What EMF experts can we trust?
Common sources of magnetic fields in the kitchen | My presentation for Freedom Hub
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. Why living in an echo chamber is a good thing
2. How wireless = wired connections of wireless radiation
3. Can kitchen appliances cause cancer?
4. My presentation with members of the Freedom Hub movement
5. What EMF experts can we trust in the Wireless Wild West?
6. Who are some of our best allies in the EMF Health movement?
7. Our podcast with Dr. Jack Kruse
8. Some cheesy movie clips that still inspire me
“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”
~ Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome (161–180)
When thoughts and ideas bounce around in an echo chamber, they may stay within that sphere of friends, politicians, or community for a while.
Until they echo out for All to hear.
Anyone who wants to dispute the effectiveness of an echo chamber just needs to look at The Great Pyramids. Modern scientists and practitioners of energy medicine are discovering that these structures were used to create resonance between Heaven and Earth, as those pyramids are aligned perfectly with stars and constellations like Sirius and Canis Major.
As a result, the Pyramids were able to create a powerfully coherent electromagnetic signal outside of them, which led to improved health for outlying inhabitants, as well as voracious plant growth.1

resonance (n.)
from Latin resonantia "an echo," from resonare "to sound again, sound back" (see resound).2
You see - echos are not only sounds that reverberate, but are prolonged as a consequence of being literally re-sounded.
When we resonate our messages, we also extend the time they exist within our collective consciousness.
As a result we amplify our dépêche to the Divine.
The ocean, CNN, and Vatican Radio all reverberate their messages within.
Even though we think it’s somehow not healthy, or politically expedient to live in an echo chamber, the halls of power prove to us this is not so.
To concerned humans living in the Age of EMF, what is our hall of power?
Our message of regeneration.
Many like to groan about the cell tower down the block, while doing so on an X app from the comfort of our living room. The hearts, minds, and dinner tables of americana have become electronic cannon fodder for Verizon & public utility companies.
Lockdowns created a niche market of instagrammable fear, as many complained and broadcasted aspersions of conspiracies from their homes, which served to enrich companies that sold us social media apps, powered by a cellular infrastructure.
Our electrical wires emit wireless radiation
What many of us have forgotten is that since 2020, not only did EMFs from 5G increase exponentially, so did the power density change of all EMFs in our environment. After all, cell towers aren’t powered wirelessly - they still need to be plugged into the electrical grid.
According to telecommunications firm MTN Consulting, a typical 5G cell tower consumes up to twice or more the power of a 4G base station. The industry consensus is that 5G will double to triple energy consumption for mobile phone companies.3
The longer we stayed home and allowed Amazon Cloud Services and Facebook to glean their fair share of private data from us, the more electric utility companies could charge us for increased power consumption as we used our kitchens as an office, or ran appliances more than usual. Increased wireless use fed the belly of the wired electrical beast we call the power grid.
The collateral damage of this wireless mesh is a digital gulag that entangles us not only in webs of Wi-Fi radiation, but embroils us in clouds of dirty electric and dirty magnetic fields radiating out from our home’s power outlets and appliances.
Utility companies in the US, unlike other countries, use the ground as the return path for residential electricity, rather than a return cable. This creates a landscape laden with stray current in the form of dirty electricity, which electrifies our soil and creates denser amounts of electromagnetically-polluted neighborhoods.
Why is this relevant?
When we stay home, we tend to use our appliances more often. This is why overall EMFs tend to be higher in residential neighborhoods during the weekend. Magnetic fields dictate how our bodies’ electrical fields function, and for this reason can exacerbate cancer in the body.
What generates massive amounts of magnetic fields?
Our appliances (when switched on).
Can common kitchen appliances cause cancer?
Here are three instances of me being exposed to extremely high magnetic fields just as a result of making my morning coffee:
Many EMF researchers will tell you about the inverse-square law, which dictates that distance from a source of wireless radiation like a cell tower is your friend. While that may be true, if we are constantly bringing those sources into our homes, then distance is no longer our ally, but our silent adversary. This is why knowing who we can trust when dealing with these implicit electrical assassins is paramount.
Here are some other common sources of AC magnetic fields in our home:
In the Wireless Wild West, who can you trust?
Who are some of our most trusted allies in the fervent fight to reclaim our spiritual coherence in the midst of wireless radiation?
Those who embrace solutions by abandoning their armchair, and finding the front lines of battle, and taking personal responsibility for their health.
I recently was invited by
, , and of to give a talk4 on the Building Biology approach5 to EMF, and how we can apply practical, affordable solutions in our every day lives:My presentation for Freedom Hub:
Allies towing the line for Health Freedom
I’ve taken a lot of flak recently, especially after writing articles and doing podcasts on why we need to be wary of shielding products, and “earthing” sheets, as the Earth is not a sponge, as many other EMF advocates or marketeers will have you believe.
The Earth, and our bodies, are a conductor of electricity. This is why some products need to be approached with caution. That’s why I trust other EMF professionals like Paul Harding who promote a less-is-more approach as I do, accounting for rarely-acknowledged EMF toxins like contact current.
Who are some of our other allies that are building a magnetic shield wall in the Age of Light?
of ofLast but not least
, who inspired us to help others use light as a free antidote we can all use to heal, and who we interviewed last week!Podcast with Uncle Jack:
In the end - Trust no one… but Nature.
When all else fails, if you don’t trust me, trust yourself and the gladiator of Nature:
Who else can you trust?
Your little friend - common sense.
Unplug your power at night, and plug into Nature.
Thank you to all our readers and students, who trust us to help them heal.
Together, we are more powerful than we know.
andIf you’ve found this article valuable, would you consider sharing it?
What EMF experts do you trust, and why?
Join the next semester of EMF 101.
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What can we do to minimize 5G?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
We’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives during EMF 101.
Our course has launched already, but you can join the waitlist for the next round!
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Additional Resources:
Other EMF allies:
On blenders, magnetic fields, and Parkinson’s:
I am a certified Building Biology Advocate (BBA), not a certified Building Biologist as the video states.
Thank-you for your post. I have learned so much more about EMF exposure over the last few years. I am aware of the damages that it can cause. I am also aware of the hidden dangers of G5 towers, I have seen cropping up all over Southwestern Ontario over the last few years. I am also more aware of geoengineering. I am now seeing the connection between geoengineering and EMF. It angers me to see all that governments have over the years that damages the health of people.
I am honored to be included in your trusted list 💗 thanks Roman!