction of new technologies such as radar.
Should we be surprised then at the onslaught of “new” ailments that started around 1950 and rapidly accelerated from there?
Even new maladies have recently been described “as coming from pathogens that previously weren’t capable of inducing disease.”
Among some of these modern diseases are:
Lyme disease. A virus disease carried by certain insects, it produces severe arthritis in humans. It’s one of several similar illnesses that have appeared only recently.
Legionnaire’s disease. This is a pneumonia caused by a common soil bacterium that has found a second home in air-conditioning systems, an organism that caused no recognized problems before the initial outbreak in Philadelphia in 1976.
AIDS. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is a condition in which the body’s immune system fails completely. The patient is unable to resist common, otherwise harmless bacteria and viruses, and can no longer suppress the seeds of cancer that reside in all of us.
Vets across the US search for the mystery bug
David Needle, senior veterinary pathologist at the University of New Hampshire, is leading the nationwide search for the cause of the mystery respiratory illness affecting America’s dogs. Needle’s theory is that this potential pathogen has coexisted with dogs for thousands of years, but at some point it evolved the ability to cause disease “either by mutating or acquiring a gene from another bacteria.”
Needle believes the increase in this respiratory illness could be the result of a busier summer season, when dogs were out in public and interacting more heavily. He maintains there may also be other unidentified respiratory pathogens affecting dogs right now.
I agree - the dogs have been interacting, with radiofrequency. How many dogs have been locked in their homes, breathing stale air, and compromising their immune system as they take 5G baths that they can’t scamper their paws out of?
The exponential increase of EMFs such as 5G, which includes not only phones but thousands of low-orbitting satellites, disrupts the global electric circuit and also combines to create an even more virulent EMF toxin known as dirty electricity.
Yes, a pathogen could certainly be a potential cause of this mystery illness.
Is anyone asking:
What is causing this bacteria to now be especially pathogenic?
“The thing we found … it seems like it would be something that is really host-adapted and has evolved along with its host for a very long time—like thousands and thousands of years.”
-David Needle, University of New Hampshire. (source)
A clue in Oregon
Cases of this illness have been most rampant in Oregon. The state’s Department of Agriculture began receiving reports of unusual canine respiratory infections back in August. Over two hundred dogs with a similar illness have been reported in the state at present, and similar cases have appeared in multiple other states.15
If you haven’t read The Invisible Rainbow by
then I would highly recommend you do so, if you are even slightly interested in how electricity and new magnetic fields around us may be impacting the health of your animals.A synopsis of how all outbreaks of influenza (from the “influence” of the stars) is related to variations of both native (sunspot and space weather) and non-native EMFs (radio, radar, Wi-Fi) is given in the following article:
Microwaves create stress for our immune system, and wireless technologies like 5G are a form of microwave radiation, which has been shown to damage our DNA.16
Dogflu.com, a website of pharmaceutical giant Merck, lists the following areas (in red and yellow) as most affected. As it turns out, these are the same areas of Oregon laden with 5G (fifth-generation) wireless infrastructure:

Our copper-silver lining
Remember how we discussed the way EMFs disrupt the iron our electron transport chain needs to function? There is another metal that plays a role in this electric ballet.
Copper helps us form red blood cells, absorb and use iron, and helps us make life-sustaining proteins and enzymes like cytochrome c oxidase, which in turn regulate nerve transmission, blood clotting and oxygen transport. Systemic copper deficiency often leads to iron deficiency.
What do our mitochondria need to work?
Sing it with me my Powerful Humans!
Copper also stimulates the immune system to fight infections, repairs injured tissues and promotes regenerative healing in bone
However, an imbalance of copper can lead to all sorts of ailments such as anemia, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, along with DNA damage.1718 Metals like copper also absorb microwave radiation. 19 This could help explain why so many copper imbalances are prevalent today in the Age of 5G Satellites.
Scientists have found that they can even make synthetic DNA using copper. 20 2122 This is how much our DNA has an affinity for this metal, and why it needs to be kept in check with the right type of lab work. Hair samples of new growth often yield the most accurate result. I like Can Alt Labs out of Canada. Here’s what one of their sample lab results from hair analysis looks like:

Are you the carpenter of your copper DNA destiny?
Dr. Robert Becker, an American orthopedic surgeon and pioneer in the field of bioelectromagnetics, conducted extensive research on copper and bone regeneration in his seminal work The Body Electric. Becker found that apatite crystal, the area of our bone which connects with our most abundant protein collagen, was held together by two copper atoms.
