Hello Powerful Humans!
On today’s episode we discuss:
What Stars Wars has to do with mental health
What is “The Force”?
What Star Wars can teach us about our own hero’s journey
Egyptian origins of the Jedi:
credit: Robert Gilbert, Sacred Geometry Gaia Series ; The Djed Pillar compared to the hilt of the light saber How
and I apply principles of the Hero’s Journey to tackle mental obstacles in our own lives
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by , who offers quick, effective insights into how we can all leverage the power of Ikigai in our daily lives.Many of David’s articles, such as this one, offers simple yet profound questions we can all ask ourselves to help us along our Hero Quest:
The man who helped inspire George Lucas to write Star Wars:
You are more powerful than you know.
Bohdanna & Roman
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Show notes:
Star Wars Exhibit detailing Hero’s Journey - US National Air & Space Museum
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