“The electrical forces of this copper bond held the crystals and fibers together much as wooden pegs fastened the pieces of antique furniture to each other.”
-Robert O. Becker, M.D.
Osteoporosis, whereupon our bones become fragile, brittle, and more likely to break, has concerned astronauts of the American and Russian space programs.
“As [space] flights got longer, doctors found that more and more apatite was lost from the bones, and that depletion of the bone’s calcium reservoir might affect the nervous system and muscular efficiency.”
Space osteoporosis may result from unnatural currents induced in bone by a spacecraft’s rapid motion through earth’s magnetic field, with a polarity reversal every half orbit.”
Where else do polarity reversals occur all the time?
In our home wiring, which cycles 60 times per second (60 Hz) with electromagnetic pulses.
A common reason given of why astronauts lose bone mass is pinned on the lack of weight-bearing exercise under the presence of gravity. However where does gravity come from?
Where does anti-gravity also originate?
The electromagnetic force is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that’s one undecillion) times stronger than the gravitational force.23
EMF is the Sun of gravity’s planet.
With the number of low-orbiting satellites now exceeding one million24, what planet, and magnetic field, will we be living in?
I have reached out to David Needle at the University of New Hampshire for comment, but have yet to receive a reply.
This article, and its research, was inspired by Copper, a tan-and-brown mixed-breed, who spent October fighting for his life due to this mystery illness.
A moment of silence.
If you’ve read this far, we ask that you close your eyes, and send a prayer of loving kindness and compassion to Copper, right now. May we be his best friend, as much as he is ours.
You are more powerful than you know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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Additional Resources:
The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Willett, Walter C. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science 2002 Apr 26;296 (5568):695-8
Igor Yakymenko, Olexandr Tsybulin, Evgeniy Sidorik, Diane Henshel, Olga Kyrylenko & Sergiy Kyrylenko (2016) Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 35:2, 186-202, DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1043557
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Yu Chen, Zhongzhen Cai, Qian Feng, Peng Gao, Yongdong Yang, Xuemei Bai & Bruce Q. Tang | Tianzhu Zang (Reviewing editor) (2019) Evaluation of the extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) on the growth of bacteria Escherichia coli, Cogent Biology, 5:1, DOI: 10.1080/23312025.2019.1625104
Becker, Robert O. The Body Electric. 1985
Anghileri LJ, Mayayo E, Domingo JL, Thouvenot P. Evaluation of health risks caused by radio frequency accelerated carcinogenesis: the importance of processes driven by the calcium ion signal. Eur J Cancer Prev. 15(3):191-195, 2006.
Boscol P, Di Sciascio MB, D'Ostilio S, Del Signore A, Reale M, Conti P, Bavazzano P, Paganelli R, Di Gioacchino M. Effects of electromagnetic fields produced by radiotelevision broadcasting stations on the immune system of women. Sci Total Environ 273(1-3):1-10, 2001.
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Zothansiama, Mary Zosangzuali, Miriam Lalramdinpuii & Ganesh Chandra Jagetia (2017) Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 36:3, 295-305, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2017.1350584
Govindaraju M, Shekar HS, Sateesha SB, Vasudeva Raju P, Sambasiva Rao KR, Rao KSJ, Rajamma AJ. Copper interactions with DNA of chromatin and its role in neurodegenerative disorders. J Pharm Anal. 2013 Oct;3(5):354-359. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2013.03.003. Epub 2013 Apr 28. PMID: 29403839; PMCID: PMC5760996.
Ruiz LM, Libedinsky A, Elorza AA. Role of Copper on Mitochondrial Function and Metabolism. Front Mol Biosci. 2021 Aug 24;8:711227. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.711227. PMID: 34504870; PMCID: PMC8421569.
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Lilliana I. Moreno, Bruce R. McCord,Understanding metal inhibition: The effect of copper (Cu2+) on DNA containing samples, Forensic Chemistry, Volume 4, 2017,Pages 89-95, ISSN 2468-1709, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forc.2017.03.005
Müller, J. Metals line up for DNA. Nature 444, 698 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1038/444698a
The poor animals also eat processed food; kind of the same that is used for harming humans.
Oh, and they are receiving the same toxic concoctions for "vaccines."
Should we be wearing copper then? Or a supplement? Please advise